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February - March (The Beginning of The Conquest)

3-9-01 I really hope my mommy doesn't visit this page....Whoever signed my guestbook last night left an awful mess in there.......

3-8-01 Man......Anyone visiting this page regularly, needs to check out my guestbook. It's a fucking war in there. I couldn't be happier. Just a few things pertaining to that war: Nick doesn't look much like a white guy, Chuck damn well looks Korean half the time, and no, I am not getting a fucking message board! I like my guestbook more. I will change it around every now and then, but for now, that's it. I'll consider a message board, but until then, keep on fighting, honkeys! By the way, I talked with Nick a bit about communism, and my errors are mostly (ahem) clerical. I just had some of my terminology wrong. I didn't make it clear I was talking about the bare bones idea of communism. I was not discussing Marxism. I believe all systems are changeable, just like all religions, laws, and flavored condoms. I was merely theorizing a bit. I don't think I failed, but I admit I wasn't thorough enough.
3-5-01 Yeah!! Yeah, you're right Rhys, it is all just dogma! That's what I was trying to say! Yeah! I was saying communist theory is dogma, therefore, it's maleable! It could be re-thought into a Christian thing! Since I am neither pro-communist or a dogma writer, per se, I'll now shut my trap on this one.
3-4-01 I had a pretty good time in Oak Ridge this weekend. Hung out with Nick, went to see O Brother, Where Art Thou, and downloaded Leftfield's Rhythm and Stealth (sorry guys, I had to test the water with this one first, because I'm just now getting back into your funky you're actually reading this). Leftfield is bad ass! Their sophomore album takes a few listens, but it's well worth it. They're experementing in a million different ways, and the results are strange, but compelling. O Brother, Where Art Thou is amusing. The Coen's take a left turn into random territory. If you think The Big Lebowski was weird, you may not be prepared for this. The film has a structure that could technically go on for hours, but the Coen's are merciful, and they end the film just in time. It starts to drag towards the end. Still, it's an imaginative, entertaining, often mesmerizing film. It's beautiful, funny, and dumb. I admire it, and I admire the Coen's for being able to surprise everyone everytime they make a movie, but I'd like to see them tackle a more serious subject next time. They've chilled out into stoned, carefree territory. Oh well....they're still more fun than all of hollywood. I'm looking forward to coming back to Oak Ridge on Friday. Bass, just in case you're reading this, I'm gonna tear the roof off of that church, but I need directions to it. Don't worry, I'll integrate non-techno every now and then. I've adopted a brand new affirmative action program. White music played with real instruments is now allowed to go to school with white music made with so-called fake ones. I don't know how long this program will last in a Bush administration, but don't worry even still, cuz I be playin tha hitz. Aiight.....
3-1-01 Oy.....I tried to update the DJ charts for the second list...but I'm exhausted....go and read at the stale crap I wrote for those songs. I figure I can do better than that, so I'll get back to it later. After Ubik, you'll get nothing, but I managed to highlight all of the songs to fuck with you.....g'night.
3-1-01 I had a dream last night that I was in mortal terror of Joe Pesci. All references to George Carlin aside, it was a real nightmare. For some reason, he was pissed at me. Keep in mind, I'm talking about the Joe Pesci from Goodfellas, not the lovable, slightly less violent Joe from Casino. I was dreaming of the Joe Pesci that shoots kids for fun, and he was after me and my little brother for some reason. The dream consisted of me dialing 911 and listening to the phone ring until loe and behold, someone finally answered. All I remember hearing was gossip in Chinese. This frightened me considerably. I hung up, and then for what seemed like hours ( I guess my dreams have been edited to logically show the passage of time. Heh.....I knew I was a born film maker), nothing happened. Then there was a knock at the door. We were staying in some hotel room or something. I can't tell you what the room seemed like. It was very strange. But anyway, my little brother goes to answer the door, and Joe Pesci kills him but good. Sorry, Josh, believe me, I did all I could. And what I did was piss my pants in mortal terror, beg Joe for my life, etc. He shot me in the face seven times. I woke up, and well, I'm glad to say I didn't really piss my pants in terror, but well........ I'm going to have a hard time watching Joe Pesci on the screen now. Though it was pretty cool when he shot me in the head. it wrong to have dreams like that? I mean, morally?
