*p-n- “hand, five”

PMa pani “hand” Sanskrit IENH 48: *p[h][a|&]l- “flat, level, broad” Proto-Nostratic *p[h](e|o)l- “even, level, flat, broad, wide” Proto-IndoEuropean extended forms *p[h]elhh-, *p[h]lehh- > *p[h]la:-, *pl.hh- *p{h][a|&]l- “flat, level, broad” Proto-AfroAsiatic IENH 49: derivate of IENH 48 *p[h][a|&]l- “flat of the hand, palm” Proto-Nostratic *p[h]lhh-meA “palm of the hand” Proto-IndoEuropean *pala “palm of the hand” Proto-AfroAsiatic SIG, VISW *p-m- or *f-m- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *p-m- Proto-IndoEuropean *pémkwe > *pénkwe “five” Proto-IndoEuropean km~(ma) “five” Lycian *kh-m- (kh < f) Proto-AfroAsiatic + s khamasun “five” Arabic khamshi “five” Assyrian Ha:me:sh “five” Hebrew Hamshå: “five” Syriac EIEC *pn(kW)sti- “fist” Proto-IndoEuropean fy:st “fist” Old English fist English fu:st “fist” Old High German kùmste (< *punkste) “fist” Lithuanian pesti “fist” Old Church Slavonian pjast “metacarpus” Russian cf. *penkWe “five” VMPSIE: pañc'a “five” Sanskrit pae “five” Tahiti lamh “hand” Scotch, Irish Gaelic lab “take” Sanskrit lambano, elabon “take” Greek ma-lafa “take” Madagascar VMPSIE: lima “five” most Austronesian nima “I take” Gothic nima “hand” Tongan AG: *l.ema “hand, five” Proto-Austric *(n)l.em[a] “hand, five” Proto-Austro-Asiatic pram “five” Stieng *lima “hand, five” Proto-Austronesian *l.em[a] Mon-Khmer *nl.em[a] Mon-Khmer *pl.em[a] > *tema Mon-Khmer *l.ema] Munda *nl.ema Munda ,nam “catch hold of, seize, arrest, receive, obtain accept, keep, hold, be caught” Sora *panl.ema Munda podom-ti “palm of hand” Bonda possibly SAPGOW 18: *pal'qV “foot” Proto-Nostratic > Proto-IndoEuropean, Proto-Kartvelian, Proto-Uralic, Proto-Altaic *bol(V)k.wV “foot” Proto-Sino-Caucasian *d'apal\ “foot” Proto-Austronesian *(C&)pVlh “ankle” Proto-Mon-Khmer *par “foot” Proto-Ge *pri_ “path” Proto-Ge ENH: *pinGV “hollow hand, palm of hand, fist, handful” Proto-Uralic (Rédei) *painGV, *palnGV Ilic^-Svityc^ Tungusic: han´n,a “hand, palm of hand, sole” Evenki han'n,a “hand, palm of hand, sole” Even xan´n,a “palm of hand” Negidal pa:na “palm of hand” Oroch xan'`a “palm of hand” Udihe pan´a “palm of hand” Ulchi payn,a, fan´n,a “palm of hand, sole” Orok *payn,a “palm of hand” Proto-Tungusic (Kolesnikova) aya “palm of hand” Turkic *pala-gan “palm of hand” Proto-Altaic (Kolesnikova) falan, gu “palm of hand” Manchu falandu “to applaud” Sibo halagan (loan?) Middle Mongolian (h)algan “palm of hand, flat of the hand, sole” Evenki (h)alg&n “palm of hand, flat of the hand, sole” Even halgan “palm of hand, flat of the hand, sole” Negidal palz^a(n-) “palm of hand, flat of the hand, sole” Negidal DEE: palma “palm of hand” Latin paláme: “palm of hand” Greek folm “palm of hand” Old English CAAa: para “palm of hand” Ainu *phalina “palm of hand” Proto-Altaic *palai “palm of hand” Proto-Austronesian PMa panek- “hand” Mota penek- “hand” Lehalurup pinik- “hand” Sasar, Mosina, Bek benik- “hand” Vetomboso binik “hand” Lehali, Vatrata binig- “hand” Koro pan, ban, ben- “forearm” Ok peni- “hand” Vureas pini-gi- “hand” Pak, Sasar peni-gi- “hand” Mosina pan- “hand” Torres Is. panei- “hand” Banks Is. Back