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Oh, The Places You'll Go

4-07-04 good evening. I'm writing a damned paper. It never ends. Anyway, my scene went fantastically well, much better than I thought it would, and it taught me a helluva lot. I couldn't be happier right now. I feel like I've been through more in my life than I've ever been through this past year. Actually, it's been more like two. I've done theatre without a significant break of any kind since September 2002. I have literally not stopped. I love what I've been doing and I never want to stop, even after that. I need a break though. I do. People need time to be human, or they never get a chance to be inspired. A drawback to doing all this has been that I haven't been seeing the people I love (aside from those whom my love for has grown, in the dept), or watched the amount of movies or read nearly as much as I used to. It's not just a time management issue. There is no time. That's sorta what I want this summer. If I didn't have to get a job, I wouldn't, but Europe provides the need, and the dude abides the deed. In any case, I'm spent and excited all at the same time. Many people I've spent the majority of my time with in the dept. here are going to be done with UTC theatre tommorow. And I'm going to Europe. And I'm going to come back after a much longer break than I expected, and I'll be right back into it. I think I'll be ready to provide some real work then. In any case, I'm just in a very anxsious place right now. I don't what the world's gonna be when I get back.

Most Recent Retina Injections (I use a scale out of 4 because I'm just that inane): Lost In Translation(4 Stars), In America(4 Stars), Elephant(4 Stars), Blue(Fell Asleep), and Owning Mahony(4 Stars)

4-06-04 Scene is page was date raped in the night....and I'm still not done with this semester...much needed update in the works.....

4-01-04 If I don't post, eventually those who love me will post for me!! };)

3-18-04 two seconds later....What's the opposite of serenity? Despair! yeah, that's it.

3-18-04's 2:30 am...scene prepping tremors....all in my body. Can't spell Kirrkeggarrd right now, but boy do I have the fear and trembling thing down.....My very pockets hurt right did I develop sensisitivy to their Pain? HOW! Oh God, do you still love/hate me with your bubbly passion? Oh, don't stab at me so. I still have many sacrifices to make to you oh Humble stubbly lord if you'll just give me the strength to finish this goddamned motherufuckin' tome of a tumor to my trembling pocket pain...oh ouch and fucktuts.....where's my laudanum?

3-4-04 The inevitability of sausage will not avail you, flame of Muldune....Or however which way one spells Tolkien words. Haven't fully read the books (Gasp, lament, fuck off), so don't know. Anyway, check H-Rock's page, she just snarked us up a serving or eight. And that's good. I been missin' 'em. Comin' home on Saturday mornin' to the Ridge. Bringin' my fine-ass woman along with me. So anybody in town this week should give me a holla. I'll see if I can find yez as well. I know Adrock's gonna be there. Along with Rhys. Yeah. Party time. We make some money. Anyway, we'll be up for stuff, but we're both gonna be preppin' plays. So that'll be relaxing, yeah? Yeah. She's doing a play called No Crime, and I'm prepping Closer. Is 'fuck me in the ass' three words or ten? I dunno. Got read Threepenny Opera (not Hapenny Opera, nor is it Haboob Opera, though that'd be funny. Check out Balderdash Answers. It's good to know our legacy will live on. Yep. Not a lot to say right now. Mildly blown-out, a bit adrift in a sea of malaise at the moment. Chuck, you'd be proud of me. Jess bought a book for me at McKay the other day, and it was Henry Miller: Tropic of Cancer, Black Spring, and The Colossus of Maroussi all in one. And Oh my goodness, for some reason I never knew just how much he liked to speak of inflaming the cunt. That's marvelous. Just wish the rest of it made sense. G'day all. I fuck you privately so as not to fuck you publicly (paraphrased)

