Realm of the morons

[Moron no.1-Someone who wrote to my anti-S Club 7 mailing list]

Have u heard about the death to S Club 7 website? There address is I think u should write to them and make 'em cry.

(your greatest fan.) Beth

P.S. I love Jon.

Gez-Hello...? Hello, brains? Did you not notice that this is an ANTI S Club 7 mailing list, and they would probably not be a member of it seeing as it only exsists to slag them off? Pay ATTENTION next time, okay?
P.S.-I don't.

[Moron no.2-Guestbook entry]

And here's a message that someone posted in my guestbook.

Name: tasha
Comments: just by the name i'm mad!you are a fuckin' asshole!

Gez-I hope that you realize that probably, other than the fact that S Club 7 annoy me more than they probably should, the main reason I made my site is so that I can recieve flames from small minded, badly educated jackasses like you and have a good laugh at them. Yeah, I am a "fuckin' asshole," and damn proud of it too. Any complaints? Mail them up your arse. Next!

[Moron no. 3-"The bigoted jackass" a promise is a promise, ne?)]

Title of mail-wHAt i think of you. (Yes, bad capitalization included.)
Ah, my first flame! I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to this. There's nothing I love more than pissing off small minded bigots such as yourself. Seeing as it's such a long flame as well, I'd like to deal with it bit by bit instead of giving a large reply at the end.

I'll start off by saying why i am writing this?
Sure, go ahead. Though after reading your so called "reasons," I have to wonder why you bothered.

Apart from the fact to express my disgust, I am also wondering why a poor mother and father wasted their time to create a kid that was so unbelievably disgusting in every way that it's not worth the air that could be saved for someone else.
Hmm, getting personal here, eh? I could tell you that you're a ho on a street corner, but that would be a completely unfounded assumption that would serve only to make me look stupid. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. Stick to criticizing my site

That kid is you. Not that I know you or anything (And god help anyone that does)
You're right, you don't know. And my friends are quite happy to know me, thank you very much.

i would not want to.
And believe me, that bothers me very little, as you seem to have a superiority complex and very little of a sense of humour to speak of.

You are probably some horny teenager with major mood swings, no hope in life, a society drop-out and a major jealousy problem to anyone who does better than you.
I go to a private school (on assisted place, as I was not born with a silver spoon up my arse with rich parents), I am generally an excellent scholar, I DO have a hope in life (I'm going to be a journalist/writer, which is why I enjoy creative things like website building) and-ah-you've incorporated the jealousy argument that always seems to come up when S Club 7 fans write. Believe me when I say that I am NOT remotely jealous of them, in fact the thought of prancing round a stage miming to a badly written, cliched piece of pop crap masquerading as music does not appeal at all. I have my own aspirations and my own role models, and S Club 7 does not feature in either of these.

What your site is, is CRAP! Mental shit that doesn't make sense.
Well it WOULDN'T if you didn't have a sense of humour.

you know, when people go into your site, they wonder whether it's still running, because the men in white coats from all over the world are probably hauling you to a high-security mental-home.
Um...I don't think so somehow. I think it's more ridiculous that an S Club 7 fan would bother visiting a site dedicated to making fun of their band. Really, do you WANT to read insulting things about them, or are you just on some holy crusade to tell all those nasty people who make mean sites what you think of them? Because generally, we won't give a shit, we will laugh at your ill founded opinions and we will post them on our site for others to laugh at.

Where you can't put your horny,
I don't know where you got the idea that I'm horny from.

ugly fat,
Oh of course, you'd know, wouldn't you? I'm far from either, actually.

gay head anywhere.
Oh of course, the type of website you make DOES decide your sexual persuasion! How intelligent of you! Good for you, you're obviously NOT bigoted at all!

Now, i don't know what's in you, but god help you.
What's in me? Well at least I have some courage in me, because I'm going to leave my real name.


Now fuck off.

[Moron no.3-again]

However, this was not enough. No, the bitch was back, and this time she was even more irritating!

Title of mail-LOSER. (At which point I crawl off into a nearby corner and cry myself to sleep at her cutting insult-help me mummy!)
Comments-Well, it was so nice to receive your email. You don't how much I appreciate 'nasty -cough' emails like yours. You see, after reading your email, I discovered what a little kid you are. Some brainless twerp just starting high school. I know you don't have rich parents, because you don't have any class.
(And we all know that you have to be rich to have class. Just look at Fergie!)

You started that defensive load of crap which usually happens when webmasters decide to defend their site.
(Oh, you've done this before. Well, it's a hobby I suppose...)

I've seen better debating from my six-year-old cousin!
(*TRANSLATION*-"my 6 year old cousin can beat me in an argument")

What's your school?
(Ha ha, oh, you crack me up. Have a lollipop.)

I'd hate to think. too bad you don't go to a school that happens to have a good reputation.
(And it's too bad that you have nothing better to do than go around insulting webmasters. Still, eh? And my school does have a pretty good rep. Oh well.)

And what are your 'friends?' Pimps?
(I indeed AM friends with a lot of fifteen year old pimps, it's rather a popular career choice for our age group.)

That's all you'd be good for.
(Alas no, because according to you I am fat, gay and ugly. This has shattered my confidence and my dreams of selling my body for smack are over. You rotter! *sob!*?

Or maybe i shouldn't assume that. Considering that you were 'nice' enough not to assume about me.
(I'm good like that)

I'll just assume the obvious- you have something against the world. you ARE jealous,
I'm most certainly not jealous. I thought I made that clear last time. Obviously not clear enough for you. However, I DO enjoy pissing people off, and I it looks like I've succeded. So who's the bigger idiot- the girl who knocks up a site in 5 minutes to piss people off for a joke, or the girl who takes the bait and allows herself to be pissed off? I'll give you a clue-it ain't me.

but are basically a teenager that likes pissing off people.
(Your point being?)

