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I Was Glad That It Didn't Destroy You......

13-11-04 If the networks are too chickenshit to even broadcast Saving Private Ryan, then I say they're the ones who are indecent. You cretins show hours of mindless, stupid, oppressive, shallow, culture-less drivel all year long. Saving Private Ryan, perhaps more than any other war movie I've seen, is the most ennobling, powerful, patriotic movie that's been made about WWII (Band Of Brothers deserves similar praise). Seeing as how some recent Senator-elect complained about a broadcast of Schindler's List back in the day, maybe it's an anti-semitic thing, wrapped in the tyrannical cloth of false morality? I dunno. I mean, seriously listen to John McCain on this one. He knows more about this kind of shit than you comfortable feebs ever will. What the fuck is wrong with you people in broadcasting anyway?

12-11-04 In other news, hey, at least Ashcroft is gone. Gonzales may be a prisoner raping/torturing, constitution micturating, Geneva Convention bitch-slappin' fascist himself, but I plain hated John Ashcroft. Either they found pictures of him fornicating with his mother in an outhouse, or the hollowed out skulls of Ehtiopian children used to line the hut of his secret Aryan god worshipping tent (you know, right next to the statue with the scales) washed up next to his collection of Nambla pamphlets, you know, right after a prayer meeting in his office erupted all Scanners-like, hurling a mass of human flesh all over the White House. Yeah, I'd probably let that demon-piglet in a fully-grown skinsuit go, too. Or maybe he just needs time with his family. Either way, I smiled when I heard about it, no matter what asshole they replace him with.

12-11-04 Dad will recover. Things will be ok. More later.

11-11-04 Also, my hotmail inbox needs some help, and I like gmail more. so yes, from now on. I think most of my daily emails are going there now, but I need to clean up in the House of Plaid right now.|

11-11-04 Yeah, I might be a little distant for awhile on my blog. There's currently an ocean separating me from my family and my dad, who is currently lucky to be alive and in stable condition. I've told some people the details. Don't worry, I'll be ok. I just wonder if I picked the worst possible karmic time to come to Europe, or the best? In terms of my family life, I've picked the worse, and in terms of cultural political life, perhaps I've picked the best. For every ladder there is a snake waiting at the top, or so I quote.

9-11-04 Yeah, you've seen this by now, but I'm linking it anyway gawdemmit.

9-11-04 For all you Tennessee people, from MST3K's Fan Club:

In advance of an 7 p.m. appearance Nov. 11 by Kevin Murphy at Northeast State Technical Community College in Blountville, Tenn., the "Go Tri Cities" Web site, which looks at entertainment events in the Southwestern Virginia-Northeastern Tennessee-Northwestern North Carolina area, interviewed Kevin. In addition to offering some reminiscences of his MST3K days, the article actually broke some news: Kevin revealed that the tentative title for the Film Crew's upcoming book is Hurts So Good.

You can read the interview here: Yep.

Incidentally, if you're in Blountville area, Kevin's appearance is free and open to the public.

4-11-04 One more, for now.

4-11-04 From Timothy Garton Ash. Let's hope the rest of the world starts thinking like this, even just a little. I start travelling tomorrow if I can. Do you think it's a bad time?

4-11-04 From The NY Times:

That said, by any measure, the Bush victory rocked the political landscape in Washington. Aides to both parties said they were doubtful - given the history of the past four years - that the capital was headed for a period of political calm, no matter what the president and Mr. Kerry said in the aftermath of their bitter competition.

"I don't think a 51-49 election is any mandate," Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee chairman, said in an interview. "George Bush won, and I congratulate him on that. They ran a very effective campaign and he won. They need to be very careful that they now need to govern from the middle in a bipartisan way. This country as we saw in the election is very evenly split."

Given what's at stake, let's regroup, recover, and fucking double our efforts in whatever way we can. "Unify" sounds an awful lot like assimilate, and you can't imilate without making an ass of yourself.

