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This is Michelle Tea's latest book. It's awesome. I found it just walking through Chapters one day. I picked it up because it has a really pretty cover and read the back. I bought it right then and read it in one night. I got in trouble because i kept laughing really loud and waking everyone up. Here's the blurb from the back:
"Valencia is Michelle Tea's fast-paced account of one girl's search for love and high times in the dyke world of San Fransisco. Tea records a year lived in a world of girls: There is knife-weilding Petre, who introduces Michelle to a new world of radical sex; Willa, Michelle's tormented poet-girlfriend, always on the lookout for her one true love; and Iris, the beautiful boy-dyke who ran away from the South in a dust cloud of drama. Ruled by the persuit of desire, risk and thrill, the universe Tea describes is a place where everything matters and nothing matters, where all tragedies and esctasies weigh equally. By turns poetic and frantic, Valencia is a visceral ride through the queer girl undergroung of the Mission district."
So read it if you haven't already.

The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America

This is her first book. It took me forever to get it. I had to order it and just got it two days ago. It was worth the wait though. I'm not going to bother talking about it. I'll either ruin the book or bore you to death. Check out the review section if you want to know more.