*w-s- “water”

PMA vasu “water, salt” Sanskrit, also vasuka “sea-salt” EIEC *H1wes- “moist, especially of the ground or plants” vestikatu “to offer libation” Umbrian wo:s “juice, broth” Old English waas “layer of mist of fine drops” New Dutch wasal “moist ground” Old High German vasa “forest with wet ground and blue clay” Latvian ievasa “moisture, tree sap” Latvian va:s “trouble, difficulty” (< “caused by bad weather”) Old Norse EWBS: bas.a “mud, dirt”, fig. “unclean(li)ness” Basque “wild, raw, untamed, uncultured” Basque “deserted, remote area, wilderness” Basque “unbridled, wild” Basque “bizarre, extravagant, highly strung, ridiculous, false” Basque bas.o (obs.) “forest, mountains” Basque vasum > “bowl, plate, vase” Latin vaso > id. Spanish, Portuguese bas.o id. Basque bas^a “precipice, abyss” Basque “wild, uncultivated” Basque bassus > “fat” Latin bas, -se “low, deep, situated below” French, Provencal bajo id. Spanish baixo id. Portuguese, Catalan > bas^o adj. “low, deep, mean, despicable” Basque n. “deep, bottom” Basque EP: *was- “wild, waste(adj.)” Proto-Vasconic basa “wild, waste(adj.)” Basque baso “woods” Basque *wa:stV- fás “empty, waste (adj.)” Old Irish fásach “desert, wilderness” Old Irish va:stus “empty. unoccupied, waste, desert, devastated” Latin va:sta:re “to make empty, lay waste” Latin *was-n-os > va:nus “empty, thinned-out, vain” Latin vascus “empty, void, deserted, unccupied” Latin *wasto Romance gast Provencal gasto Portuguese guasto Italian wast, g(u)ast Old Northern French loan waste English *wa:sti- pre-Germanic *wo:sti- pre-WestGermanic we:ste “empty, unoccupied, waste” Old English wo:sti id. Old Saxon wuosti id. Old High German wüst id. German we:sten “desert(noun)” Old English wo:stunnia id. Old Saxon wuostinna id. Old High German wuosti id. Old High German Wüste id. German HB: baso “woods” Basque It seems likely that baso, now “woods”, formerly meant “wilderness” NO *vase “swamp” Old Swedish waso “swamp” Old High German DEEDO: võsa “shrubbery” Estonian NSO: vase 2) “sheaf, esp. in heraldry” Swedish “bundle of rods” et sim. Swedish vase 3), vasker colloq. & dial. “miserable person, wimp” Swedish vask 1), vasker, colloq. “little boy”, (derog.) “brat” Swedish vass 1), vassbank, vassbunke, vassbänk “reed, Phragmites communis” Swedish “largish area of reed growth” Swedish 3) Scirpus lacustris Butomus umbellatus Swedish 4) less comm. “area of reed growth” Swedish 5) fig. in i vassen colloq., emphatic expr. “incredibly much” Swedish vassarv Stelaria media the first member of the compound is not = reed but = vass- “water” vassfång (uncommon) “reed harvest” Swedish vassla “whey” Swedish vatten Compounds have vatten-, occ. (esp. colloq. of everyday objects and concepts) alternating with vatt-. The ancient form vattu- can in some cases alternate with vatten, but is obligotory in some words. Note also vassarv MDD: wase “humidity, humid lowlying land” Middle Dutch wâse id. Old English weaze “mud” Frisian waas id. Sothern Dutch related to Wiese “meadow” German ODS: I. vas n., see vaas II vas (prob. same word as vas(s) “reed” Old Swedish vass id. Swedish in sense 2 possibly mixed up with II vase, cf. III vase) 1) +“reed” 2) “small branch, twig et sim. or bundle of rods, twigs, small branches et sim. (used for fuel)” = kvas Danish dial. II vase (dial. vaase (vose), in some senses) vajse et sim. in sense 2.1 vas(s)e, vaase, vajse Middle Danish vase, wasæ Old Danish vase