3-11-04 Umm...Well....Ok. Nice knowing you guys. I like Brno a lot. No. Just kidding. When I get back, I can do more good in the land of the weak and the home of the cowardly. Nearly 59,000,000 people just fucked America, and the rest of the world. 59 million vs. the rest of the world doesn't seem like a true democratic ratio, but of course, though it is the rest of the world's problem, they ain't the ones with the choice, and I guess that's how it should be. How did we go from being the cultural forerunner to letting the timidity of ignorance rule the fate of the civilized world? I was waiting outside for Jeff, and we were about to go eat, when I found out that Kerry grew a giant, bulbous vagina. A bunch of Americans all arrived at the door at once, and asked what was up with Ohio. I told them both sides were just doing what we expected. Bush was declaring himself the victor, and Kerry (though I should've known something was up when Edwards announced they'd fight, and not Kerry) was not conceding until the votes were counted. Everybody went inside, and Jeff told me that within the span of five minutes, when he'd gone back to his room and then headed back out to meet me, that Kerry had conceded. Fuck all. Fuckin' fuck. Here we come, Iran. Hope you've nailed everything down, 'cause the blue eyes are comin'.

Most Recent Crippling Disappointment: I think you well bloody know.

1-11-04 I don't know what I feel right now, about anything. It's one of those blank days, I s'pose. Which is why I just played with the Slogonator for like twenty minutes. Here they is:

Some of these are funny, some ain't, but hey, it's a limited yet fulfilling concept.

Eastern Western Tri-Unification (If you count Magical Realism):Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie (yeah, I'm hooked.)

'Alloween 2004 - Happy Rotten Flesh and Gourdiculture Day, everybody. Hope your Hallow's Eve festivities leave nothing behind but the satisfying smell of Brute(I know I've used that before, but it's just plain comic). May your dreams be sweet with Lesbian Wranglers, Tarts, Skanks, Fairies, Strom Thurmonds, and whatever else you guys think to dress up as. For my part? Ultimate Halloween costume? Well, I've always wanted to dress up as Crispin Glover. There's nothing more frightening than that.

29-10-04 hotmail inbox is getting pretty close to full. So if y'all wanna email me, maybe you should email me at I mean, you can do both if you want, but I'm gonna have to do some cleaning and sorting here pretty soon. 'K. Most boring post of the century, done and done.

29-10-04 Found This at Moby's blog.

29-10-04 Your daily Rock the Vote was made possible by snarkers like you. So, I guess the calm before the storm (after several hurricanes) was in September wasn't it? Ha. Anyhow, I'm keepin' myself busy. Pretty soon, I'll travel, meet more people, and maybe I'll even write the great American Expatriot novel. Yeah. Or maybe my blog is just that. Or my inbox. My blog and my inbox. My blog is my Disturbing the Peace, and my inbox is my Letters To Olga. Which is overdramatic. I'm not Havel, and this definitely ain't prison. Sky Captain, by the way, must be seen on a huge screen, with superior sound. Excellence deserves the best. By the time Anglina Jolie shows up, she's out tomboyed, altogether outmanned the whole damn cast. It's what makes it perfect pulpy Flash Gordony awesomeness, at least as far as I'm concerned. Yeah.

Cinema Humanitatem:Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Introvenus Literati:The Ground Beneath Her Feet

27-10-04 Paid for by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Heh. Look, I don't want anybody to think I've gone off my rocker, and moved to Faith Promise in Brno or anything. I've just been coming to the conclusion that you have to believe both in choice and something else. All it is a question for me. Am I turning to every possible place for guidance in a time of crisis? Nah, I've been thinking about this for a while. It's a maddeningly loaded thing to tackle, especially in the narrow improvisational confines of one's blog. So bear with me. I'm just asking questions.