2-22-04 So we opened Electra on Friday. Did you give me a ring yesterday about the play, Holly? Sorry I was out. We run from Tuesday 'til Saturday. Tues thru Thurs are seven o' clock shows, and Friday and Saturday are 8 o' clock shows. Holly, you and anyone else interested should come to the Saturday show if ya can and come to the cast party afterwards. That would rock and stuff. Anyways, I got my third and final (in the damned class anyways) scene choice approved. Fuck me holy God in the bum, 'cause I'm doing Closer. Didn't see that one coming at all. Just turned it in because I'd love to do it, in an alternate universe where I thought it would get approved. Apparently that alternate universe is our reality. Which is cool. So, anyway, it's me and Mike Nichols on this one. I wonder who'll do the better job of it? He can get Jude Law, fuck him, that disqualifies him right there for being greedy. And Angels in America was showy and stagey, so there! HA! Just kiddin' I know I ain't worthy to lick the nuts of that show's lackeys, let alone the great and prominent scrote of the great Mike Nichols, but hey! I don't have an inferiority complex or anything. Just because I didn't direct The Graduate. Ya know what? FUCK MIKE NICHOLS. There. I said it. Phew. Got a lot of my chest just then. Hmm...I'm really doomed. But I love a challenge.

Last Masturbatorial Encounter With A Flickering Illusory Demon: Tripletts of Belleville (I know I already mentioned this one, but it's just cool, and I gotta shout it out again.

2-17-03 Hey, Devotchka, I wadn't knockin' ya, there! I knew what you meant. I was just amused at my own vision of it...yeah....

2-15-04 Oh, Holly, you got just one other thing wrong. I think my love for Notorious could contend with yours. I don't know for sure who loves it more, but I ain't second guessing myself on this one. I mean, I guess it's sort of like the time you and Nick were smuggling uranium in wine bottles, and Cary Grant was setting me up with Claude Raines, but I was totally not hot about that at all, and Cary Grant was all miffed and shit. And then we all totally forgot about the MacGuffin and you and Nick put poison in my tea, and then Cary Grant escaped with me down the big-ass spiral starecase, man it was like a desecent into hell or something....anyway, I guess the summer of '98 was pretty coo....I mean Notorious, yeah. That was a pretty fuckin' cool flick. Yeah.

2-15-04 Pant pant pant...pantS! Anyway, back from the dead, I'm Mike D, chillin' at the beach, down at Club Med. Direct another scene because the people they want more a this, suckas you be sayin' you can take out Adam Horovits? HUrrricane! Clout! Fuck it. It's over. Anyway, just got done with my second scene down yonder parts of TN. Not up partyin' with my Oakie Homies, but that's just the way it is (Sniffff....moan...cry...) I survived, and now I'm cast in one. That's interesting. Our casting pool has been reduced to a wading pool. And some of our pool actors still need water wings, so I guess I'm needed. Which is cool. I don't mean to suggest we have no-talents as freshman, because the truth is far from that. There are just 15 or so people in our department right now. Grrr....Electra starts on Friday, and it's gonna be groovy. My spring break is like 2nd week of March or somethin. So I'll let you happenin' cats know when to expect my illustrious return. In the meantime, peace, love, death, destruction, famine, war, terror, and the something or other Annual Academy Awards await us.

Last Scene Directed: from BOY GETS GIRL by Rebecca Gilman

Most Recent Culinary Montages: Tripletts of Belleville and Monster

2-11-04 Duh.. They should stop. Fuck this. Fuck Kerry. Fuck. Smells like the end of the world.

2-10-04 The word is out. Star Wars Trilogy will be on dvd Sept 21. And I'm boycotting it. If Lucas thinks the lobotomy he performed on the original versions was the result he's happiest with, that's all well and good, but if he thinks he can decide for me what I should like the most, then he can suck it. He can put the un-fucked versions on the discs, because there's damn well room. All the special edition shit, which by the way, that's all we're gonna get, in case you hadn't figured that out yet from the vitriol I'm spewing, is nothing more at this point than a grim reminder of the shit he did with the prequels. None of it matches artistically, stylistically, aesthetically or otherwise. It all just detracts from the storytelling. It's just distracting, misguided and painful. I have the special editions on tape in widescreen, and that's fine and dandy, but I never watch them. I also have the classic versions on tape (pan and scan), and I'd rather watch a pan and scanned version of the real-deal than waste my time with a Return Of the Jedi altered from the version I sang along to at the end(THEY TOOK THE GODDAMNED BEAUTIFUL FUCKING EWOK SONG OUT! THEY TOOK THE BEST DAMNED ENDING SONG OF ANY MOVIE OUT! FUCK YOU! I THINK SO!). Fans unite. Do not take this shit from an overgrown, fat-ass, lazy, diminishing-talent prima donna. The prequels are an obvious reminder that he's lost his senses, that he can't step back from the work he's doing and really make decent decisions. Unite against this bullshit, demand the original versions be made available, and there's possibly a chance in hell we'll recieve them in the quality they deserve to be seen in. It's slim. But it's there. It worked with ET. And that's the only reason I have that Dvd at all. If nobody bought the damned Star Wars dvds fer Chrissakes, that would be monumental. He'd bend to our will. Even better than that....Boycott Episode III. You know you want to.It's going to disappoint us anyway. Send Lucasfilm Emails saying we'll watch it maybe if we're really drunk and unsexed one night, and it just happens to be on USA Up-All-Night. If we refuse to see that'n, maybe we'll get what we want. Historical Reconstructionists be damned! Oh, and don't forget to vote this November.

