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Muse's Page

11:25 PM 9-5-02
i fixed the links page and put up my new school schedule. i was just too lazy to do the links page right. hope you're all doing well. later.
9:35 PM 7-6-02
damn. the site is directing you to my index page rather than the frames page that i want it to, and my trusty tech support guy hasn't called me like he was supposed to. (ahem.) so until i get his help, i'll give you this handy little link to the site.
10:03 PM 7-5-02
as you couldn't possibly miss, i've come up with a framed site. hopefully, you'll like it much more than the original, because it is much easier to navigate. if you don't like it, send me an email to bitch. i'm not going to do anything about it, but you might feel better. there's also a new links section. check it out.
as far as actual news, i haven't much. i've caved in and agreed to work part time at staples, the office superstore. it sucks ass, but oh well. i'll quit way before i have to go back to school. i'll need to "rest up." let's see, what else? not much that i can think of. i've decided to read Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass this summer, and i just got the reading list for next semester's American Modernism class, so i have plenty of reading material for the rest of the summer. i actually achieved my trip to atlanta, and it was very pleasant. my friend, vivian, actually is planning on visiting here later, in august. as far as important things to accomplish for the rest of the summer, getting my study abroad program picked out is the biggest.
coming to you from my bedroom, this is me, signing off.
1:51 PM 6-3-02
Just a note from home. I'm pretty terrible about keeping this updated, aren't i? sorry. well, so far so good, as far as summer vacations go. i'm just enjoying being without responsibility and such for awhile. i really was burnt out at school. i am, however looking forward to the rest of the summer and my next semester. i'm taking some interesting classes and it'll be (hopefully) a good one. and after that... france! (yay) so things are pretty good right now.
i really would like to put up a links page, but as i'm at my family (mother's) computer right now, i don't have access to my "favorites" on my comp. i'll work on it there soon and get it up.
that's all for now, i believe i shall try to work on this every week. perhaps i'll actually do it. ;)
3:55 PM 4-14-02
hi there, i've updated the schedule section, even though i should be writing two huge papers. ugh. well, it seems that this semester has come and gone rather quickly, and i've done nothing but try to survive. i try to live one day at a time, and so that hasn't boded well for this page. sorry guys, but the massive amount of reading and schoolwork comes before the page. i've also had more than one more or less "emotional" (more more than less) times that i've had to deal with, for myself and for a friend of mine. this has not been an easy semester. i'm comforted by the fact that it's almost over, however.
i'd planned to go to england this summer with the international studies program that was planning the trip, but marian sucks and the trip fell through. now i'm not sure what i'd like to do with my summer. i'm wary about spending it the way i did last summer, miserable, so i'm going to try to do some things differently. i've thought about looking for an internship here in indianapolis in one of the many publishing houses in the area, but i'm not sure if that will work out. i really want to take a trip to atlanta to visit some friends there. if i'm persistent about it, i may be able to pull it off. it would be great! i also need to start investigating some study abroad programs to see which fit my academic needs and such. if i go to france, it will hopefully be spring semester of next year. again, if i'm persistent about these things, i might actually get to go. it's pretty bad when you have to remind yourself not to be lazy about things you really want to do.
i'm hoping that everyone's lives are going well. if i don't talk to you ever/often, i'm sorry but i hope you're doing well. like i said, it's been a terribly hectic semester, plus i'm lazier than i ought to be in times like these. if you have anything to say to me, feel free to drop me a line. i'm trying to switch email addys because advertisers think that kudra23 is male, has a small... you know, is a homeowner, wants to work comfortably at home, etc. so mail me at:
11:49 PM 11-9-01
wondering if i'm still alive? well yes, i am. well, the only person who comes to this page is the one i talk to daily, so it really doesn't matter, but whatever. i've added some images . just a few so far, and i really do realize that the form isn't so great right now. i'm basically just trying to get something new up at the moment. later.