27-10-04 Compared to what else every body is going through right now, my problems aren't nearly worth dwelling on. I love you all, wish you the best, wish I could be there now, and can only hope, that though it is a poor substitute, that what help I can give over the internet is doing some small good. God bless you. I've been mentioning God a lot lately, I suppose. Mentioning the Universe. Being the skeptic that I am, I prefer the word Universe, but hey, just because the word God is so loaded doesn't mean that someone like me can't use it right? My attitude towards religion has always been rebellious and skeptical, but my desire for what's really out there I've kept to myself. Probably for that reason. Why can't we focus more on what God, the Universe, Fate, Karma, Zoraostrianism, whatever, why can't oh why can't we concentrate on the give and take? Here's the deal GODTHEUNIVERSEANDEVERYTHING, what do you want? And what should we give? Let's figure it out, people. I'd like to believe you're with us, oh Lord. Oh, for you are so big. We're awfully impressed down here? Come on. That's not what it's about. Of course we're impressed. What do we do? Now you may think I'm being cynical, but here's my dirty little secret: He tells us when we're ready to say yes, and when it's our time to know. We'll all know, someday, on this Earth. Then our only choice is to say yes or no. You know what I say? Tell Merril, Swing Away.

24-10-04 They gave the fucking clown movie a special honorary somethingorother award in its category. Blecch. And then they showed a clip from it. At least they didn't show the whole thing again. Yeah, so last night I saw Tim Wright. Juha and Oli (Fin and a German, respectively) and Jeff (Marshall's roommate at Appalachian State for a year!!!) showed up, and it was a fucking killer show. He was doing an Ableton Live set, which I think he was still acclimating himself to using that technology, but all in all, he fucking rocked the damn house down. He played all his well-knowns, and fucked with them. The Searcher, Going Down, and the Ride were just about the most amazing thing I could imagine hearing. How weird is it, and yet so appropriate, that a kid from Tennessee could wind up in Brno listening to his preferred esoteric breakbeat weirdness? Juha, Oli, and Jeff seemed to really dig the stuff too. I went up to him and mouthed the words 'thank you' when he played Going Down. OMFG. He smiled an awkward DJ introvert smile. Don't think he realized I was a fan. Ah well. I understand.

Last Movie Watched: Fuck me gently with a chainsaw

23-10-04 Well, the festival is over. I was going to email different people about it, but I think I need to write about it here. Hope that's ok. To start off, if I were to infer from the 40 or so films I watched over the past three days the truth about humanity, I would have to observe that there is no such thing as love, that there is no hope for mankind, and finally, life is a bubbling pit of isolation, despair, loneliness, miasma, grief, tragedy, death, and an evil clown.

Let me tell you about Musical Chairs, a film that doesn't deserve to be italicized. To italicize it would be to solidify it as worthy of scrutiny beyond the description of its basic evilness. Film starts; it's beelzebozo time:

It is all one unbroken shot. In the foreground on the right is a clown sitting at a table with a grammaphone. In the background up to the far left (it's a widescreen composition) are five chairs, and five children, three little girls, two little boys. The song plays until of course, the clown lackadaisically scratches the stylus from the platter, whereupon one of the children inexorably loses the first round. This little boy jumps in slow motion towards the center of the field, until a distant gunshot fires off, murdering the helpless boy. The movement of the children evokes complacency. They know their fate, and live in a world where their own self worth is a broken, missing fragment of humanity they never got introduced to. Now, procession restarts, and it follows this patter, for ten minutes, until there is one little girl left standing. The clown smears the red makeup around his lips until it appears he has devoured a sandwhich of pure vermillion. Then he slowly approaches the last remaining little girl and holds out his hand to her. Film ends.

There is a fate worse than death kids. Sleep tight. I could go on and on about the pointless, stupid, self-indulgent, smart-assness of this fucking travesty. Do people who dream up this shit have fulfilling lives in the process, or are they just waiting for their own clown to surface? I know I've inferred the obvious point from this effluvium. If there is a spare gullet perched next to the one Judas is currently being engorged in, the director of Musical Chairs has got a fit vantage point waiting in Hell upon which to point his aperture, and record the statement that would best suit him.