Swedish, Norwegian wase Middle Low German cf. vasa, “do something sloppily” Swedish dial. id. Norwegian dial. våsa “wind, wrap up sloppily” Norwegian dial. vasast “entangle oneself (in smt.)” Old Norse perhaps related to (the root of) vod cf. III. vaase, III vase) 1) of smt. made by plaiting, twining, bundling (of long narrow objects) Danish 1.1) (obs.) “tied-up bundle of thin rods; fascine” Danish 1.2) (esp. marit.) “bundle, mass of threads (twist et sim.)” Danish 1.3) (dial.) “twined band of straw, espec. for tying around a sheaf” 2) what is formed by such bundles (1.1) Danish 2.1) “(cf. engvase) road, built over a body of water (e.g. a bog) or a swampy, humid terrain by filling it up with bundles of rods, branches, earth et sim. or (cf. Stenvase; in further uses) by using commonly used road-building materials (large stones et sim.)” Danish in further uses, of humid, swampy stretches of terrain or of place in body of water, where the water is shallow (so that one can wade, drive etc. through the water) Danish 2.2 (dial.) “layer af branches (rods) or pebbles, which is laid under the soil surface to divert the water” 3) (dial. fish.) tool for catching shrimp 4) (prob. from sense 1 (of something twined et sim.); fish.) in the phrase i vase “entangled in/with smt., in disarray” Danish III vase v. (also vaase (vose) in sense 2). (to II Vase (and II Vas)) 1) (cf. II Vas og II Vase 1.3; dial. partialy obs.) w.r.t. outer wall in half-timbered houses: “cover with reeds, rods et sim.” Danish 2) (cf. II. Vase 1.1; dial.) “place bundles of rods, straw, rods or (in further uses) stones, earth, et sim. as foundation for a road (through a swampy terrain or a body of water) by means of bundles of rods etc” also (with the place as obj.): “cover with bundles of rods (II.1.1) etc, so that one can walk or drive over it” Danish 3) (to II vase 1.2 the end, marit.) “grease with a rag etc. dipped in fat” 4) (to II vase 1.4, marit.) “place a strap around smt.” Danish vase-told (obs.) toll paid for the use of ford or ferry Danish II +vaske “talk, gossip” Danish waskæ Old Danish from waschen Middle Low German cf bagvaske “slander” Danish vaas (not outside of dial. and colloq. va:s). “speech without meaning, sense or coherence” “meaningless, foolish speech” “nonsense” “lunatic talk” Danish to II vaase vås id. Norwegian vas id. Norwegian dial. I vaase, see II vase II vaase (now hardly used: vase), vb. cf. vaas, vaaseri. våse Norwegian may correspond to hvase Danish onomatopoeic like the related waschen “chatter” German, Middle Low German (borrowed in ænyd., se II. vaske; jf. bagvaske), but perhaps rather same word as III. vaase (w.r.t. semantic development cf. vrøvle); “talk meaningless”, silly or vacuous talk”, “talk nonsense”, “talk incoherently” Danish derog. “chatter” voose “loiter, walk aimlessly” Obs. Danish vasa “walk aimlessly” Swedish dial. vasa id. Icelandic there is further a possibility for (partial) connection with +vaase “stampede” Danish III vaase v. (also vase. see below) “be disorderly or lavish with smt.” “pick and choose” “be gluttonous” Danish vase “handle in a disorderly fashion, mess with smt(?)” Obs. Danish vasa “perform smt. sloppily” Swedish dial våsa “vasa, roll up/wrap up/fold smt. sloppily” Norwegian dial. vasast “mess with, interfere into” Old Norse related to II. vase; jf. II vaase; dial.) IV vaase, v. see vase EOND: vasdrag “water course” Norwegian is *vazdrag Old Norse where vaz is gen. of vatn “water” in the same fashion vassarv, vasvelling etc Norwegian vase II “bundle of rods” prob. from fascines across a swamp Danish vaase, vase “band of straw” Danish dial. vase “fascine, sheaf of straw, bundle of rods placed in the water to lure fish, heap” Swedish wase “straw wreath” Middle Low German wase “straw wreath” English dial. Further vasa “confuse, mix up, talk nonsense” Norwegian colloq. vasa “heap together” Swedish dial. The Gmc. root *was seems to have meant “twine, tie” vasse “wade” Norwegian is *vaDsa, a derivation of vaDa; cf. gnisse = gnide “rub” Norwegian vassen (Norwegian = watery) seems to require *wataz Proto-Germanic corresponding to húdos = húdor Greek Further vessa “draw water” Norwegian dial. perhaps also vass “phragmites, reeds” Swedish equivalent is vaslen “whey” Norwegian dial. for *vatlen: cf. valle. drekka “draw fluid” Old Norse > vatsdrukken Norwegian colloq. > vastrukken “which has drunk humidity” Norwegian DSDE: oos, woos “plant sap or concoction” Old Danish os id. Danish dial oos id. Old Swedish wo:s “foam of smt. boiling, sap” Middle Low German wo:s “humidity, sap” Old English ooze English ablaut variant wase “humid earth, swampy ground” Middle Low German TP: *wos- > Larousse: guit “good-for-nothing” Middle Dutch + -eux, -euse adj. suffix French > gueux, -euse “person reduced to begging for survival (because of age), very poor person” French “reprehensible, evil being” French gueuse “bad woman” gueux “flower pot with holes” French TP: loan > NEW: geus “beggar” Dutch watergeus “sea-beggar” Dutch waas “haze, mist; fuzz (of peach etc)” Dutch wazig “hazy, foggy” Dutch Wastijn: Plaatsnaam Wastine, op meerdere plaatsen: woeste onbebouwde grond. Op basis van Oudfrans watine, guastine, een contaminatie van de Oudnederlandse vorm van woestijn en Latijn vastus 'eenzaam, verlaten', Oudfrans wast 'woest, onbebouwd'. Naamsvermeldingen: Philippus del Wastine 1221; Jehan dele Wastine, Kortrijk 1285; Pierre del Wastine, Ieper 1388; Joes van der Wastine, Geluwe 1398. vandeWoestijne: Woestijn stamt af van Germaans wost-innjo, een afleiding van de voorloper van ons adjectief woest, dat op dezelfde Indo-europese grondvorm teruggaat als het Latijnse vastus 'eenzaam, verlaten, woest'. De klemtoon in het woord is ongewoon, conform de Germaanse beginaccentuering had de Nederlandse vorm 'woesten' moeten luiden, zoals de West-Vlaamse gemeentenaam Woesten. Dat het achtervoegsel het accent aan zich heeft getrokken, komt doordat woestijn beïnvloed is door zijn Picardische zustervorm wastina. Het is dan ook geen toeval dat de toponymische verspreiding van woestijn nagenoeg beperkt blijft tot het gebied dat het meest aan Picardische taalinvloeden bloot stond, namelijk westelijk Vlaanderen. Daar ook vinden we een dichte concentratie van de familienamen Woestijn, Wostijn, Van de(r) Woestijne, waarnaast ook de typisch zuidwestelijke wisselvormen Van de(r) Ostijne en Van de Rostijne. Het type ostijn, in oudere bronnen ook als hostijn gespeld, met hypercorrecte h, beantwoordt aan een oude West-Vlaamse regelmatigheid, namelijk wegval van w aan het woordbegin vóór een geronde achterklinker; nu nog hoor je in het (westelijke) West-Vlaams oord i.p.v. woord, oensdag i.p.v. woensdag, oelen i.p.v. woelen, enz. In de verbinding van de w-loze vorm met het verbogen lidwoord 'der' werd de syllabegrens verlegd, en de naam geherinterpreteerd als Van de Rostijne. (...) Sommige toponymisten denken dat