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Our Web Page will cover these three things:


THOMAS PAINE- During the American Revolution, Paine wrote two main books that led the colonists in an uprising against the English. The books talked about independence from the British. The books were "The Crisis" and "Common Sense." Washington liked his work so much that he stopped toasting the King of England before his meals. Paine also said, "These are the times that try men's souls." He also said, "America would have probably flourished as much if not more, if Britian had nothing to do with Her."

JOHN PAUL JONES- Jones was a great captain in the Revolutionary War. He sailed the Bonhomme Richards in an aquatic battle against the Seripus. The Seripus which was a English ship set the Bonhomme Richards on fire. Jones then proceeded to lead his men in a heroic leap across the water onto the Seripus. In this leap into hand to hand combat he yelled, "I have not yet begun to fight."

BEN FRANKLIN-Ben was one of our founding fathers in a time when ideas and actions were crucial for the newborn nation. Thomas Paine led the revolt in ideas for the colonists. Franklin thought of the future and how the nation would thrive. He said,"In this world nothing can be said to be certain but death and taxes." He also said,"There was never a good war, or a bad peace." He also stated that,"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain, a little tempory safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." He said in all of these that the British were taking advantage of the colonists and actions must be taken.

PATRICK HENRY- "Gentlemen may cry PEACE! PEACE!--- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! ....... Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?... Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. Henry was a huge rebel and patron to the nation. His words were strong and he could not wait to fight the British.

GEORGE WASHINGTON-He was the greatest general in the Revolutionary War! Not only did he fight and trick the British, but he was the first president of the United States. He left a precident for future presidents that said Presidents could only serve two, four year terms. He also wanted the nation to remain neutral in foreign affairs. He also didn't want political parties which would split the nation. He set the future for the nation. "A free people ought ... to be armed..." He said this on 1790 during the Boston Indendent Chronicle. He also stated," 99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. He also said,"Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.

DR. BEN RUSH- Rush was a doctor in Philadelphia who set up the first free medical clinic. He taught at thge University of Pennsylvania. Not only did he encourage Paine to publish his phamplet 'Common Sense', but he also signed the Declaration of Independence. He said," The American War is over; but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed. It remains yet to establish and perfect our new forms of government."

THOMAS JEFFERSON- Jefferson was the third President of the U.S. He wrote the Declaration of Independence and was a strong believer in Democracy. He was one of the people that held up the backbone of our nation. "I'm a great believer of luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." He also believed in hard work.

ABE LINCOLN- Lincoln was President at a harsh time. He led the nation through the Civil War and kept the Union together the best he could. He didn't stop fighting to keep the nation together until he was assasinated in office. He said many speeches. Today he is most recognized for ending slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation. He said," sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." He claimed,"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." He also decared,"I'm not concerned that you have fallen...I'm concerned that you arise."

SAM CLEMENS-Better known as Mark Twain, from his old steam boat days, he wrote about how life was in the 1800's. Today you can read his books (Tom Sawyer) about adventure and realize how the language and customs were back then. He wrote VERY good books. He said,"When in doubt tell the truth." He also claimed,"History, although sometimes made up of a few acts of great, is more often shaped by many acts of the small."

ELEANOR ROOSEVELT-was the first person to use her first ladyness to do good. She would help the poor during the depression. She would give out food, money and medical aid to help anyone that needed it. She even cooked in peoples home's! She said,"Happiness is not the goal, it is a by-product." She also claimed," You always admire what you really don't understand."

ALBERT EINSTIEN- Einstien won the Nobel Peace Prize in Physics. He was the one to come up with the Theory of Relativity. He was a Pacifist and dedicated Zionist. He said," The important thing is to not stop questioning." He also said,"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." he also claimed," Only two things are infinite, the Universe and Human Stupidity, and I'm not sure of the former.

DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.- King was a great leader and an amazing speaker. He would attract crowds of hundreds of thousands. He spoke for the end to discrimination. His famous 'I have a dream' speech in Washington D.C. was one of his biggest.He also led the Bus Boycott in Montgomery. He said," The old law an eye for an eye, leaves everybody blind." He also claimed," The time is always right to do what is right."

JOHN F. KENNEDY- JFK led our nation through the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also made the famous speech during the Cold War's space race that the U.S. would send astronauts to the moon. To most he was a great leader, but there is always an odd person and JFK was assasinated. He said," Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

NATHAN HALE- Hale was a very young revolutionary soldier from Conneticut. He slipped past British lines and gathered valuable information for the Colonists. He was captured and hung by the lobsterbacks. But on his way up to the gallows he said," I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

JOHN HANCOCK- John was a famous colonist that wanted a formal separation from Britian. He was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. If America lost the war all signers would be hung for treason. Knowing this Hancock signed his name very large and bold. He said," There I think he[King George] can read that."

ETHAN ALLEN-Allen was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys. He raided the British Ft. Ticonderoga. He captured or killed every Brit. When the British commander wanted to know what authority he acted for Allen said," In the name of the Great Jehova and the Continental Congress."

WEB DU BOIS-Web Du Bois was a man that stood up for black rights. He opposed Booker T. Washington and thought if you want rights you need to act now! He was the first African American to get his PhD. from Harvard. He also helped start the NAACP. He said," So far as Mr. Washington apologized for injustice, we must firmly oppose him."









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