Now there were worse films than this, in terms of craftsmanship, but there were far better, even in the detritus of the damned. The Swedes. My God, I love the Swedes. Ingmar Bergman may not have given up the ghost yet, but somehow his spirit has raised a generation of filmmakers that cull from their own experience a humanity that could shame the western world. They too dealt with sad, dark themes in their films, but the humanity they brought out of them was enough for me, even if the darkness of the other films had not been present, to prove that these fucking people are serious, skilled, and way more than on the right track. God bless them, they have the noble power to find light and forgiveness in the darkness.

Speaking of darkness, I've moved on. Doors are closed, wounds have sifted out the salt poured into them. I know what time it is, in the modern idiom. Suffice it to say that, what I've learned is that people couple with one another out of loneliness. It's always that way, just about. I for one, can say that I coupled out of love, not fear of loneliness. Alone-ness, not loneliness is something to cultivate. This Creates strength and reason. We latch on to others to validate our lonely existance, and then we falter. I choose never to falter. And I have my friends to thank for it, Oak Ridge, Chattanooga and otherwise. What we have here is a fucking boulder of a community. We've held on to it for more than a decade, and we may have chosen each other first out of loneliness, perhaps, but moreover we did so out of an understanding that we had created a little renaissance in ourselves. God himself couldn't rip us apart, no matter how far we go. I'm not trying to add pressure to a good thing. That ain't what I'm after. Can we possibly say that we survived the turmoil we put each other through over the years, and then returned to each other because we're bored and lonely? Nope. That's not how most people work. We chose each other. Choice. We said yes to God in saying yes to each other. There ain't a man alive who could change that, and I'm not just saying this because I'm scared and alone. I'm alone, but I ain't scared.

23-10-04 From MST3K main fan site:

LATEST NEWS -- October 22 MST3K DOUBLE FEATURE IN NASHVILLE On Monday, October 25, the historic Belcourt Theatre will be hosting a fundraiser to benefit local charity organization "Hands on Nashville." The event will kick off with a reception at 5:30pm featuring Mexican beer and "hands on" food, followed by showings of episodes 424- MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE and 106- THE CRAWLING HAND. Tickets are $15 per person and can be bought by calling 615-846-3150. The Belcourt Theatre is located at 2102 Belcourt Avenue in Nashville, TN.

17-10-04. Took my time, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone for their support. I love you. I've gotten like four different emails today, and I think one of you asked me if I'm coming home for Christmas. I wish I was. But I can't afford it, and frankly, I'm sure as hell I wouldn't come back if I did, even if I was over it completely by Christmas (which I won't be) This post wasn't meant to be a downer. I just felt like getting that out of the way. Anyhow, I'm doing the film festival thing. Holly, I'll email you updates when I get home at night, right now though, all I have is the schedule. It starts Wednesday at 9:00am til 10:00pm or something. It's like that through Sunday. The festival ends with a showing of the Colin Farel drama Intermission which is exciting as hell, cause I think I was in a little ol' directing class in a little ol' indian town that didn't get it anyway. Also, Saturday (sobota) night, guess what y'all? I'm going to see Tim Wright. YEAH! WOOOH HOO! Tim WRight in Brno. Aww yeuhh, Tim wright fuckin' hell yeah Tim WRight unfuckin' believable Tim Wright OMFG Tim WRight, never woulda thought. FUCKIN Hell yeah TIm Wright aiight. Now where the hell is Si Begg? Tim Wright is a step in the right direction, and fucking owns, now all I need is Si Begg to come to Brno, Praha, or wherever the fuck. If I have to go Belarus, I really don't care. Aiight, Czech ya soon, hah hahahhahahahahahahahahaha.

P.S. Josh, I love you. I miss you. I'm sure you've heard by now too. I don't have your email address spelled right, because JoelHodgson is a strange name to spell. Email me, I'd love it lots.