2-28-01 I've got a little game for y'all ta play. I ripped this off from MST3K, but fuck em....they quit. Those bastards. Anyway I'm going to put a link to a random picture, and I want people to write in the guestbook what the caption should be. That means you look at the picture and try and come up with something funny to MST it with. That simple. We'll see how creative you guys are, then. Click on the What Are They Saying In The Picture? link. Have fun, and the best caption gets posted underneath it. Remember to leave your name for credit, or I'll just have to make up a name for you. Aiight...piss off.
2-28-01 Just a quick rebuttal to the person who signed my guestbook the other day (I think I know who you are..hee hee).......I was being hypothetical with my post on communism. Please, don't misconstrue that point. You're right, of course, that Karl Marx was anti-religious, and yes, he invented communism, so perhaps the statement italicized below is wrong. But read again the statements in bold print from that post. This is just a silly diary, so please understand that I won't always make the argument perfect. If you've ever tried to write a coherent essay in an html editor window, you know that sometimes you just can't be thorough. Or maybe not, maybe it's just me, but the point I was making about communism was it failed because it was a secular movement!. If it had been a Christian one, it would have lasted longer. Setting aside how communism has "worked" so far, think for a second how if it had just been thought of in more religious terms, many right wing Christians today might very well be communists. Think about that. Right wing Christians think alike and often act alike, just like any group, and they'd fit into it better than the radicals they so often pigeonhole as communists. Understand, please, that I hate communism, and would never fit into it. The idea alone pisses me off, secular or not. I was merely pointing out the irony in an entire group of people stereotyping liberals as a group of like minded whiners, when in fact, they are like minded themselves. Religion is stronger than a governmental system. That's why communism failed. Let us pray that these dictators don't realize how stupid they've been to subdue religious practice and form a new communism based on love in Christ.
2-27-01 Ok...I'm getting bored...I've discovered recently that I can't live the way I've been living much longer without going absolutely insane. I am going to do whatever it takes to get out of this listless existance for the rest of this semester, and next semester, I'm joining the theater department. I'm going to start writing plays, and I may even try acting. I've had it with doing nothing all the damn time. For all my friends reading this, come summer, please don't let me stay home. Never, ever let up. When I'm not working, I want to be with you guys. This may seem premature, but this has been consuming my thoughts lately, and I fear inactivity. Please don't let me be lazy in the summer. Every minute spent doing nothing is a minute wasted, and even if I spend that minute doint nothing with you guys, at least we'll be doing our nothing together. Please....I know I have a habit of remaining introverted...I'm fucking tired of it. I'm ready to lose whatever inhibition I may have in order to fight boredom. That doesn't mean I will violate my standards. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I'm just introverted. If in the long run I discover that the only way to break through that is to partake in such affairs...well....we'll see what happens. That'll be a test for later days. Keep in mind I'm not asking all of you to do this for me. You have no obligation. But I'd appreciate it, because I love you all, and I wish to spend my time with you. Thanks...I'll be back with another lighthearted rant about communism, and maybe I'll thrown in some titty.