2-2-04 Whew! It's February? Fuck...What day is it? Oh. I just typed it. Well, I forgot to the last coupla times, so ya never know what I'm thinkin'. Anyway, the pic up there, that's a change of pace. Hate to resort to using Engrish, but sometimes one is too tired for high comedy. My posting is all dry and mellow. Maybe I need uppers......

Well, good journey Little Petal. May your travels bring you elucidating good fortune and the necessary psychological accoutrements to defend yourself against the forces of mundanity. Otherwise known as the sudden, trumpeting, overwhelmingly wordy farewell message to you, Devotchka. Man....Harvard or General Clark? These are the problem choices I wanna have.........

Well, my fuckin' best of list, bitches! I will not be one-upped by having not thought to do it first! (Remember, these are movies, I've seen, not necessarily ones that came out this year) Here goes:

10. Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

09. Adaptation

08. Spirited Away

07. Tape

06. Return of the King

05. Far From Heaven

04. Finding Nemo

03. Russian Ark

02. Kill Bill Vol. One

01. Northfork

. Yeah, bitches! Heh. Heheheheheh. I don't think I saw ten movies this year, and that blows. I need inputJohnnyfiveisalive. Seriously, though, Northfork fuckin' owns. Sees it you must. MUST.

12-25-03 The stiffening of your penis is of no consequence. 'appy 'oliday.

12-20-03 I've come back from the dead (and disappeared yet again), and I'll be back soon for Christmas and other shit. Gotta find a scene. Workin' on that. Gotta see ROTK several times. Have not been this satisfied in a whee long while. It's not the greatest film of all time as some may be saying. It's just a powerful, wonderous accomplishment, and one of the most intensely nifty works of CGed-up-fun ever. Yeah. Gonna grok it again. Am still reading Harlot's Ghost to myself, and A Widow For One Year to my woman. HG has of late become a test of my ever-engorged vertebrae, and I will finish it. I'm reading it inbetween napping, chillin' and eating Magic Wok. I'll take my sweet-ass time at Mount Desert thankyouverymuch, Ms. You Don't Even Know What That Means!

Currently Imbibing: Harlot's Ghost and A Widow For One Year

Fuck Yeah: Return of the King and before that: Naked Lunch

12-03-03 scene went up yesterday. Yep. Now I'm writing my critique for another student's scene and then it's sleep sleep sleep sleep but first food. I can now have a pleasant Christmas (after, of course, I get my gradecard. Hrm....Alka-seltzer or Grain Alcohol, what'll I need 'til then?)And by the way, Gary Larson is gOD!

Last Rapid Succession Of Individual Frames In A Series Viewed: Pieces Of April

Last Scene Directed: From Y2K by Arthur Kopit

11-29-03 The penitent man will pass. The penitent...penitent....the penitent man....kneels before God....KNEEEELL!!! Snckk, dice, miss! I want that damned box-set now. And I want to see Bubba-Ho Tep tonight. Curses! Where is Adam....whereee is heee? Either way, will apparently be kidnapped by the Olsen Twins (And by Olsen Twins, I mean Hell-Spawn of Sutekh) and be had their way with. But I've been formerly instructed by my better half not to make out with anyone. That shouldn't be too hard.

