Torsten Pedersen's Site

Some times I get ideas I think are interesting. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. So now I decided to put them in my own site. Maybe someone can use them, maybe they can't. This site is under construction, so there isn't much yet!

Language Stuff!

A suggestion for one mechanism behind language change: Shibbolethisation!
Did people from Sundaland influence the IndoEuropean and AfroAsiatic languages? Austric!
List of words in p- in the Nordwestblock language Nordwestblock p-
PIE Stops PIE Stops!
PIE Stops, current version PIE Stops, current version!

Railroad Stuff!

A Rational Plan for the Railroads of the Copenhagen Area (in Danish): Konvertering!
Conversion of the local trains in the Copenhagen Area (S-trains) from 1650 V to 25 kV (in Danish): Konvertering af den Københavnske S-bane til 25 kV

Other Stuff!

Well, there will be some, sooner or later.