Download music from all my "bands" here. -- All mp3's are of the lowest quality to keep the download time low. They still sound good though.

Note: some of these are incompleate, most notably the songs from the uinderdestruction project,

Title Description Project
Run Breathing machinery, in your bedroom. Nina (Working Title) - This is a project using "nina's" poetry.
I exist Voodoo drums, knackered machinery and accoustic guitars. Nina (Working Title) - This is a project using "nina's" poetry.
The walls Youre a gateway into hell! Nina (Working Title) - This is a project using "nina's" poetry.
Replicator Guitars in the steelworks. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.
uterus Whales, atomic warfare, and destruction. I actually had a visual component to go with this (i.e. a video). But lost it. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.
TheChair DIY brain surgery by Black and Decker. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.
Cyphersex A breathing doorway between our worlds. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.
Inception Raw computer data and guitars. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.
Untitled A soundtrack to armagedon. And the last thing i done for that project before feeling too burnt out. Underdestruction - this project started in the summer 2000 but had to be suspended at the end of 2000 as i was far to burnt out. I'll restart work on it later this year.

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