Most Recent Salient and Necessary Distractions:Man On Fire, The Goat Horn, The Stone Wedding, Closely Observed Trains, Fireman's Ball, Dogville(Sick FUCK. You Sick Fucking FUck. You hate everything and everyone Lars. Yes you do)Touching The Void

Last Play I Saw, When I was in Brno: Marysa

Currently Finding Lots of Wisdom in:The Ground Beneath Her Feet - Salman Rushdie

1-10-04 Heheheheheheh. Debate was comedy gold, man. "We got POland!" Did anybody else hit the floor all widderschins when he said that shit. Jess and I watched it with some International pals at 3:00am this morning. We streamed it from on a Finnish computer. Henna was very cool to let us use it that late. Especially considering all the related drinking, swearing, and yelling that was going on. But when Bush said "We got Poland", we all just started laughing our asses off. I guess we forgot that Henna's roommate is Polish. She thought it was funny, though. Kerry actually had a scrote! Who'da thunk it? I was impressed. A retarded monkey with glaucoma could see that Bush lost that one. By the way, did anybody else catch that line about September 10th? The hell? Is he so medicated that he can't even bother to remember the date of the national tragedy he's been exploiting for three years? Sounded like it to me. Anyway, my Eastern/Central European film professor asked me to be a juror in a Czech short film festival. One of our British friends, Richard (who is so destined for Parliament. Labor Party WOOT!) said that it was like the professor had the film-nut equivalent of gaydar. We can sense our own, I guess. Cool.

Last Kino Kinoed:Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors(Ukrainian), Andrei Rublyov, Sedmikrasky (Czech), Loves of A Blonde, Girl With a Pearl Earring, Obcan Kane, and a bunch of Jan Svankmajer shorts.

22-9-04 !!! I don't usually bother linking these. We all read them, I'm sure. But damn, that's funny.

22-9-04 Hey! Damn you, Jasn. Damn you. Sobbb....holy blood. I wondered what the damned church was all about. Aiight. Doing well, I suppose. I really don't have much to say at the moment though. Culture shocked, settling in and whatnot, I have no real stories or insights yet. But, I have a year. By the way Corva is "bitch" in Czech. This will serve a quite useful function at dinner gatherings in the states. Tonight, I'm going to see Obèan Kane at the Cinema 7 blocks away from me. We saw Life Of Brian there last week. If I were to paradoxically get nothing else out of this journey, I would be able to humbly say, "there was a goddamned art house theatre playin' Citizen Fuckin' Kane down the street!" Rock. I won't get Sky Captain until October, but I'm a patient boy. Especially with CITIZEN FUCKING KANE playing down the street. Again. I'm laying it on thick because Europe owns.

18-9-04 A little run down on my daily routine:

I get up at 6:00Am for my daily gruel (made of berries and beat root), then I hop into my dialy lye bath for a good clean, keep your filthy -American germs in America- bath. So, by about 7:30am, I'm treated to the films of Leni Reifenstahl, and then at about 10:00am, it's time for the Ha! Fooled You Hour, in the main lobby of the Lenin Rectorate. Those funny Czech Soviets, makin' us all think that the November Revolution was real. I like bread. Love it. It tastes better than Fanta, anyway. Oops, hold on, Jíøí, has spotted me on his computer. I'll get a whipping now! Shit.....

9-17-04 I don't know how bad the weather really is down there at the moment, but please keep yourselves safe. I love you and I miss you. Real update soon, I promise. Keep passing the open windows(except in the event of a towering sheet of hail and water, in which case, pass the open windows metaphorically only).

10-9-04 Ok. It took me a whole minute to figure how to fookin switch the keyboard to do my coding right. ok. Im a little arsed in a pub just hangin out and whatnot. Thanks to those certain someones who introduced me to industrial music via Front 242 and Einsturszende Neubaten. Though I havent much heard the latter, my familiarity with the former has gotten me quite popular with some Finnish students here. Jah. Na Schledanou.

