*m-y- “urinate; cloud”

PMA mi “urinate” Sanskrit megha “cloud” Sanskrit VISW *Y.-m- pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic extended with -T.- > PIE -dh- o-grade *ondh- Proto-IndoEuropean ónthos “animal dung” Greek extended with -y- *Y.-m-y- *Y.ámay- *o-m-y- “moisten, urinate” Proto-IndoEuropean *Y.amáy- *m-y- “moisten, urinate” Proto-IndoEuropean extended with -s- mijzelen “drizzle” Flemish mi:seln “drizzle” Low German mi:sich “humid (of weather)” Low German mese “urine” Low German *merida (s > r) merda “excrement” Latin extended with -gh- me:ghá- “cloud” Sanskrit mae:Ga “cloud” Avestan me:g “fog” Armenian omikhle: “cloud, fog” Greek mIgla: “fog” Old Church Slavonian miglà “fog” Lithuanian and, if -hst- > -st- mist “fog” Old English mist “fog” Low German mist “fog” Dutch extended with -g^h- *m-yg^h- “urinate” Proto-IndoEuropean me:hati “urinates” Sanskrit mae:zaiti “urinates, fertilizes” Avestan mizem “urinate” Armenian *meiho > meio “urinate” Latin mingo “urinate” Latin omíkhein “urinate” Greek mi:gan “urinate” Old English mi:ga “urinate” Old Norse ómikhma “urine” Greek miux “fertilizer” Friesian meux “fertilizer” Old English mes “fertilizer” Low German mes “fertilizer” Dutch maihstus “fertilizer” Gothic mist “fertilizer” German *Y.-m-y- Semitic Y.ama: “flowed, (the wave) foamed, (the camel) frothed” Arabic Y.aman, Y.ama:un“(raining) clouds” Arabic *Y.-m-d- Semitic Y.amida intr. “it became moistened by rain” Arabic Y.amidun “(earth) moistened by rain” Arabic z&mað “was immersed” Syrian *Y.-m-g- Y.amaga “he swam” (fi-l-ma:'i “in the water”) Arabic *Y.-m-l-G.- *Y.ámalak.- Y.amlak.a “excreted urine and dung” Arabic : Y.amálag- *m-lk- milhma “cloud” Gothic mlký “damp” Czech perhaps mélkion “source” Greek (Hesychius) As for the semantic relatedness of “cloud” and “urine”, cf. da:r is noch “there will be Low German en barch schi:t more snow coming” in de luft heard from a boatswain in Kiel. EIEC *H3méighe/o- (*H3min(e)gh-) “urinate” me:io: / mingo: “urinate” Latin mi:ga “urinate” Old Norse mi:gan “urinate” Old English minzhù / mézhu “urinate” Lithuanian mizu / mézu “urinate” Latvian omeíkho: “urinate” Greek mizem “urinate” Avestan mae:zaiti “urinates” Avestan méhati “urinates” Sanskrit cf. nominal derivatives micga “urine” Old English omeikhma “urine” Greek me:z “urine” Avestan mae:sman- “urine” Avestan gao-mae:za “cow-urine” Avestan meha- “urine” Sanskrit misho “urine” TokharianB EIEC *H3meigh- / *H3mighleH2- “drizzle, mist” *mikhstaz mist-r “dark weather” Old Norse mist “mist” Old English mist English mist “mist” New Dutch miggelen “mist” New Dutch miglà “drizzle” Lithuanian migla “mist” Latvian mîgla “mist” Old Church Slavonian mgla “mist” Russian mzhîtî “drizzle” Russian omíkhle “cloud” Greek mae:gha- “cloud” Avestan meghá- “cloud” Sanskrit CAIEH 38: *miR, *mi(R)miR Proto-Austronesian hala-migmig “dampness” Tagalog mimir “gush forth” Toba mimi “squirt” Fiji mi “urinate” Fiji mii “urinate” Saa, Tonga *m(e)igh Proto-IndoEuropean omeíkho “urinate” Greek mi(n)g- “urinate” Latin NS 124: *mEwV “water, moisture” Proto-Nostratic *HmEWwV id. Sino-Caucasian *moj id. Sino-Tibetan *h.me:h.wa: “moisture, liquid, pool” North Caucasian CELR V 107: *ma'- “water” West Chadic *ma'i-/*ma'u- id. Central Chadic mw, my id. Egyptian PMA mimi- Patani e-mi- Sawai m-mi- Weda mi, mimi- Polynesia bake-mi- Bacah. mimi- “wet” Yevali mih-mih- “wet” Port Vato meme- “wet” Penantsiro, Nambel Nuvi, Mate, Nul mi- “urine” Elemen PMA miyege- “cloud” Hiw metmet- Apma momah- Toak mamah- Maat mahmah- Lironesa miet- Maba mili- Patani melik, met- Sawai, Weda met- Buli mega- Bacan magara- “wet” Ngwatua mimiek- “wet” Lolsiwoi mekimekine- “wet” Matae, Fortsenal Back