PMA dvau “two” Sanskrit duy “two” Prakit IESSG, VISW *Y.-p- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *ow- “duo, be double, fold (to make double)” Proto-IndoEuropean reduced *-Y.w in *o-Y.w- (oY. > o:) > -o:w dual ending Proto-IndoEuropean *w- “duo” Proto-IndoEuropean vi:-ginti “twenty” Latin extended with -gh- *w-gh- “boat, carry, road” with d-preformative *d-w- dúo “two” Greek deúteros “second” Greek extended with -y- vi “in two” > “apart” Sanskrit vayá: “twig” Sanskrit with d-preformative *dw-y- Proto-IndoEuropean zwi: “twig” Old High German extended in twi:g “twig” Old English zwi:g “twig” Old High German *Y.-p- Proto-AfroAsiatic single redupl. Y.&PaP “fold double” Jewish Aramaic Y.ap “was doubled” Syrian Y.aPiPå: “double” Syrian with A-preformative 'eY.aP “doubled” v. Syrian 'aY.iPå: “doubled” part. Syrian with w-infix Y.åP “doubled” Syrian “be double, fold double” Jewish Aramaic Y.i:P “folded duoble” Jewish Aramaic extended with -y- Y.&Pi: “branches” > “foliage” Hebrew Y.&Pi: “branches” > “foliage” Biblical Aramaic extended with -s- Y.afasa “he doubled, folded (a thing), twisted (his arm or hand), wrung (a thing)” Arabic extended with -t- Y.afata “he twisted (a thing)” Arabic CAAA 2: tu “two” Ainu *d.uwa “two” Proto-Austronesian NS 180: *tu?V “two” Proto-Nostratic *(t')q'wE id. Sino-Caucasian *(t')q'wE id. Proto-NorthCaucasian In Sino-Tigetan and Proto-Yeniseian the original root obtained a nasal suffix and lost the dental element of the original cluster: *k-nij(s) “two” Sino-Tibetan *xï-na id. Proto-Yeniseian TP: If that's how the game is played, we should include ithnan “two” Arabic sn id. Proto-Berber IR 25: tq'áw´-s “two” Moses Columbian *t'q'u-b “twins” Kartvelian PMA: dua- Malay, Dyak, Pulo-Nias, Buhui, Fate, Nguna duo- Batta, Lamih duwa- Sedi, Sunda a-dua- Kapampangan dalawa - Tagalog dava- Mindanao tua- Pwele, Siviri rua, lua- common Melanesian and Polynesia Back