9-1-04 Thank you Garrison Keiller. Check this page for updates on my arrival, folks. More soon, I promise.

8-22-04 In commemoration of this summer. more later.

8-14-04 Quote from last night:

Cara: Ok, ok, moratorium on geekness for 3 minutes!

Adam: Cara, we're watching The Empire Strikes Back on laserdisc.....

8-13-04 Before I go to work, I thought I'd do a quick post about the summer movies, in order of least to greatest:

- Coffee and Cigarettes: Perhaps the best absurdist comedy in years, this movie is best with like-minded friends with a love of Jazz and an understanding of its transferrance to narrative (or lack thereof). Love it. Want to see it again. Hail Jarmusch for marketing his own too-cool-for-school attitude, that deftly rivals Tarantino's.

- Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban: Absolutely stunning! Not a big fan of the first two flicks, but this one outdoes them all. That may seem obvious, since they were finally directed by somebody with a pulse, but in terms of filmic joy, invention and wit, this movie made me understand the adult appeal of the franchise. Any three kids that can stand toe to toe with Rickman, Thewlis, Oldman, Gambon, Thompson and Smith and still remain the focus (this time by really taking it), are destined for A-lists of the future. Brava.

- The Village: Balls. Shyamalan, you got balls. This is a great step forward for you, and nothing could persuade me otherwise. If all you want is a scare, then you're out of luck I guess. If what hope for is a look at human nature, you'll find a film rich with implications that deftly outweigh its own flaws. This is a misunderstood little ditty, and it's nice to know that I can consistently defend movies (like A.I.) that are universally despised. Don't let the bad press knock you, Monaj. You're only just gettin' started.

- Before Sunset: Awwww...Way to outdo yourself, Richard. All I can say is, you're a modern day cinema-poet. Truffaut would've been proud.

- Spiderman 2: God bless them for this movie. I had no faith in the first one, as most of you know, but this one gives me goosebumps. It's good to know that a complete lack of cynicism still out-performs all the rest. Best movie of the summer, this one, and one of the best of the year. Finally, a superhero movie that can rank up there with Superman I and II, and the 1989 Batman. Rock on. Aiight. Goin' to work now.

8-13-04 Neato. Glad I found that. Sorry to report to all Chattanoogans, that my place of work has hindered my ability to come see the show either tonight, or tomorrow. My sincerest apologies.

8-7-04 So, here's the rundown for the next four days, so anyone keeping tabs on me knows for serious:

Sunday: Working 2-10:30, hopefully with some social obstruction of malaise ensuing afterwards.

Monday: Early drive to Hendersonville, to visit Jess.

Tuesday: Drive to Chattanooga to see all south-trippin' peeps.

Wednesday: Return to Oak Ridge in a haze of bullets and Jack Daniels.

Sounds like a plan. If in case these plans are foiled, it'll be made pretty clear by the light of Monday morning. Aiight. Peace.

7-30-04 Jesus, Roger, did M Night sleep with your wife or something? Did he pour sugar in your gas tank? The Village is far from his best work, far from a perfect movie, but it's not a bad movie, and even if it was, I mean, come on....1 star? Constructive criticism is one thing, and I agree that he needs to move on from twist endings, but Rogie, come on, did you have to salt the earth so nothing would ever grow again? Let this be forever known as the summer when Ebert gave Garfield, Day After Tommorow, and The Stepford Wives 3 stars, while a beautiful half-success like The Village got 1. The movie I think of right away is Picnic at Hanging Rock. Now, that film is in Ebert's great movie list. If The Village is somber, solemn and way too serious, what the hell does that make Peter Weir's directorial debut/folly? Sorry, but The Village out-picnics Picnic at Hanging Rock. Weir's movie is a beautiful, creepy, haunting, ominous, metaphysical piece of crap. At least Shyamalan's Victorian drama, warts, bad colloqiuallisms and all, gave us come characters worth giving a damn about. As for Ms. Howards's performance: Outstanding. More on M Night's heavy folly later (and Picnic, which I admire as much as I despise). Go see it. Ebert's just cranky.