2-26-01 A little food for thought - Why is communism relegated to the left? Was this some clerical error? It seems like one of the big fears of conservatives for the past seventy or eighty years was the liberal movement. Anything liberal during the time of the sixties revolution for example, was deemed anti-American and communist. In the fifties, Hollywood liberals were attacked. I think that's the reason. The people who started communism and supported it early on were radicals, and Hollywood tends to be liberal. I think that's when it got confused as a liberal practice. Of course, it helps conservatives to think that all liberals are bleeding heart commies, but picture the irony in that for a second, and examine the reality of the situation as well. How can a liberal be a commie and a liberal at the same time? It's almost impossible! Communism requires rigid adherence to social rules. Liberalism tends to be radical and anti-status quo (real liberalism, not phony democrat liberalism, mind you). Beside all of that lies the fundamental truth that communism itself is a firmly conservative ideal. It requires uniformity in thought and action. No liberal will fit into that. It would be easier to fit a right wing Christian into a communist system than it would be to throw a hardcore liberal into such a system, and with military right wingers, it's almost funny how easy the pegs would fit into place. Conservatives will argue with this reasoning if they ever hear it, citing that communism has been a secular movement, one that oppressed religion, but that argument proves their lack of imagination. There is nothing in communism that states that religion can't be a healthy part of the system , and in fact, it would make sense to assume that religion would help unify a people into such a mold. It just hasn't been tried. Perhaps that's why it failed. So if you're ever defending yourself against idiot right wingers who swear you're a commie-liberal, point out the contradiction in that, and tell em to pick you up a loaf of bread from the rations line in the morning. And by the way, there's no pattern to the shit I talk about on this page. If you have a problem with me tackling random subjects, well I'll be honest, I'm not necessarily doing it for you. But I hope it's entertaining, and I'll try my best to make it so. Considering it's just my friends and loved ones coming to this page, I doubt I'm going to annoy anyone that much. So if you have a problem with my talking about random stuff, sorry, I can't change that. However, if you find I am completely full of shit, or sound arrogant or immodest, please sign my guestbook and let me know, or email me at and let me know there. Thanks!
2-25-01 Well...damn. I can't study right now, my mind is a little too distracted. I've been thinking about the future of late, and I'm beginning to feel the effects of drudgery push me into action. Things are very slow right now. I'm seriously unsure of how I'm going to get where I want to be, and I don't see a clear path. Most people would no doubt be stopped in their tracks, completely disillusioned and frightened of the possibility they might not get what they want out of life. I submit that succumbing to this very fear for the mindless security of a plan that allows no real failure, is the cause of so many symptomatic cases of regret and limitation in American life. I'm speaking specifically of suburbia, and what suburbia dictates thematically. There is a reason films like American Beauty resonate so well with Americans. It's because Americans, on some level, are unsatisfied with their lot in life. Our entire society is founded on strict limitations, and most people grieve and run away in fear at this, because they see no clear and easy path to their dreams. I would rant about how idiotic it is to expect an easy path, but I won't because at heart, I know most people aren't that naive. People want an easy path, but I think most of them know there isn't going to be one, so instead of planning at all, they simply drink away their time between the ages of 18-25 or so, and then they pick it up with what ever major or career path they've chosen between the haze of this hedonism, and move on to the marriage, the family, and the job, that perhaps, if weare to judge the movies as a reflection of contemporary feelings and mores, 95% of the time, people hate intensely, or get tired of intensely. Why? Because they were afraid, and because they found someone they loved. Marriage. I called it an opiate earlier, and so it is. I say this not to degrade it, but to describe it as at its best, a blissful high. We're taught to believe that's what it's going to be, so there must be some truth in the fairy tale, even if most people can't find that kind of true love. What is marriage then, but a stifling act for those with ambitions? If you're married, you have twice as much reason to be afraid for the future. If you have kids, you are further fucked. You might as well kiss your dreams goodbye, boys and girls, because the fairy tale is more important. I've been told that I'm one day going to give in and marry some girl. Maybe someday, but not for a damn long time, and not before I've well established myself with what I want to do with my life. It won't be easy. It could perhaps be very lonely. I'm willing to take that chance. Until then, I swear to Christ, Allah, and Walt Whitman that I'm damn well going to put out a hit on any girl that tries to lock me into her terrible web of deceit and love! Curse them all, the harlots!
2-25-01 For those who haven't noticed, I put up my DJ charts on Friday. I've given each song in the first top ten list my own insightful (?) commentary, and I hope it's an interesting read. In any case, I'll work on writing commentaries for the second list as soon as I can, for anyone who's interested. Anyone who actually bothers to come to this page should sign my guestbook and comment on what a waste of time this is. I'd vastly appreciate it, as it would seriously cut down my Christmas card work come that unsavory holiday. I might be back later, and if not later, tommorow, to post my thoughts on marriage. I've been told I'm going to give in to that opiate, and I'd like to set the record straight. Until then, peace out fellas, I gotz ta study.
