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The Bush/Cheney Failed Policy Sham List

The Tax Cut Sham

Lets be honest here folks, this tax cut scam is just a pay back to the rich republicans for donating millions of dollars to get Bush & Cheney Selected. What good is a $300.00 refund when gas was $2.00 a gallon, most people already lost that $300.00 refund in gas over-charges already. They projected this tax cut would go for 10 years and they would never have to touch the social security or medicare trust fund. Guess what, their 10 year surplus projection is already 20 billion dollars lower just for 2001. It seems that these so-called geniuses did not factor in the slowing economy and the rising energy and gas costs and the rising unemployment rate.
7-12-2001, White House officials in recent weeks have said they are curtailing their overall budget surplus forecasts, with Bush economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey saying it might come it at $200 billion, well below the $281 billion projected in April. Lawmakers, led by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, have accused Republican President Bush of having spent away much of the surplus with his $1.35 trillion 10-year tax cut.
Last week Conrad said that the White House was ``on the brink of raiding the Medicare trust fund.''

The Moderate Conservative Sham

George W. Bush ran as a moderate compassionate conservative who was in the center on all issues, after he was sworn in he moved to the far right as fast as you could say Rush Limbaugh. This President will go down as the worst President in the history of the USA. He will be known as the DOPE who got selected because of his name and the US Supreme Court. I predict it will take 6 to 8 years to straighten out the mess George W. Bush puts this country into after he gets voted out in 2004.

The Ergonomics Sham

Mr. Bush Threw out 10 years of Bi-Partisan work because the big business cronies who got him selected did not want to spend a few pennies to make the workplace safe. Big business said it would be too costly to comply with the ergonomics standards. I worked at a printing company for 17 years, after numerous back problems from one type of job (Slitter Operator) and one lawsuit this company (International Paper) finally bought a hoist to lift the heavy rolls of cut motor oil labels. this was not only cheap to do, it actually saved the company money because people did not hurt their back doing this job anymore.
1-18-2001, WASHINGTON — A new finding by the prestigious National Academy of Sciences that work-related, repetitive-strain injuries result in huge losses to the economy was hailed by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, as proving the need for OSHA's new Ergonomics Standard. "The NAS study confirms what millions of American workers have learned the hard way: repetitive motion causes workplace injuries," said President Gerald W. McEntee. "I am sure that the anti-worker members of Congress who ordered this report are not happy with the findings by one of the world's most esteemed scientific organizations."
A team of respected scientists and other investigators from the non-partisan National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine estimated the cost of lost wages and productivity and compensation costs from lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) to be $50 billion annually.
7-19-2001, WASHINGTON (AP) Two leading Senate liberals Wednesday dismissed the Bush administration's hearings on work-related repetitive strain injuries as a sham, arguing science has already established a connection between working conditions and injuries. Paul Wellstone and Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., suggested the administration's hearings were aimed at supporting a position it has already reached one that won't protect workers.
Wellstone, said the administration was "looking into questions that have been asked and answered countless times in the past decade."
Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming, the subcommittee's top Republican, said the administration was right to look into whether some injuries were caused outside the workplace.

This Mike Enzi is saying the same talking points that the International Paper attorneys used at my industrial commission hearing when I lost my workers comp case against I.P. The company attorneys claimed I hurt my back off the job, even though we had been working 12 hour days 6 days a week for months doing back straining heavy lifting. Not to mention that it was march 11 in illinois and the temperture was about 10 degrees and had been below freezing for months. Not to mention all I did for months was work, sleep, and eat. BTW I had a republican female judge in my hearing and she bought every lie the company attorneys used and dismissed everything I said as crap. From decenber to march I worked lifting heavy rolls ( 80 to 150 lb. ) of cut motor labels from a table to a skid at which time on march 11 I had a ruptured disk and a pinched sciatic nerve. All I did was work, sleep, and eat then when the job I did ruined my back. The I.P. attorneys lied and said my job did not hurt my back, I was amazed the judge believed them. It just goes to show how corrupt the system is, as of today I have been disabled for 6 years and unable to work because of back problems. BTW after my lawsuit and a few other lawsuits ( all for back problems ) International Paper spent about $1.000.00 to install a hoist to lift those heavy rolls of cut motor oil labels to a skid and nobody ever had back problems again from doing that job. I know 4 other people besides me who had serious back problems from doing that job yet in my case the company attorneys argued ( successfully ) that my back problems had nothing to do with my job, even though 4 other people had back problems doing the same job and they had installed a hoist to lift the rolls because of the back problems.

