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30-11-04 Lordy, I've had to kill to get a computer the past few days. It's finals week here, pretty much, so the lab is swamped, and I'm currently waiting for my stipend. So yeah, soon enough, I'll be back to the land of the emails, AIMs, and such. Also, here's a link to Jef's blog. He's a cool dude. He's tryin' to help you out. Talk to y'all soon.

26-11-04 I know I forgot to do this yesterday, so Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone. Much Love. Life will resume shortly for me. Patience, and no worries, everyone. I'm getting back in the game quite soon.

23-11-04 I want everyone to be careful and loving to themselves back there. We all know what life is about, but we could keep finding a clearer answer, yes? Be safe, be happy, love each other as much if not more than you always did, and know that I'm thinking of you everyday. And Dad, I hope that you have found the peace that your life never gave you. I hope that more than anything.

22-11-04 Thanks to everyone. I don't know what I'd do without you. On Saturday, it started snowing. It snowed most of the day and most of the night. I thought about the time difference, and realized that pretty soon before it started snowing here, was about the time my Dad passed on. There's been a lot of snow on the ground so far.

21-11-04 Stephen Williams

1946 - 2004.

I didn't want to have to do this here. I didn't want to, but there was no way around it. I'll go crazy emailing everyone about it. I can't say it more than once. Yesterday, my Dad just stopped fighting. I didn't know it had come to this so soon. I had no idea it would come to this right now. Don't worry about me. I have friends here, and I have my family by phone. I have all of you there for me more than you may realize. I love you all, and I'm sorry I had to tell it to you this way.