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Computers, Technology, and the Internet
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Kofi Konclusions
Topic: Politics
Examples of further irresponsibility by the United Nations.
An Israeli airstrike hit a United Nations post in southern Lebanon late Tuesday, killing at least two of the agency's observers, according to the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon. The U.N. initially reported that four peacekeepers were dead, but later said there were two dead and two missing. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was "deeply distressed" by the "apparently deliberate" strike.
From CNN

In its unwavering concern to protect the "bad guys", the U.N. has been busy spreading slanderous filth about Israel. It is common practice to presume people are missing - not dead, when there's reasonable doubt that they are still alive (i.e. no body has been found). Don't assume that Frank and Fred are dead because you've found remains of their iPods, of which they would never leave behind.

While Kofi Annan is asking for a full investigation into the incident, he shouldn't be passing judgement until the investigation is over. How foolish it is for him to claim that the IDF's strike was "apparently deliberate" in hitting the U.N. post, while still looking for information to back his statement. To be deliberate, the IDF would need a motive for hitting the post. In what way could it benefit ANYONE to hit a U.N. post? Sorry Kofi, but it was likely an accident.

On the same day, the IDF was hit by friendly fire (fire upon itself). To continue with Kofi's thought process, it is reasonable to konclude that they must have deliberately hit themselves.

Posted by admin at 12:01 AM EST
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