The " you could have got hurt off the job " must be the talking points argument the attorneys use to win lawsuits, it worked in my case and i was telling the truth. Sometimes I wonder how these people sleep at night knowing they lied to save the company some money in a workers comp case. This company ( I.P. ) ruined my back for life because they were too cheap to spend $1.000.00 to buy a hoist so their employees would not get hurt because all they cared about were profits. BTW I.P. is a multi billion dollar company, this is just like a lot of big companies. Profit first and to hell with the workers safety, then when a job you do disables you permanently they fight you in court and lie to win the case. And the republican politicians stick up for these scum liars !

The Ethics Sham

Mr. Bush Put former big business executives in all of his most powerful positions, Karl Rove and Paul O'Neil owned stock in private companies 6 months after a memo was sent out telling them to sell their stocks. This is a classic case of an ethics violation. The pay-back party for the big donors to the RNC at the V.P. mansion was also very un-ethical if not illegal.

The Voting Reform Sham

After the 2001 farse of an election where the 5 conservatives on the United States Supreme Court selected George W. Bush to be our President what did he do to correct the voter error problems. absolutely nothing !
The error rate on punch card voting machines is roughly 4 to 8 % where the optical scanner error rate is roughly 0.6 %, this is an equal protection violation of the constitution. when less votes are counted in poor areas then the rich areas and you can fix it but dont that is an equal protection violation to poorer people. George W. Bush has done nothing about it because he dont care about poor democrats and independents.
Punch-card ballots – made infamous during the Florida recount battle– had a 7.7 percent error rate in poor districts and 2 percent error rate in affluent areas. By comparison, optical scanning systems that alerted voters to errors led to a sharp decline in discarded ballots, a 1.1 percent error rate in poor districts and 0.5 percent in wealthier ones.
Newspaper reviews have shown that Gore was the favorite of Florida’s voters. A USA Today examination put Gore's likely Florida margin at 15,000 to 25,000 votes. However, a combination of irregularities in Florida vote-counting and Bush’s success in stopping recounts allowed him to win the state by 537 votes – out of six million votes cast.

The Labor Dept. Sham

As a slap in the face to all americans, who does George W. Bush nominate for the position of the labor dept. attorney, Eugene Scalia. Yes the son of the United States Supreme Court justice Antoine Scalia, Eugene Scalia has spent his whole career defending business executives against employees. A man that is against labor can not be the attorney for the labor department.
7-12-2001, As Eugene Scalia, a labor lawyer at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, awaits a confirmation hearing by the Senate on his nomination to be solicitor at Labor -- the top legal perch in the department -- his views precede him. His opinions have raised concern with labor officials who have been watching the nomination warily. Eric Frumin, health and safety director for the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, calls Scalia an "extremist." He said Scalia has "a 10-year history of trying to deny the obvious reality that ergonomic hazards injure millions of American workers."

The Attorney General Nomination Sham

John Ashcroft flat out lied in his conformation hearing just to get in to the attorney generals office, he said he would uphold the current laws but has failed to do so. The democrats caved on this conformation, they could have and should have killed it. Not only is ashcroft not enforcing the laws already on the books he is trying to change them, something he promised not to do in his conformation hearing.

( Reference Link ) Ashcroft's Assult On Gun Laws

7-12-2001, Last year, the FBI managed to stop gun sales by licensed gun dealers to 153,000 felons, drug addicts, fugitives and other unsavories. The numbers are good enough that even Attorney General John Ashcroft, a member of the National Rifle Association, acknowledged last week that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which conducts instant criminal background checks of would-be gun buyers, helps "stop convicted felons and other dangerous people from buying guns easily."
The sour irony is that 3 days earlier, Ashcroft used almost exactly the same words to propose a change that would make the system less reliable, and Americans less secure. His main idea is to require the FBI to destroy the information related to approved gun-purchase applications within 24 hours, rather than 3 months, beginning as soon as September. Because the documents are used to audit the system, the change is bound to erode its usefulness. Ashcroft says the 1-day limit balances the interests of public safety and privacy while providing adequate time for essential audits. But it's hard to see how 24 hours is adequate.
Meanwhile, the 90-day data bank is working fine. And indeed, FBI spokesmen point to a 1999 report extolling the benefits of keeping records for 90 days. These include the ability to search for patterns of fraud by gun buyers and abuse by bad-apple gun dealers. As to privacy: The IRS, Social Security and state motor-vehicle departments all keep more personal data, and keep them longer.

The Arsenic in The Water Sham

George W. Bush said arsenic in the water is ok, even though he said he would study everything it seems he forgot to study this one. 2-10-2000, The NRDC (National Resources Defense Council) has obtained new data showing that tens of millions of Americans are consuming tap water every day that poses unacceptable cancer risks. This chapter summarizes these new arsenic occurrence data, while subsequent chapters discuss in detail the health implications of arsenic contamination of drinking water and the need for a stricter standard for arsenic in tap water. Scientists have proven a link to cancer even if there is only 1.0 parts per million of arsenic is in the water. George W. Bush seems to think 50 parts per billion is ok, i dont know about you but i dont want any arsenic in my water.

