The Unholy History of Maha Saibyebye part 2


In the 1980's maha saibyebye tried out his first incarnation. It was the decade of excess, of glitter suits and maha sought to ride the trend. So here he is..

The lights....

The Glamour....

The Rings......

The Cars.....

Fire up the aarathi

its............ LIBERSWAMI

Mahas earliest incarnation as Liberswami may have been short lived but while it lasted it reflected the excess of the material decade.


A nights haul for Mrs D of Oakland Calif.>

The cry of Liberswami was 'who wants my gift.' Thousands of rings were materialised by Liberswami, 120 alone at one gig at the Davies Concert Hall in San Francisco. And how Liberswami would sing his signature tune

O we are living in a material world

And I am a material guru

O yeah

We are living in a material world

And I am a materialising guru....

The Cars

Liberswami liked cars...lots of them, all kept neatly away but ready at any time....

The Outfits

Liberswami always said if i'm going to be cloaked in a veil of maya lets stud it in diamante...

The Dark Side

There were always stories surrounding Liberswami, more than could be dismissed as passing clouds. There were persistent rumours of liasons of impropriety and Liberswami fought a constant battle with the press to keep it out of the public domain. He would cry 'judas' at any pressmen. Liberswami never seemed to age and there were stories that his 'diamond' rings were actually purchased in Tupalo Missisippi. But, in the end, it was a marketing decision to move on. Liberswami was the king of cheese (he advocated vegetarianism) and his appeal was mostly blue collar blue rinse. By 1987 the Liberswami had vanished but his legacy lingers on....

images still reside in many shrinerooms

coming soon part 3