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Computers, Technology, and the Internet
Sunday, 15 October 2006
Iran's Change of Heart
Topic: Politics
Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said Tehran wants to work directly with the United States on an "easily attainable" resolution, if Washington drops "the intimidation tactics." - CNN
A new position has now taken from the government in Tehran. Iran now wants to work out their nuclear situation? I would attribute this sudden change of heart to those very "intimidation tactics". Not to mention that Iran sounds like their nuclear weapon isn't going exactly as planned. Good.
Iran ended its voluntary cooperation with the IAEA in February, which included ending surprise inspections of its nuclear facilities. Iran has maintained that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.
This is almost laughable. Solely peaceful purposes? Who are the Iranian regime trying to kid here? The only reason they've stopped allowing surprise inspections of their nuclear facilities is because they are trying to develop nuclear weapons. Common sense will tell you that another country having nuclear arms is a bad idea. What makes this so much more frightening is that "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly said that the Holocaust is a myth and that Israel should be destroyed." (Source: CNN) [excerpt] "UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said Tehran wants to work directly with the United States on an "easily attainable" resolution, if Washington drops "the intimidation tactics." Ambassador Mohammad Javad Zarif's statement came the day after the International Atomic Energy Agency pleaded with Iran to continue talks with European nations that want to offer it incentives in exchange for ending its nuclear-enrichment program."

Posted by admin at 12:01 AM EDT
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