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Extreme Chairing!

Extreme Chairing. Words cannot begin to describe this new sport. It was invented jointly in the month of December, year of 2000, in study hall by Clay and friend of Third Rail Justin K, after one of the two fell off his chair. It was then dubbed an "extreme" thing to do, fall off a chair that is, and it was then that Extreme Chairing became a full-blown contact sport. In all aspects of Extreme Chairing, the athlete must eventually fall to the ground. The most popular chair, which is called the "rig", is the classic folding chair. It is the most versatile type and in some events the only suitable one. The events in Extreme Chairing are the Vertical Collapse, the Stunt Jumping, the Sac, the Straightover, and the Twist. The links below contain a little more info and explanation on the event and will eventually harbor some mad nice pics. Stay tuned.

Pictures are on the way as soon as Sean uses his scanner or Clay hooks his up.

Post any and all comments or questions on extreme chairing in the guestbook.

Vertical Collapse

Stunt Jumping

The Sac

The Straightover

The Twist