The Salmonilla Sham

The compassionate conservative Bush/Cheney Admin. Wanted to cut the funding for salmonilla testing in childrens school lunches. This is a no-brainer, it's just beyond belief. If not for the media and public pressure they would have stopped the funding for it.

The Global Warming Sham

After 20 years of study by 2,500 scientists proving global warming is a real problem George W. Bush says, lets study it some more before we make any rash decisions. Huh ?
12 July 2001 - Global warming much worse than predicted, say scientists. Global warming is happening now, caused by human actions, and threatens the Earth with disaster, the world's leading atmospheric scientists insisted yesterday as politicians struggled to repair the Kyoto treaty on climate change which the United States torpedoed in March. A 2,000-page UN report on the science and potential impacts of climate change gave the most authoritative statement yet that the Earth is warming rapidly, that the main cause is industrial pollution, and that the consequences for human society are likely to be catastrophic.

The ABM Treaty Sham

It worked pretty good for 29 years and kept the world out of a nuclear/abm war. What does George W. Bush want to do, throw it out of course. 7-12-2001, Washington has told Russia that it plans to violate the 1972 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty, according to the documents, which were sent out as guidance to U.S. embassies a week ago. The Bush administration on Thursday outlined a plan to quickly develop missile defenses, including breaking ground on an Alaskan test site, that within months will come into potential conflict with the ABM treaty.

The Missle Defense Sham

Scientists say it dont work and it wont work for years (if then) so what does George W. Bush want to do. Deploy it, I guess he forgot to study this one too. This is ridiculous to spend billions of dollars on a missle defense shield we dont even need for an enemy we dont have. If it worked it might be a good idea, why deploy a system that won't and can't work ?
7/12/2001, Bush's proposed 2002 defense budget submitted to Congress on June 27 seeks $8.3 billion for missile defense, nearly 50 percent more than in the current budget. in the three flight tests so far, interceptors have succeeded only once in smashing a dummy fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. How does Bush get that 8.3 billion for missle defense after he spent all our money on the tax cut for the rich ?

The Energy Policy Sham

First off the energy crisis was a hoax, there was no energy crisis. it was made up so George W. Bush could justify the oil companies gouging and price fixing the gas prices. Funny how gas went up to $2.00 a gallon a month after George W. Bush was selected then went back to $1.30 a gallon after the democrats got majority control of the senate. The Bush/Cheney energy policy was drafted by oil and energy lobbyists in a closed door secret meeting, no wonder they refuse to release the list of people who were in the secret meeting. This is another pay-back to the big business rich republicans who funded the Bush/Cheney selection.

The Ambassador Appointment Sham

Mr. Ethics (George W. Bush) has appointed numerous people to ambassador positions who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to get Bush/Cheney selected. The problem is that a lot of these people have no diplomatic experience or training and dont even speak the language of the country they were appointed to. Huh ?

The Salvation Army Sham

Mr. Moderate Compassionate Conservative (George W. Bush) wanted to give money to the salvation army as part of his faith based initutive that would have discriminated against gays and lesbians. I thought the government was suppossed to stop discrimination not implement it. Where was the attorney general John Ashcroft on this one, the last time i looked discrimination was illegal in the USA.
7-12-2001, An internal Salvation Army document obtained by The Washington Post said the White House had made a "firm commitment" to issue a regulation protecting religious charities from state and city efforts to prevent discrimination against gays in hiring and providing benefits. To secure this commitment, the charity proposed spending nearly $1 million on lobbyists and strategists, and those it retained included a key player in the Bush presidential campaign and one of the campaign's top fundraisers.
Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, said. "If this allegation is true, it is an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds at best and an illegal bribe at worst," Conyers said.

The Kyoto Treaty Sham

Mr. Bush says the kyoto treaty is a joke, he also says if it is implemented it will do nothing to help global warming and cost big business too much. Well Mr. Bush if you dont want to sign on to the kyoto treaty then why dont you come out with a treaty to replace it. Could it be you dont want to because the big business cronies who financed your selection to President are against it ?
7-14-2001, Japan will make a last effort today to coax the US back into talks on global warming, but it has made it clear that it will not abandon the Kyoto protocol on reducing greenhouse gases even if it cannot regain the support of its main ally. The prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, has sent a high-level mission to Washington to urge the world's biggest polluter to rejoin the climate change talks, which enter a crucial stage next week at a summit in Bonn.
After a week of visitors from pro-agreement countries, including the British deputy prime minister, John Prescott, Japan seems prepared to ratify the protocol by next year, even if the US insists on remaining on the sidelines. New Zealand too said yesterday that it was prepared to go ahead without the U.S. "Mr. Kawaguchi is not going to Washington to compromise," he said. "We believe US participation is extremely important, but we don't characterise it as a condition for ratification. Our goal remains to ratify the Kyoto protocol by 2002." President Bush pulled the US out of the talks earlier this year, calling them "fatally flawed".

