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My Home Page

Some random crap. My art and rants. What do you expect, good web design? It's Angelfire.

Updated, 11/23/2002. This is turning into a website for my craptastic art.

Updated. 4/5/2002. I think you're noticing a pattern that whenever there's new text up, I've updated. No monthly pattern this time. Four new logs on the Roleplaying Logs section of this page. No new art, just:

I updated! 12/30. I didn't do anything except a few html versions of text files like I was talking about. I was going to upload yesterday, but I was too tired. It's bizarre how I update like once every month.

Okay, updated again. 11/29, exactly 10 days after the previous update, which was two months after the previous update. That was totally unplanned.

I uploaded an ASCI picture of a flaming fork, the burning herald for my soon to be here.. uh.. Flaming Fork Gallery. But not yet. MWAHAHA. Fear my plans of world domination. FEAR, I SAY! Anyways. I have some. Art. Woo. Okay, bye. And this is my website for the Two Towers Mud