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The Mole's Vision for a Scottish Republic

" A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism. " These words open the Communist Manifesto. Although written in 1848 this materpiece by Marx and Engels has lost none of its importance. This must be the basis for any future Communist Regime in Scotland. For this Regime to come to power it must do so by democratic means as the people of this Country would not support an armed seizure of power. A major problem for those wishing to achieve the Regime is that there are several Communist Parties in this Country. It is vital that these seperate factions put aside their differences and unite under one banner to further the cause. The Scots should take their lead from the Russian Communist Party. The Communist Party of the old Soviet Union is the tried and tested militant vanguard of the people, which unites , on a voluntary basis , the more advanced , politically more conscious section of the working class , collectivefarm peasantry and intelligentsia of the State. Founded by V.I.Lenin as the vanguard of the working class , the Communist Party has travelled a glorious road of struggle , and brought the working class and the working peasantry to the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution and to the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Country. Under the leadership of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union , the exploiting classes were abolished. One of the most exploitative groups was the Church. All religion takes advantage of the workers and it must be stopped before it does so in Scotland !

Great Communist Men

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