2-22-01 I spent three hours today typing a paper. I'm tired. I'm not sure I've done myself much good by coming back to the computer lab...but oh well, this is more fun than being in my room. I have a new roommate now..Interesting fellow....he's a disciple of christ. Yeah, I didn't capitalize that for a reason. I don't consider it much of a religion. In fact, I've heard it's more of a cult. Shane's experiences there were eery. They told him he needed their help to interpret the bible. they absolutely would not stop trying to convert him. Shane, who has asked me to let him know if the Seventh Day Adventists seemed like a cult (they really don't, they're very nice people, like Shane) said they would not let up. Very catholic these far I've been invited to a few church-christey thingies, but I think the fun's just beginning...I'm thinking about changing my answering machine message to something god-awful. It would be great, seeing as how his creton friends keep calling between 7:30 and 10:00 in the morning when my ass is still snoozin. Bastards. You'd figure after you call five times and get a fucking answering machine that maybe no one's home. . No one's here, please fuck off. That's what I think my answering machine's going to be. I'd add a little "with Christ's love" or something..Or better yet, "fuck off, leave a message." Some people get an answering machine to keep up with people. Others, like us, get them for entertainment.....
2-21-01 Woah.....Just saw Shadow Of The Vampire...It's well worth your time, believe me. It's wild. It has Willem Defoe's best role since he played Christ. I'm sure you've already heard the praise he's gotten, so I won't belabor it, but I will tell you it is not just hype. The Movie itself is also artful. It has dark and brooding cinematography which alternates between recreations of a silent film look. The editing is neato....I'm so buzzed from that movie.....Speaking of which, I know I said this was going to be more than a diary, and dammit, it will be. I'm planning on starting up a section where I write about the movies. Not film reviews...we've got plenty people doing that shit already, and there are only a few notables. I want to write about the movies. I want to examine them as if they were worth more than just seven bucks a pop. I'm also really curious as to why people ignore and despise so many great works. I'm not willing to accept the cliche that these people are all philistines.. but anyway...I'll see what I can start......

2-20-01 I've done it! I've started my quotes page...the world is mine..go ahead, click on my quotes page!

2-19-01 10:56 PM Just wanted to add a quick link to a Harlan Ellison Page

2-19-01 Wow....tired...It's 9:56 in the AM and I'm all raved out. Saw Hybrid on Saturday. I can't lie...I was disappointed. That's pretty hard for me to say because I love Hybrid to death, but I can't lie. They were DJing deep house and hard trance, and as much as I can get into that music, I bought my ticket for Hybrid, not Sasha or Diggers. expectations may have been a little too high. The best thing that came out of the evening was the bootleg we made. It turned out insanely well. We were all shocked. We listened to it yesterday, and we found ourselves getting into it a lot more than we did at the rave. So now I'm really kicking myself in the ass. The bootleg is funny sometimes, because you can hear us talk to Shane every now and then. Here's an example: "Is this Hybrid? This can't be Hybrid! What the fuck? If this is Hybrid I'm disappointed!" Plus, towards the end the ear buds Shane were using slipped from their attachements, and Shane started rocking out. Sometimes the ear buds thumped to the beat so it's sorta ok....somebody thought Shane was a drug dealer...funny....
2-14-01 Yeah..umm...Well, so far, I'm learning html..annoying business that is..I was thinking this should be more than just a diary. I don't have that much going on to be honest, but I do have a lot to say from time to time. So anyway, first post is right now. I'll work on setting up links and what have you, that whole sort of thing. I decided to start up with Angelfire because Holly told me to. So if this sucks I blame her. I'll probably end up posting whatever random eructations my brain creates, and I hope they're entertaining. Afterall, that's what this is all about, right? Riiiighhhtttt...whatever. Post more when brain tells me must play around with html some more. Aiight...Piss off. (by the way, Holly, I'm stealing your quote page idea. I don't know where you stole it from so I'm gonna have to steal it from you)