5:19 PM 9-12-01
now we've had the event we will tell our children and grandchilden, "i remember where i was and what i was doing when i heard of the terrorist attacks." i thought my american literature professor, Dr. Anne Reaves, said some wonderful things today about the tragedy. I'll have to paraphrase. She said that life is never and was never safe. Our generation has grown up in an era when people get tens of thousands of dollars because they were burned by mcdonald's coffee. we know of playground lawsuits. throughout history, life has always been full of risks and danger. in modern times, we have tried to push that off and protect ourselves with technology. it just doesn't work. this event is a real wake up call to everyone in the world, especially americans. what really matters in this world is our actions towards others. think of all the petty and nasty things we do to the people around us. dr. reaves mentioned making nasty comments to a cashier who doesn't ring our order up right, or gives us incorrect change. what about the fights we get into with our family members? our relationships with others are what really matters in this life. in earlier times, people looked to disasters as blessings- chastisement from God so they could clean up their act before it was too late. i'm not saying that the terrorist acts were right or that they were anything but horrendous. i only believe we should force good to come out of this disaster. thank you.
7:20 PM 9-4-01
good news! i've just been offered a position as a staff (i.e. paid) usher at the auditorium/performance hall where i've volunteered last semester. :) therefore, there is an update on the schedule page. i'll also stick in the times i'll be at step aerobics as well. i'll almost always go at the scheduled times. (hopefully)
the labor day trip up and back went very well. i didn't get lost or total my vehicle. ;)
that's enough update for now, though. i have to read lots of material for classes tomorrow and i have an english club meeting at eight.
11:31 AM 9-2-01
hey there, a little update from home. i'm not really up to much, but it's amazing how good it feels to be here. i never would have thought...
i'm thinking about a links section, just so you know. not much else is going on. i'll probably look through my pictures here to see if any would be good for a picture section. maybe i'll treat you all to some of 'the mole-baby.' if you're lucky.
10:07 PM 8-28-01
i'm back at school, in case you didn't know, so that means i can easily work on this page in my free time. not that i'll have much, but i'll try to update as much as i can. again, i'm here at marian in indianapolis. i'm singly living in a double room, the reason for which can be found on the faq page. as far as life goes, i'm trying keep things as simple as possible, as far as circumstances allow.
i'm also posting my school schedule . i might also post important dates and such on that page, if i find time to do so. i'd also like to figure out frames so i can make navigation easier. i'll also get to the lab to do some scanning and put up a pics section. that's about it for now.
7:43 PM 7-12-01
gosh, i'm awfully sorry i haven't updated the schedule. got a bit busy. i went to the nurse practitioner yesterday, and she said i'm healthy all over, in case anyone was worried. ;) everything else in my life's going well. i've decided to make schedule a separate page. i'm also adding a link to the faqs page that'll take you to the most recently added qs so you don't have to scroll. but it seems to me that i'll have to create a whole page of new qs in order for it to work the way i want it to. anyone have any suggestions? by the way, i've asked to be off work for august 2-5 (aka Straussenfest). this is not necessarily to go to the 'fest every night, but to give me the freedom to if i so choose. august 11th is my last day of work, and i believe my residence hall opens august 19th. just so you know.
i've added some qs to the faq page. enjoy.
Well, it's up and running, but i'm still adding things. you may want to wait and view the faq page later.

Alright, it seems that some people are already getting bored with my page, even though i know they can read the warning below...
so... i think i'll put in a FAQs page, when i figure out the html for links and such. so send questions! i already have two. :) thank you for the input.

Well, hello there, everyone. 'Tis me, and if you're here, you should know who me is. This newly formed page is not, and i repeat, not in anyway going to rival the other few pages the other few people work on. in fact, this page will be next to nothing during the summer months. i intend to use it solely to post my work schedule and occasional updates. i'm not even trying to do anything interesting yet. when school starts, this might change. anywho, thanks for coming.