The Campaign Finance Reform Sham

Here is a shocker, Mr. Bush and the republicans are against campaign finance reform. The problem is if the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill passes the senate and the house he will have to sign it or it will be political suicide for the republican party.
7-13-2001, Yesterday marked an unfortunate though not fatal event in our fight for Campaign Finance Reform. In a vote of 228 to 203, the House voted against a rule proposed by House leadership to dictate the way Shays-Meehan would be heard on the House Floor. In a historic vote against the Speaker of the House, 19 Republican Representatives broke with leadership in a show of their strong support for the Shays-Meehan legislation.
This was the first time that Speaker Hastert has ever lost a procedural vote in the House. I am proud of these 19 Representatives and their principles to defeat the rules for debate proposed by the leadership rather than try to pass Shays-Meehan under procedures designed to kill it. The House leadership plan was to consider Shays-Meehan on the House Floor through fourteen separate votes rather than considering the bill as one package. Both Representatives Shays and Meehan believed their bill could pass if the House had the opportunity to vote on the bill as a package, but that support might weaken if the bill was broken up into separate votes.
Rest assured, my friends, our battle is not over. We have lived through setbacks in the past and the one we experienced yesterday in the House is no different. Although yesterday’s events in the House were a great loss for the American people, I have every reason to believe that Campaign Finance Reform will have a fair hearing on the House Floor.

The Patients Bill of Rights Sham

This is a classic case of Mr. Bush and the republicans proving they are in the wallet of the HMO's, They want to allow the HMO's to be the only health provider in the USA who can't be sued for negligence. They want a $500,000 cap on lawsuits, what if an HMO decides you dont need that MRI then you get a cancerous tumor and sue them. Then you live for 20 or 30 more years, will $500,000 pay for 20+ years of cancer treatments and medical bills. What about punitive damages, How do you punish a billion dollar HMO with a $500,000 settlement ?

The EPA Sham

This is a no-brainer, Mr. Bush does not care one bit about the environment. Otherwise he would not have appointed Gale Norton to head the EPA and cut funding to all of the EPA enforcement agencies by almost 50%. For example, Bush's proposed cuts for U.S. environmental protection agency (EPA) would reduce inspection of facilities by 12 percent, criminal investigations by 11 percent, and civil investigations by 20 percent, which contributes to a nearly 70 percent drop in civil cases since the 2000 fiscal year. Jeff Ruch, execytive director for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) insists that Bush's proposed environmental plan is " a shell game. "
" Cutting inspections makes it harder to track compliance, thus empeding targeted enforcement, " he said. " At the same time, Bush is also slashing the very scientific staff needed to identify what the priority public health needs are. "
Federal involvement is needed, PEER and other groups assert, because inspector general reports in 1997 and 1998 found serious problems with the inability of states to identify or prosecute significant environmental violators. " Despite admitting serious weaknesses with state enforcement efforts, the Bush plan cuts nearly 200 EPA employees from whose jobs are to assure accountability for the federal dollars spent by the states, " Ruch said. " Bush's plan allows states to attract industry by pursuing a race to the bottom of environmental protection. "

The Oil Drilling Sham

Mr. Bush is so far in the pocket of big oil and big energy and big business that he wants to drill for oil in ANWR (Artic National Wildlife Refuge) and off the coast of florida. Is this guy nuts or what, If you made a movie about this people would not believe it. I wonder if Mr. Bush ever had a study done that told him this planet will run out of oil one day so we need to find alternative energy sources. The government should give tax credits for solar power cells and wind power technology and electric cars etc. they should also raise the CAFE standards to 30 mpg.

The Bush/Cheney Thank You Sham

Mr. Cheney of the ethical Bush white house had the nerve to have black tie dinner for the big republican donors at the V.P mansion. This is the exact same thing as when Bill Clinton sold nights in the lincoln bedroom. Yes it's the exact same thing, people were promised a night at the V.P. mansion if they donated big money to the republican party. it's unethical and illegal.

The Stem Cell Research Sham

This is another no-brainer, when a fertility clinic has extra stem cells that are to be discarded, not only SHOULD you use them for research you MUST use them for research. It is not killing a person if they will be discarded. These fertilized eggs will never be a human being, if something is never going to be used it can't be a human being. This stuff about an egg is a person as soon as the sperm meets it is crap, if that egg is fertilized and then it is discarded it does not become a person so how can it be a human being ?

BTW, Think about this. George W. Bush and the republicans have done all this in just 6 months, just think what it will be like after 4 years of the Bush/Cheney Policies ?

If I missed anything please mail me and let me know.