Your argument is that every S Club fan encorporates the same argument. Have you ever stopped to think they could be right.
No, I haven't. Because most S Club 7 fans have the spelling, grammar and intellect of six year olds so I ignore them. At least you can spell. Doesn't mean I respect your views any more though.

Or are you prancing around going,
"I got into a school on assisted place for once!"
LOL, oh that is PRICELESS! The mental image of myself leaping around the room singing "Tra la la, I have an assisted place!" made me burst out laughing in the middle of my IT lesson. But, um, no. Not bloody likely.

Have you ever heard that maybe you are a big strange in the head. I don't see why you are wasting your time with that website?
(I don't. I set it up months ago and haven't updated since. You see, a little thing called a "life" (I doubt you've heard of it, what with your little hobby of harrassing webmasters),which tends to get in the way.)

Have you looked in your guestbook for a change? I wonder how many people thinks Darryll whatever is a LOSER? Let's see.... there are aout 48 pages?
Um...what? This definitely has nothing to do with my site.

And you think you will be a journalist? Let's see, you can join Marilyn Manson in his attempts- i repeat attempts- to transform the world into a skanky people-hating place.
He's a singer (supposedly) jackass, I want to be a JOURNO. And no, I don't want to transform the world into some kind of people hating place. The website is a bit of fun. Nothing more. Jeez.

Try insulting yourself. Then we'll see some positive comments in your guestbook.
Yeah. But I think insulting YOU and putting you in the "Stupid people" section of my site will get more. But don't worry, I'll keep your name private. I'll just refer to you as "The bigoted jackass."

Meantime, piss of you motherfucker, and stick your website up where the sun don't shine.
Thankyou! And a merry christmas to you too!

[It's bloody Moron no.3 again, isn't it?]

The bitch returns! In the SAME DAY too! She obviously has little better to do, so...

Title of mail-IN response to your 'charming' mail (Better than yours, asswipe)
Comments:Well. Let's see, i finally got myself around to checking your email. Not that i'm lazy,
Oh, heaven forfend! but your not 1st priority. Of course.Of course. Harrassing webmasters is the first!

Well, that email you wrote.... nice try.
Thankyou! What a nice young lady.)

I suppose it was meant to be nasty, but unfortunately you rebel types don't get to me that easily.
Ooh, you nasty youngun's with ya rebelish ways! Be gone with ya, before ye feel the wrong end of ma cane, ye whippersnapper!

You certainly have managed to piss the hell out of 48 pages of site viewers who think the same of you as i do.
48=2. I have TWO pages of comments. Though I see how you could get confused, they are very similar)

But anyway, congratulations. You made me laugh, loser.
Thankyou! I am here to serve.

I'm glad you weren't born with a silver spoon up your arse. Not that i take everything literally, but the thought of a poor and not quite so innocent baby...... anyway, i can tell you're not rich at all- you simply don't have class.
Am I the only one getting deja vu here?

Now where i come from, and i'm not saying, considering the fact i don't trust you and never could-
Oh PLEASE tell me! I DO give a shit, honest!

we have learned to tell when a person doesn't have class. This is not an unfounded assumption at all. I thought it would be polite to answer your email, rather than letting you, feeling proud of your insecure self, get the last say. I don't go that way.

Maybe i shouldn't assume you're insecure. Maybe there's another reason for your jealousy.
Now she thinks she's a psychology major.

There, i say it again. Maybe all S Club 7 fans come up with the jealousy issue, but have you ever considered the fact they might be right?
Yes...DEFINITE feeling of deja vu.

Now, you said you wanted to be a journalist. How very ambitious. I'm also planning for that career,
Excellent! I shall look forward to your column in "webmaster harrassers weekly" in the future. No, really.

or maybe a lawyer.
*Loud sniggers*

I noticed your writing style certainly didn't have any promise in it.
Like I give a crap "wHAt you think of me." Spelchek sux!!!1111

But maybe your creative site building scheme doesn't call for good works.
Not really. It's more about a concept called FUN. Heard of it? It's one of those things you know nothing about. You know, like a life. and dress sense (Oops! Assumptions! I apologise, your highness!))

I certainly hope one day someone will appreciate the effort you went to to think of all that crap............. there's no other word for what you wrote. It doesn't make sense. But sure, obviously to you it does. Is your school one for insecure minds?
Yes, I attend one of the thousands of fine institutions dotted up and down the country dedicated to insecure minds. Gosh, you are on the ball!

Teaching you on how to battle the real world? And are your friends just like you? Now, when you wrote, you discovered - according to your rather swollen head- that i didn't have a sense of humour. I think you'll find my sense of humour is quite plasing,
I'm sure I will. As long as "Plasing"=non existent.

as my friends-
Lala and Sacky Squirrel,

who also have a hope in life-
Lala as the third member of the Tellytubbies and Sacky Squirrel as the first non human American president. Of course.

would agree with. I appreciate sites such as S Club Humour, Zthing, blonde and yomama joke sites, and other various humourous sites.
No please, tell me more! I'm thrilled now! Don't leave me hanging!

But what's there to laugh about in your site? I didn't find anything, and i can assure you, i searched. Even non-S Club fans still manage to complain..... well, well, well.
Nooooo, the ones who signed my book liked it.

I can assure you this won't be the last you'll hear of me.
I'll await your next email with baited breath. Life will be without meaning until I recieve your next piece of shining wisdom!

Now piss off you motherfucker and stick your site where the sun don't shine.

Okay! Thanks for the advice!

Gosh, what a charming young lady.

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