Most Recent Record Purchase: Bucci Blag Promo

Last Flick Flucked: Network

Postscript: Am being interminably drawn to Pieces Of April. Ah well, Bruce Campbell can wait. It's all good. I want to see as many movies as is humanly possible right now anyways.

11-29-03 Heh....Here's my setlist from last night.....

Hey! You Should Grab Your Records! Hey! Why Not?! 11-28-03

1. Rennie & B - Now That We Found Dub

2. BLIM - Metronydazol (Damn, I never thought I'd play that)

3. Unknown - Bucci Bag

4. Freeland - We Want Your SOul

5. Forme - Kick A Hole Kick A Hole Kick Kick Kick A Hole....

6. BLIM & Carter - I Robot (Always Wicked, Gunna Recirculate this'n)

7. Orbital - Nothing Left

Nothin' like bein' up for it and ready whenever called upon. Now if only I had practice, will, and resolve, I could get a fuckin' (GAASP!) regular gig doin' this!

11-27-03 Happy we-stole-it-from-the-indians-Day everybody! (Come on, they weren't using it anyway, right?) Ok. I'm jealous. I want to chronicle my daily/weekly/monthly - reading/movie/music habits for all y'all to ponder. I dig that! It's just too nifty a thing not to do, and stab all yer eyes fer havin' thought of it first (Bastard Jaxx, Adrock, H-x0r). Gunna start that'n hence. Just fer laughs. Yeah. Here goes.....oh my God...I can't believe I'm actually finally doing it.....I'm so nervous....what if I do it wrong? What if I code it wrong...OH! Cast all doubt to the wastelands! I must BE BRAVE! I'm ready....I'm Ready......ok......YEAH!

Current Aural Obsession: Crystal Method - New Album Promo/

Fav Song of Late: Low - Point of Disgust (Fuckin' beautiul)

Most Recent Celluloidial Injections: Matrix Revolutions Before that: Northfork

Thing I'm Doing to Feel Smarter Than I Am: Norman Mailer - Harlot's Ghost(It's great 4Am reading, innit, H?)

11-13-03 Phewww.....Well, my page has been depressing for three weeks or so, huh? Hrm....I have never been this stressed, excited, drained, balls-to-the-wall it's a sugar rush, followed by a diminishing tired-ness, following by a sugar rush, followed by crippling self-doubt, followed by robust confidence, followed by the need for nachos (I really wants them right now), followed by GOOD Lord when is December gonna get here? Hrm...Looking up at the date....Soon....very very soon. Aunt Dan and Lemon opens tommorow night and plays through next Saturday. I encourage all Oak Ridge dwellers and all else in some proximity to Chattanooge to come on down. Let me know if yer comin' and I'll get you comp tix. Yep. I start rehearsal for my directing scene on Saturday. My scene goes up on Dec 2nd. My ears hurt, but that's ok. I must say I enjoyed Matrix Redundant the other night. My theory is this: They're all three of 'em equally cheezy, overwrought, self-conscious, showy, fulla steam, and ultimately ridiculous. Just so happened that the first 'un had all the surprises. That's the joke, folks. If yer in on that, you can have a good time at three of the most exceptional action films every fuckin' concieved. Period. And, actually, the philosophy in the second one is really fascinating, whether you think it's basic or not. I just can't complain. Those that watch the Matrix just for resolution (heh. Maybe they should make one called Matrix Resolutions), need merely examine their heads and wonder? Do I go to the movies for a good time? Or am I just picky? I know I'm pretty picky about movies. I ask that they follow the rules they've set up. The Matrix does, in my book. So anyway, that's all of pertinence bequeathed to y'all for awhile. Will re-post when I've survived the semester. Wiggle Your Big Toe

10-26-03 Elliot Smith killed himself. That's as unsurprising as it is heartbreaking.

10-26-03 I think two years of the same blog nicknames is enough. I think I'll start changing them at my leisure. I started with Jess the other day, and now I've changed Holly's. There ya go. Gotta at least try and keep shit fresh.....

10-26-03 You have a BLOG? Wow. How do I link you twice, exactly? HRm....

10-25-03 I'm an apparently intelligent, liberal, not-too-generous, not-too-selfish, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey


10-15-03 Hey! FALL BREAK! It's finally here! ROCK!