Saw: The Village.

7-29-04 If you are one of those few that are fortunate enough to have your first viewing of The Manchurian Candidate still ahead of you, please for the love of all that is good and holy, watch it before you see the Denzel as Frank Sinatra version (which, for my money is gonna be pretty good). Do it soon. It's such a fan-fuckin'-tastic movie. Aiight. Later really does go well with the chicken: Coffee and Cigarettes and Before Sunset

7-26-04 I just love how au courant the web adds at the top of my page get depending on the nature of my posts. So here's a little fun: Jerkin' off to the oldies, it's a brand new George H.W. Bush day in beautiful God-fearing San Bernadino. I was walking through my yard spilling the blood of the infidel, and do you really think Robert Blake did it? I don't know, but he sure looks like that Father Merrin dude from the Exorcist, but by the way, that third sequel's gonna suck and when I'm staying at home put a spoon into the backside of the Third Estate, I only wish my run-on sentences left nothing but the satisfying smell of brute. To put it another way? Does your penis need enlarging? Cuz, boy, mine does. I love Pat Robertson. Love him. Wish to Allah, they'd send me a t-shirt. Third world countries should invest in fluffer nutter. Thanks, Ephram Zimbalist, thanks.

7-23-04 So, two seconds ago I was watching Larry King interview Bill Maher, and someone had called to ask how we could get the south to vote democratic again. Maher said that though there are a lot of truly smart people in the south, the south itself is the dumbest part of the country. And then, a second after that comment, CNN went all white snow. I flipped around the channels. CNN was the only one out. The south has blocked out CNN for a few seconds...go figure. We'll see how long I have a webpage now that I've posted this. We'll see how long Bill Maher has left to live. Wouldn't want to lose him. Anyway, my date of departure is ever encroaching, and it's starting to get to me. Words are useless to describe what I'm feeling in terms of all of you, my friends and loved ones. I will effortlessly keep in touch through email, this rusty, dusty old blog, and by snail-corresponence. But it will be a small consolation. I wish you could all come with me. I want to be able to travel, learn, and prosper in Europe, but I would greatly desire all of you to be there at some bitchin' flat with a projecter and an MST3KTNTTD2k04 however it goes. I wish to God I could have that. I don't want to leave that, and my deepest thoughts (and whatever comes closest to a form of prayer for me) are consumed with the hope that you'll all be here in proximity when I get back. Here's to you. And a toast to our asses. HUZZAH!

Current Literature: Garp and Disturbing The Peace - Vaclav Havel

Last Seen: Band Of Brothers 1-7, Ripley's Game

Current Music: The Best of the Art of Noise

7-10-04 Well, Adam, here's my google war, in succeeding order:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Can nothing beat the awesome demagogue power of W? Please say it ain't so! Wait......could it be?


7-9-04 For Shits and giggles:

(Editor's Note: Poll has moved)

Yep. Vote away, flame away.



