*H.-g^- “sharp”

CAD 09.250 “axe”: ogi Manam ki Yabem gi Nemi gî Cèmuhî gi A'jië gie Xârâcùù gie Nengone CAD 09.251 “adze”: gi Nemi gî-tíme-nû Cèmuhî gi te: Rotuman gine:re Xârâcùù CAD 20.222 “battle axe”: gî Cèmuhî gi A'jië gie Xârâcùù giererue Nengone VISW, IEG: *H.-g^- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *ak^- “sharp” Proto-IndoEuropean aceo “am sour” Latin acus “needle” Latin acuo “I sharpen” Latin acie:s “sharpness” Latin egg “edge” Old Norse eggia id. Old Saxon ekka id. Old High German aké:, akís (-ídos) “point” Greek akmé: “point, edge” Greek ákaina “point, barb” Greek áko:n “javelin” Greek ákro-s “sharp” Greek ostru id. Old Bulgarian as^trù-s id. Lithuanian as^ru “tear” Sanskrit asru id. Avestan as^arà id. Lithuanian with d-preformative: dákru “tear” Greek dacruma > lacruma id. Latin de:r id. Old Irish ta:r id. Old Norse zahar id. Old High German Zähre id. German tagr id. Gothic full reduplication: ako:ke: “point” Greek o-grade: *ok^- Proto-IndoEuropean ás^ri- “(cutting) edge” Sanskrit okri-s “mountain top” Greek extended grade: *a:k^- Proto-IndoEuropean a:cer “sharp” Latin + -s: *H.ag^ás- Proto-IndoEuropean-AfroAsiatic *k^-s- “cut” Proto-IndoEuropean s^ása-ti “cuts” Sanskrit s^astrá- n. “knife” Sanskrit késtron “pointed iron” Greek késtros “broad-pointed arrow” Greek keío: “I split” Greek keázo: “I split through” Greek + laryngeal -Á *H.ag^áÁ- transitive pre-IndoEuropean *k^e:- Proto-IndoEuropean s^í-s^a:-ti “sharpens, whets” Sanskrit ha:ren “sharpen” Middle Low German (ha:re:n > ) “be sharp” Middle Low German o:-grade *k^o:- co:t- nom. co:s “whetstone” Latin kõ:nos “cone” Greek reduced *k^a- catus “acute-minded” Latin s^itá- “sharp” Sanskrit *H.-d- Semitic single reduplication: *H.-d-d- H.adda “was (became) edged, sharp, pointed” (transferred) “became excited by sharpness of temper or angriness” Arabic hiph. “sharpen” Hebrew hoph. “be sharpened” Hebrew *Hað, Hadda: fem. “sharp (of sword)” Hebrew H.addun “edge, extremity of the edge, point (of a sword etc), part (of sword etc) with which one cuts” Arabic 'aH.addu elat. “more, most sharp” Arabic H.adi:dun “sharp, pointed” Arabic H.adi:dun noun Arabic H.adi:d “iron” Ethiopian + -A H.ada'atun “the head of an arrow, of an axe, a double-headed axe” Arabic coll. H.ada'un DSDE: *agW(e)si:, *aksi: Proto-IndoEuropean *akWezi:, *akusi: Proto-Germanic aqisi “axe” Gothic acus id. Old Saxon achus, achis id. Old High German Axt id. German æx id. Old English øx id. Old Norse ascia “carpenter's axe” Latin axi:ne “axe” Greek hugge “hew, cut” Danish hogg(w)a id. Old Danish hoggæ, huggæ id. Obs. Danish hogge, hugge id. Norwegian hugga id. Swedish ho,ggwa id. Old Norse *haggwan id. Proto-NorthGermanic hauwan id. Old Saxon houwan id. Old High German hauen id. German *ka:u-, *k&u- “cut, strike” Proto-IndoEuropean cu:dere “beat, pound, thresh; forge, stamp, hammer” Latin caudex, co:dex “trunk of tree; piece/hunk of wood; (bound) book” Latin káuju, káuti “beat, forge” Lithuanian *kWed- “drill, whet, sharpen, propel” Proto-IndoEuropean hwata “propel” Old Norse *kWod-to partcp. > “sharp” Proto-IndoEuropean *hwassa- id. Proto-Germanic hvas id. Danish hwas id. Old Danish hvass, kvass id. Norwegian vass id. Swedish hvass id. Old Norse *hvass id. Gothic hvassaba “sharply” Gothic hwassa “sharp” Old Saxon (h)was id. Old High German hwæss id. Old English *kWodo- “sharp” Proto-IndoEuropean *hwata- id. Proto-Germanic hvatr “brave, quick, sharp, skilled” Old Norse waz “sharp” Old High German whæt id. Old English hvætte “whet” Danish dial. hvætiæ id. Old Danish kvetja id. Norwegian dial. hvætia id. Old Swedish hvättja id. Middle Swedish hvetja id. Old Norse ga-hvatjan id. Gothic wezzan id. Old High German wetzen id. German hwettan id. Old English ablaut *hwo:t- Proto-Germanic hváta “pierce” Old Norse hwo:ta “threat” Gothic hót n.pl. id. Old Norse hot id. Norwegian dial., Swedish hóta “threaten” Old Norse hota id. Swedish hwo:tjan “threaten (with hand)” Gothic hæta id. Old Norse høde id. Danish dial., Old Danish hytte id. Norwegian høta id. Norwegian dial. höta id. Swedish EBAE: *akWizi- > “axe” Proto-Vasconic *aikWizi- > *aikWzi- > *aikzi- > *aizki- > aizkora, haiskora id. Basque ECIUS 13: *h2ak^ya:- Proto-IndoEuropean loaned into *kac^a- > kasa “sharp point, edge” Finnish kaz^a, ka,dz^a “end, point, outskirts” Karelian kadza id. Southern Estonian geahc^i id. Saami *agjo: Proto-Germanic loaned into *akja > agja “end, brim, edge” Karelian ekka “point, edge” Old High German Ecke “corner” German PCALLE 27: ?axt- “cut, slit” Proto-ChukchiKamchatkan yït-/hït- “dissect, slit” Gilyak, Amur dialect (= Nivkh) Salishan: xwit'- “cut up, cut out” Shuswap xwL\' “whittle” Kalispel NS 32: *Hok'i “sharp edge” Proto-Nostratic *-xk'V “sharp, sharpen” Sino-Caucasian i:- “sharpen” Ket, Yeniseian *?V_-k'V “sharp(en)” North Caucasian and if there had been a t-preformative, then: PMA taksh- “to slice wood, cut” Sanskrit IENH 91 : *t[h][a|ë]k[h]- “to form, to fashion, to make, to create” Proto-Nostratic *t[h][e|o]k[h][s]- “to form, to fashion, to make, to create” Proto-IndoEuropean *teke- “to do, to make” Proto-FinnoUgrian EIEC *teks- “fabricate” *teks(t)or/n “one who fabricates (cloth, wood), etc” textor “weaver” Latin tekto:n (< *tekso:n) “carpenter, artisan” Greek taks^an- “carpenter” Sanskrit ?*tekso/eH2-, *teksleH2 “axe, adze” *tekseH2- dehsa “axe, hatchet” Old High German dehse “spindle” Middle High German tas^a “axe” Avestan *tokslo- ta:l “axe” Old Irish *teksleH2- þexla “adze” Old Norse dehsala “adze, hatchet” Old High German tesla “axe” Russian Church Slavonian *teks-leH2 te:la “cloth” Latin tës “sawn planks” Russian tes “timber” Czech *teks-neH2- tékne “handicraft, art” Greek NS 21: *dikV “earth, clay” Proto-Nostratic *dVQV “clay” Sino-Caucasian */t/iak Sino-Tibetan *t&q- Proto-Yeniseian VMPSIE: taks^- “cut wood” Sanskrit taks^an “carpenter” Sanskrit taks^an.î “carpenter's axe” Sanskrit tig-num “tree trunk, log, stick, post, beam; piece of timber; building materials” Latin tas^yti “cut wood” Lithuanian tóki “axe” Maori togi “axe” Tongan CAD 09.250 Axe: takke “axe” Batak Toba taka id. Ngada taka id. Sika taka id. Roti te toki id. Kiribati toki id. Tongan to?i id. Samoan CAD 09.251 Adze: tu?u “adze” Tsou taka id. Ngada taka id. Sika toki ta:ta: id. Tongan to?i id. Samoan toki id. Mele-Fila to?i arch. id. Tahitian ?ohio teki “large adze for wood, timbers” Rapanui kau-teki “small hand adze for carving” Rapanui CAD 20.222 “battle axe”: taka Ngada toki Tongan to?i Samoan PMA katsa- “incision” Malagasy tasi “razor”, tasi-a “to shave” Fiji kahi- “to cut wood, hew” Hawai'i taha- “cleaver” Timor tagpas- “to cut, as branches of tree, hew” Philippines tahaw- “a place cleared of trees” Philippines tata- “a mark made by sharp object” Philippines Back