woestijn bij uitstek terrein aanduidde dat door de een of andere menselijke ingreep, zoals roofbouw op het oorspronkelijke bos of ontginning van veenlagen op geringe diepte, gedegenereerd was tot waardeloos heideland. De toponymie leert evenwel dat zulke woestenijen evengoed, en zelfs vaker, 'veld'-namen dragen. Misschien lag het onderscheid hierin, dat veld en woestijn een verschillende visie op één en dezelfde topografische werkelijkheid tot uitdrukking brachten. Mogelijk was veld vooral verbonden met het landschappelijke begrip 'al het onontgonnen land buiten de nederzettingen', terwijl met woestijn directer naar de minderwaardige hoedanigheid van de bodem werd verwezen [Devos-2001, p 27]. DEEDO: vaen, -u “hostility, enmity” Estonian vae/ne, -se “poor” Estonian vaen-la/ne, -se “enemy” Estonian vaeseke, -se “poor person” Estonian vaes-laps, -e “orphan” Estonian SBCHP: *upo-sth2-o- Proto-IndoEuropean > [TP: ?] *wosto- Proto-Celtic > gwas “servant, boy” Middle Welsh gwas “servant” Welsh guas “lad” Middle Cornish gwaz “man, husband, servant” Breton foss “servant” Old Irish guos “obligations” Old Breton gosod “edict, ordinance” Welsh gwasog “servant” Welsh gossock id. Galloway English Gospatrick surname < Cumbrian ? Guoscadoc surname Old Breton Vasso-rix name Gaulish Dago-vassa name Gaulish Vasso-galatae name Gaulish vassus “vassal” Gaulish?/British? > Medieval Latin DLG: uassos “servant” Medieval Latin uassalus “vassal” Medieval Latin *uassellitus > valet “young nobleman in the service of a lord” > “valet” French Uassilus, Uasso, Uassia, names of persons Vasio > Vaison (Vaucluse) name of town Uasates, (Bazas, Gironde) Aquitanian people from uo- : Uossilus, Uossius, Uossatius, Uossaticus names of persons SDO: guasa f “sluggishnes, dullness” Spanish “fun, joke” Spanish gausse “joke” French gaudere “enjoy oneself” Latin guasa, guaza “very small fly living in humid and shadowy places” Spanish guaso m “farmer from Chile, gaucho” adj am. “peasant-like, gaucho-like, clumsy” huaso do. Chilean Spanish guastar va. old “waste away” vastare “destroy” Latin TP: Latin v- > Spanish gu- is irregular; must be Germanic(?) *wast- DUE: guasa colloq. of uncertain origin; may be a backformation from “guasanga” and that word come from a cross between the Indigenous American guazábara “vanguard” with bullanga “trouble”. “irony with the purpose of bringing a message across” “clumsiness together with disagreeable personal qualities” Spanish estar de guasa colloq. “want to joke, not want speak of or take the subject of conversation seriously” Spanish guasón, -a colloq. “person inclined to joke about persons or things” Spanish guaso, -a n. “peasant” Spanish of Chile adj. “clumsy” Spanish of Argentina, Chile, Ecuador NDLI: aquàtio “taking water” Latin > guazzo “a quantity of water or other liquid spilled on the ground, the table vel sim.” Italian more properly guado TDNO: Wasen m. “turf; fascine” German Wasenknecht “knacker's helper” German Wasenmeister “knacker” German DA: ooze > prob. woozy “befuddled or intoxicated” American English “fuzzy” American English WORDS: vas, vasis, f. “vessel, dish; vase” Latin vesicula “little bladder” Latin PMA waha- “sea, ocean” Tonga, Fiji wasa- “sea” Samoa wasa-wasa “open sea” Fiji waher “water” Indonesia wahig “water” Manobo basa- “wet” Philippines basah- “wet” Indonesia pesak- “wet” Pagu i pehua- “wet” Madole da pisa- “wet” Galela pwasa- “wet” Kelologeia pwasa-pwasa- “wet” Molima Back