Just got back from watchin' a little MST with Caraonymous and Snuggly-funkins (oh, and Jasn, but he left to open birthday presents. Feeb.) I was reminded most of what I love sincerely about MST3K. They combined a relative innocence with a brilliant education. Even if they'd been on HBO, I can't imagine them using much profanity. They always seem physcially disturbed by strange, kinky shit that happens in the movies, and they make constant references to Chicken N a Biscuit. This is comic genius in my mind, and oh, how I missed it. I've also been thinking about Michael Moore and Bill O'Reilly lately. Hold on. A word or two about political posts...When did this whole fuckin' country get scared of contrary opinions? Since when did we have to please everyone? Democrats are a bunch of whiny subjugated pussies, afraid to stand up and be liberal because that's a dirty word now. Fuck 'em. May they win the White House and grow a pair or two. And hell, I don't hate conservatives, I just think they're wrong about an awful lot. And they think the same of me. Well, that used to be all well and good, but apparently these days, you're just supposed to shut up and drown right near the center. Fuck that. I'm a lily-livered commie liberal pinko anti-war Chomsker. Yep. And that should be ok with Bill O'Reilly, but no. I stomach him. Why can't he stomach Moore? Mind you, I don't see Moore as a gospel preachin' truth teller. He makes no illusion of his purpose, and sometimes he paints things pretty close. Regardless, he asks some important questions, don't you think? He doesn't have the answers. O'Reilly sure thinks he does. This is where I disagree with him. What kind of country do we live in where you can get away with suggesting that we should bomb the entire infrastructure of Afghanistan to 'smoke out' Bin Laden, thereby wiping out food and water supplies to innocent men, women, and children, but if you make a claim that our current President should be voted out of office for dirty connections, war-profiteering, incompetence, and extremism, you're a crazy lunatic, and your motives are suspect. O'Reilly, by the way, followed his 'bomb the Afghans to the Stone-Age' comment with "they should starve. People are responsible for the government they [get]." Yeah. I agree with the last part of that.

Summer Flickens:Harry Potter 3 Fahrenheit 911 Spartan Down By Law 3 Women Ali: Fear Eats The Soul The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover Fando and Lis Nashville The Player Mystic River Spider Man 2 The Fog Of War Muppets From Space City Of God Talk To Her

6-27-04 Well, check out IMDB. Fahrenheit 911 is the number 1 movie this week, and it made as much money in one weekend as the whole run of Bowling For Columbine earned. Bad news for Bonzo. That shit was more fun than a Star Wars opening. More fun than a Lord of THe Rings opening. Hell, for me, it was even more fun than diggin' the hell out of Eyes Wide Shut while the rest of the audience's eyes glazed over. It was probably the most exciting time I've ever had at a movie with a full crowd. Yup.

6-18-04 Yup

5-29-04 Well, weird day today. Mom, Granny, and I took Josh to the airport to go to Wichita. He went to Wichita, yeah.....I'll miss you, Josh. The house just doesn't feel right without you. I'm sure you'll be ok, though. I have faith in you. Hi to Stepheny and Stephen. Love you.

5-19-04 Ha! I knew it did more than just look pretty. Just watched EWS again, and it always plays differently for me. Movies watch you sometimes more than you're watching them, or so it goes.

5-18-04 Charts?! Wow! It's only been a year since I could download anything....

5-18-04 Well, I've been a bit lazy, but that's what summer's for. I'll get my verb on soon enough, and in full form (actually for my part, I'm usually getting my adverb on) soon enough. Suffice it to say, I'm working at Tinseltrough, and that's gonnna give me every reason to genuflect to my own writing powers, calling them forth, releasing them from their penitent slumber, and sockin' it to the neon green palate. I chose this green because I believe it vibrates. And anything to help my writing along, right? Anyways, here's a significant link. Catch y'all soon.

Currently Reading: (For fun) The World According To Garp (For Sport) Tropic Of Cancer (Insert wildly the myriad ways in which Miller refers to his manhood reaming out the wrinkles in the....well I ain't gonna say it)

Fav Music: The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi and Kill Bill Vol 2 Soundtrack.

Last Time Alanis Went Down on Me in The Theatre:Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Stuck in the perpetual motion

Dying against the machine

The whole thing leaves

You a nothing instead of a these

The sun is black and the black halos fly

And your number is backwards again when you try

The sound is so cute when you're 22

Eggs break when you walk on the scramble

You're living against the machine

The whole thing leaves

You a nothing instead of a these

The bone is cracked and the cracked eggshells fly

And your number is backwards again when you drive

The whole thing's removed when you're 22

When you're 22

The Flaming Lips

Last Scene Directed: From Closer by Patrick Marber

Last glimmers of hope viewed: Kill Bill Vol 2 and Jersey Girl

Intellectus Stimulus: Tropic Of Cancer - Henry Miller