23. *p ū s - *p u s - und *pūst- „blasen", 
in mhd. pfūsen „schnauben", 
schwed. mdal. pysa „schnauben, schwellen", 
ags. pos posa „Schnupfen", 
schwed. dän. 
mdal. pusen, 
norw. pusen posen „geschwollen", usw., 
dazu in der Gruppe von ahd. phoso, 
ags. posa pusa 
und altn. posi „Beutel", 
mit -st- in nd. nhd. pūsten 
(hd. auch pfausten) 
und mnd. pūst „Polster, Kissen", 
altn. pústr „Ohrfeige", usw., 
und neben ihnen lat. pussula 
(oder pūsula) 
und pustula „Blase".


Puidheasc, -disc, m., an oozing of water,
etc., a squirting from a syringe. 

Puidheascaim. See púscaim. 

Puidheascán, -áin, pl. id., m., a syringe. 

Pusca, g. id., pl. -aí, m., a bulge, a blister; 
p. an ghamhna, the blister the cow sheds before calving; 
p. an uisce, a blister shed before the p. an ghamhna.

Púscadh, -úiscthe, m., act of oozing out, squirting, emptying; an eruption.

Púscaim, -adh, v. tr. and intr., I well forth, ooze, erupt, cause to squirt out; 
do phúsc an t-uisce aníos, the water oozed up; 
púsc amach an t-adhbhar, press out the corrupt matter (from a sore); 
tá sean-fhocail ag púscadh amach tríot indiu, you are overflowing with proverbs to-day; 
p. isteach i., I inject into; 
al. fúscaim (Clare), puidheascaim (Ker.).

Pusghail, -e, f., whining, blubbering, pouting; p. ghuil, crying pettishly.

Pusnach, -aig, m., a muzzle, as for a dog,
etc.; al. puslach.

Pusóid. See posóid.

Puithín, g. id., pl. -í, m, 
a gust, a little puff of air, smoke, fog, etc.; 
tá.an p. gaoithe sin ag séideadh ar an bhfairrge fós, 
that little breeze is still blowing over the sea; 
al. puichín.

Puth, g. id. and -uithe, d. -uth and -uith (smt. nom.), pl. -tha, -thanna, m. and f., 
a puff, a gust, a whiff, a breath; 
an p., the breath, the last breath; 
p. gaoithe, a puff of wind; 
p. casachtaighe, a slight fit of coughing; 
p. deataigh, a puff of smoke; 
p. anáile, a puff of breath; 
ní raibh p. na path fágtha aige, he had not a breath left; 
puith, f. (N. Y.); dim. puithín.

Putachán, putall, pután. 
See patachán, patall, patán.

Puthadghail, -e, f., 
act of blowing, puffing, hoarse breathing; 
p. casachtaighe, occasional coughing; 
puthghail, id.

Putharnach, -naighe, f., 
act of puffing, etc., coughing sharply.

Puthghail. See puthadghail

Putóg, -óige, -a,.f., a pudding, an intestine; 
an animal's intestine stuffed and cooked; 
a ringlet of hair; 
an ph., the stomach; 
na putóga, the intestines; 
putóga folmha, an empty stomach; 
p. an aoin-chinn, an intestine open only at one end; 
p. Nodlag, a Christmas pudding; 
putóga dubha na bliadhna, 
ó Nodlaig go lá Fhéile Brighde, 
the black entrails of the year (the very depths of winter) 
from Christmas to St. Brighid's Day (Feb. 1st); 
cruthughadh na putóige a h-ithe, 
the proof of the pudding is the eating; 
ní feoil putóga, puddings are not meat; 
crú-ph., blood-pudding.


poer : poeri : poeryn, eg. y gwlybaniaeth a ffurfir yn y genau.

poergarthu, be. carthu poer. 

poeri, be. tanu poer o'r genau. 

poten, eb, ll.-ni. pwdin, bwyd meddal : bol, 
Poten reis : pwdin reis,
Poten ludw. 

puxika  "bladder"   Basque


puse "produce dust, smoke"