10-12-03........BT..........Woah there....Good show, man. SpOx0rlinX0r.

10-11-03 KILL MOTHERFUCKIN' BILL. Just...yeah...just fuckin'.....yeah......Do it. NOW

10-08-03 Phew! Archived and cozy now, things are on an even kiel. Gota ticket for the Symphony in Atlanta on Saturday (which is how I'm referring to it from here on out), thanks to Rhys, whom I'll reimburse financially with gas money and whatnot. Thanks to Rhys of late for all of his hospitality. I don't think you can possibly know how much it means to me, there, Taco. Or are you Que Pasa? Well, either way, I've been consigned to the hell of left nut. Hrm. Workin' on my prep for the Kopit scene. It ain't coming along let, because I'm wary of it, and I'm terrible at starting things. So I'm gonna get to that now.

10-08-03 Hey! I didn't know Tom Skerrit had a webpage! ROCK! Check itOUT! Dude!

9-15-03 I'm desperately looking for this poster. And it looks to me that they ain't makin' em no more. Grrrr...Anyways, not much been goin' on worth posting about I guess. Just lotsa work. Lots. Directing and whatnot. I'm doing a scene from a play called Y2K, and don't laugh. Because inspite of its title and mostly amateur attitude towards the actual physical technology of computers, it manages to be a crazy fuck-off play. It'll be good for me to start with it. Hey, I know, crummy, obvious title and whatnot (I read over it once, put it aside, and almost disregarded it because of its title.), but I'm doing a damn good scene from it. Anyways need that poster, need to see Once Upon A Time in Mexico, or so I've heard from what a wittle birdy told me, and all of you must endeavour to see Russian Ark. Nevermind the hype/and or bad word of mouth you may have gotten as well. Fuck all that. Just see it. If you like movies at all. It doth rock the Russian Casba. By the way, I got an email today from Distinctive Records announcing the release of Hybrid's new one, and it mentions work with the Russian Orchestra at the Hermitage. Now the album may be very different from the lackluster promo I heard, so methinks I'm giving them the benefit of a doubt. But on an even more interesting note. The Hermitage Orchestra in St. Petersberg? That must be the same Hermitage Orchestra from Russian Ark! If so, word.

8-31-03 Word.

8-20-03 I'm Fredy, you're Jasn! 'Cuz I ain't Jasn.

8-18-03 Yeaaaah bitches...that's great news......

