The Goods

Behold, and yay for plot bunnies!^_-

No clue. Basically something with absolutely no dialogue or names whatsoever. Rating: PG/PG-13 Genre: Angst

Sitting on the Rocks
Kind of meditative piece. 'Close your eyes' while you read and let the words give you the image. I wrote it one night when I was really stressed/pissed/frustrated and needed to work it out of me. Rating: G Genre: General

Never Forget
Again, no clue... A flashback or memoir in first person, if you will. I'm thinking the war in it is Vietnam, but there are so few details that really, which war is irrelevent. Basically one girl's recollection of how the war impacted her life/family on the farm in the middle of nowhere. I think it's in the South, since I did give them accents. Played a lot with tone-- educated but unsophisticated at the same time. Sappier and fluffier with the happiest ending I've ever, ever, ever written. ^_^ Rating: G/PG Genre: Drama

Satire #1
Basically a mock or satire of those who so passionately proclaim their angsty indifference. My friends adored this one. ^_- Rating: PG 13 (language, themes) Genre: Humor

Satire #2
Much, much darker than the first one. Gets at those who emotionally jerk their loved ones around by threatening suicide, or who use suicide threats as a way of obtaining attention. Rating: R (language, themes) Genre: ...dark? ^_^

Sayonara: A Japanese goodbye, intimating at a prolonged absense or permanent nonpresence. Letter format. Some people will get this, some won't. Names deleted to protect the (not so) innocent. Rating: G Genre: nonfiction

Study on Cutting
Instead of paying attention in church I became engrossed in my own little study on cutting and self mutilation. Bible study. [rating/genre n/a]

On Top of Old Smokey--revised!
A parody of the elementary tune, "On Top of Old Smokey." Fourth verse and down are the results of my own bored dementia. Rating: PG Genre: songfilk

[unnamed as of yet]
Ongoing. My baby. No summary yet. Rating: R Genre: Drama
