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Name: Glasscia Sandra-Nicole Dunne

Mortal Age: 16

Immortal Age: 1 week

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 80lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green/Blue


I know what you?re thinking! You?re thinking, that girl who looks like me is most unfortunate and disturbed! Well maybe you're right! Maybe you're wrong! Don't make yer decision until you?ve heard my story!

Well, I was born September 1 1985, yep I'm only 16 years old. I look like I'm 19 huh! Well anyway, I was brought into a family of riches and refinery. A home were a child was confined to one room with the nanny! I couldn't run around and play cause I would break something, stupid units. They really wanted me to be all screwed up, neglecting me and such. They didn?t even give me a congrats on my perfect grades! I guess that showed me that anything I did, didn?t really have an effect on anyone

I was home schooled from age 4 to 12, and then they put me in a Catholic school when I turned 13. They figured that they couldn't handle a teenager in their home. Not like they handled me in the first place. I didn?t even know my parents; they were always gone on their trips. I guess that's why it wasn?t so traumatic for me to stay away from home.

I was happier than anything! Finally my freedom to roam the streets of New Orleans. To get into trouble and see real people, real bands! I could sneak out of the dorm rooms at night and wonder the town with my parent?s money in one pocket and condoms in the other. See, being coped up for so long left me sex crazed, willing to try anything once! I wanted to do, see, feel, and touch everything! I couldn't wait to get there in fact. I wanted to learn about new things and scare my nuns and my peers by exploiting their style into a gothic demonic mistress of death!

God! How I loved how they looked at me, those eyes full of fear and disgust. And best of all they couldn?t do or say anything, because my parents are the reason that the school is still open! Plus, I was a legacy. My mother and father went there. Hell that?s where they met! And to tell you the truth, I think that they were as wild as I am now. They just wont admit it; all they say about their school time is they were model students, academically of course!

Maybe I take after them more than I think! I think they confined because they didn't want me to take their path! WELL TOO LATE!! HAHAHA THOSE FUCK HEADS!! I HAVE WON!! Now their princess runs the streets like wild woman! Doing and taking whatever she can! This is what they get! This is their punishment for their mistakes on neglecting me!! HA!

Well now I have really done it! I bet you're curious as to what I'm talking about. Well I'll tell you. It all happened one of those nights that I was lookin for a new club to hang out in and I stumbled up on this bar. It was strange, it didnt smell so wonderful either, but it was a nice little place. And I met a really hot guy! I dont know his name, he might of told me and I forgot! but thats okay! anyway, I was speed that night, I think, well it doesnt matter. Anyway, this guy was weird like me! And we got close if ya know what I mean! hehehehe! Well we had our fun then he left then I left and then I went back the next night and the nights after that! We became good friends and then it happened. We were hangin out on the top of his car. He asked me if I would want to live forever, and of course being the rambuncsiocus party fiend I am I said hell yes! But denied it was possible. Well you could only guess what happened then, he bite me and dranke me dry then made me drink his blood! I didnt really understand and the next thing I remember is wakeing up in the cathloic school in home room and the bell rang for the next class. I still dont know if it were a dream or not, but it felt so real it had to have happened!!

Clan: Brujah

Nature: Rebel

Demeanor: Thrill-Seeker

Geneeration: 5th

Haven: Wanders



Strength +2

Dexterity +2

Stamina +3


Charisma + 3

Manipulation +3

Appearance +4


Perception +2

Inelligence +4

Wits +3



Alertness +1

Athletics +2

Brawl +2

Dodge +2

Expression +2

Intimidation +1

Streetwise +3

Subterfuge +2


Drive +1

Etiquette +1

Firearms +1

Performance +1

Security +3

Stealth +1

Survival +2


Academics +3

Computer +2

Finance +1

Investigation +1

Linguistics +1

Occult +2

Politics +1


Contacts +3

Herd +1

Mentor +1


Celerity +1

Potence +1

Presence +1

Dominate +1


Conscience/Conviction +3

Self-Control/Instinct +2

Courage +5


Addiction- Speed

Phobia- Bunnies

Repulsed by Garlic

Touch of Frost

Light Sensitive

Weak Willed

Prey Exclusion

Permanet Wound(Feeding slit on Wrist& Bruises on thighs)