8-11-03 Well, I gots to opine, and here it goes. I've been waiting for this album as long as everybody else. At the risk of sounding self-important or over-pious, I was a fan before there were even Norgers, just like most Norgers (which I make no claim of being) and I came around to BT because of Flaming June, so I certainly wasn't the first. None of that matters. BT has become this collective possession, it seems, and for many, it wouldn't matter if he twiddled a midi keyboard with his nipples while stutter-editing a belch live into a microphone. It would still bring tears to a lot of eyes. And with all that said, and perhaps because of this fanboy fervor, I must say (controversy ensues), that this album ain't his best. It's a step forward for him. It's opened many doors for him. It is filled with passion, invention, and mad energy. But it isn't his best. There isn't a song on this album that could ever hold a candle to Flaming June, Love Peace and Grease, Loving You More, Blue Skies, Hip Hop Phenomenon, Firewater, Remember, Orbitus Teranium, Mad Skills, Namistai, etc. There isn't a song on this album that comes close to holding those wonders. That's ok, though. For any other artist this album would be a technical, musical triumph. For BT, it's not the same. It's a step forward. But it opens doors he must fully walk through and it leeds him to musical territory he must fully elaborate on. And with droves of Greatful Dead-like fans that would tell him he could do no wrong, someone has got to tell him this album can only be a new beginning. I believe he can do much better than this and has before. Yes, every song on this album can give you chills. But, I'm sorry to say, that it ain't nearly as good as his last three. I'll ruminate more: Knowledge of Self, Force of Gravity, Circles, Great Escape, Paris, and Somnambulist are the most sure-footed and substantial. His rock songs can only appeal to the hardcore Norger or the rockboy pop fan that hasn't heard the stuff that made him the master. I like the rock stuff. It's good. I'd rather listen to Radiohead or White Stripes though, because they're what we like to call Rock stars. BT is a fuckin' techno genius. There's a difference. I believe he's the Jimi Hendrix of techno, and though he has an undeniable energy with a guitar, an energy I would never dream of stifling (and couldn't if I wanted to anyway), it ain't the same for me. No one gets big with techno, really. It's just economics. He didn't write these songs to get famous; I think he needs to write them for catharsis' sake. I feel 'em. They're good stuff. But it ain't what I'm into him for. I'm buying the album the minute I have money. BT will always be my purchasing preference. But I can't wait for him to truly reinvent electronic music again. He does it the best with other collaborators, and they get sort of forgotten in his wake. His best works have been written with PVD, Adam Freeland and Kevin Beber, Andy Page, The Light, etc. By himself he's made Love Peace and Grease and Orbitous Teranium and Mercury and SOlace and Godspeed etc etc. This album just can't touch those masterpieces. The irony is, if all of his devoted cult-followers had heard this first, there wouldn't be this fan-base in the first place. This criticism may mostly be directed at their fervor, and though it's ridiculous to criticize people for loving something, I can't ignore that the frenzy surrounding this release would imply that this album is the second coming. I'm not dissing the Norgers, I just think it's dangerous to worship someone to such a degree that you can never look at them objectively. What an artist needs is to be told what they're not giving. An artist must not be excessively lavished with praise .BT can do no wrong except lose sight and get comfortable, and he could be dangerously close to getting comfortable. I don't want that. Honestly, I have only one real complaint about the album: It can do without Superfabulous. Rose McGowan makes me feel bad. She sucks. Her vocals suck. She irritates the fuck out of me. That's my only real grievance. I have a hard time believing this collab was inspired by anything more than her's and BT's friendship. If that's the case, my words may be harsh, but they have to be said. I'm not interested in any artist's collabs with their friends. I'm interested in minds and talents coming together. I never knew Rose McGowan sang. I never really cared to find out, and it's nothing personal. And yet the rest of that song gets me goin' in spite of it. Love In The Time of Thieves is ten times better. Phew....I'll end this on an up note. I'm inspired and moved by the new album. I want more. I want to be pushed and inspired by him even more. I get chills everytime I listen to Ima, ESCM and MISL. When you hear thunder for the first time, it makes you cry. I want new thunder. In the meantime, this album will still make me smile.

8-10-03 Okie, here goes with the charts. I'm just gonna put 'em here:

Equilibrium: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the (INSERT WITTY THING HERE) 8-9-03:

01. Will Saul - Cliff (Infusion mix)

02. Orbital - Illuminate (Dark Globe mix)

03. Chris Carter - Voyager

04. Flash Brothers - Hazy March (ILS mix)

05. Amb - Where R Ya? (Chris Carter Mix)

06. Layo & Bushwacka! - Love Story (Stanton Warriors mix)

07. Mr. Velcro Fastener - Electric Appliance (Plump DJs mix)

08. Freeland - We Want Your Soul (Product01 mix)

09. Prodigy - Smack My ANT Up

10. Pilgrem & BLIM - Triffid

11. Uberzone - Freaks

12. Chemical Bros - Electrobank

13. Uberzone - Bounce (Pilgrem & BLIM mix)

14. BLIM & Carter - Check It Out

15. Bushwacka! - Smooth Criminal

There it be, and I am out.

8-10-03 Madness. Hilarity. Broken Bras. Broken Turntables. And the little Abelton that could. All this and more last night at the DoubleGardenPlazaTreeRaveuntothenightExtravaganza. But if you're reading this you already know that probably. I'll post my set list later, cuz I was really happy with how it went off. Thanks to my love and my homies for the support. I'm startin' to think I might be good at this shit. Congrats to Chuck for his first live-remix. Looking forward to where that's goin. It's gonna be fun shit. Last night was a test of my nerves and my ears. Yes, I train-wrecked once, but I've mixed on a heavy-bass heavy, fuckin' heavy system all of four times now. I'm still gettin' used to it. Add to that that I don't often improvise with turntables, and I think I did ok. I feel good about it, because doing it more or less on the fly was ten times more thrilling to me than the sets I've worked on before-hand. Don't know why I'm saying this, just thought I'd ruminate. Charts later, updated will be.