
Discussion: 1. Mass of anhydrous salt : 313.22 g/mol Mass of salt: 0.75g Number of moles of salt = g/ (g/mol) = 0.75 / 313.22 =0.0024 mol 2. Mass of salt before heating: 0.75g Mass of salt after heating: 0.47g Decrease in Mass: 0.28g Mass of H2O: 18 g/mol Mass of H2O lost: g/ (g/mol) = 0.28 / 18 =0.156 mol 3. Number of water moles : 0.156 Number of unknown salt moles: 0.0024 Ratio of water to salt: 0.156: 0.0024 Therefore: 65 moles of water for every one of salt 4. Total mass of substance: .75g Total mass of water: 0.28 Percent water: (0.28 / 0.75) *100 =37% 5. Mol ratio of salt to water =0.156: 0.0024 Dividing both by smaller number: 0.156 : 0.0024 0.0024 0.0024 =65 : 1 Therefore Unknown Hydrate„³ 65H2O + Anhydrous Salt 6: There were a few sources of error in this experiment, one being the fact that the substance was boiling by the end of the heating process. This could have vaporized the salt, and so the mass at the end of the experiment would be less than if just the water boiled away. Extra substances could have contaminated the anhydrous salt, ones that would not have boiled away like the water. Water vapor from the air could have entered the substance after heating, before it was weighed, adding slightly to the substances¡¦ mass.

YES!!! hahahhahah i got the BIG ribbon... suckers

By now I think most of you have realized that strange things are happening in our world. Flying pigs, up-turned cows and strange submarines surfacing off the coast of bermuda. We have information from an unidentifiable, third-party, that leads us to believe that these strange Occurrencesare due to a warming of the atmosphere and the freezing of the earth's core. This problem is, undoubtably, caused by the amassed penguins boring into the centre of the earth. Using they're large beaks and flesh-ripping talons, they and they're young are slowly digging down into the earth's core. Many of you can't see the problems and complications this will cause, oweing primarily to the fact that they are intent on taking over the world! I assure you all, you have no cause to panic, for they are not planning to kill us exactly. They just expect us to suffer eternity in horrible slavery and complete submission. thier plan is to release thier leigons of killer, man-eating chickens on the world. These chickens have been bred using pure, distilled radioactive waste and bio-hazardous chemicals from northern Russia's tech labs. These chickens have had many years to breed and we need be vary careful when approaching the chickens. One of the chickens deformites, caused by excessive inbreeding, causes it to be extremely weak when exposed to raw kriptonite of any type. We are sure that the key to defeating the penguins is to destroy the chickens. Without the chickens, the penguins will not be able to attack directly for they are allergic to sunlight. Our third-party has obtained this information for us on the topic:

Cows, they are the key to withstanding the onslaught. All cows are born with the innate ability to detect the large, man eating chickens from the regular ones. without the cows we will have to kill all of the chickens, causing a worldwide shortage of chicken. Without chicken there can be no chicken meal products. resulting in a shortage of chicke McNuggets, causing a worldwide famine.

One must make very sure that the cows DO NOT have the mad cow disease. This is a sickness that the penguins have introduced to the cows for their own purposes. It will cause the mind of the cow to be controlled by the penguins!

The one way to tell a normal cow from an insane on is by their sound:

and an insane one:

e-mail me at shi__guy@hotmail.com.
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