DNC Launches Women's Vote Center

June 6, 2001

CONTACT : Jenny Backus ---- 202 - 863 - 8148

New Center Dedicated to Educating, Engaging and Mobilizing Women Voters Across the Nation Washington, DC -- Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe and the Democratic Party's Women's Leadership will launch the DNC Women's Vote Center today. The new Center's mission will be to help elect more Democrats to office at all levels of government by working within the DNC political and communications divisions to implement programs designed specifically to educate, engage, and mobilize women voters throughout the nation.

"We know that when women vote, Democrats win -- and with their help, we will make a difference in the lives of America's working families," McAuliffe said. "The Women's Vote Center marks a strategic shift in political outreach at the DNC. The Women's Vote Center is more than an Election Day operation; it's an everyday vehicle that will consistently communicate about policies and initiatives that will improve the quality of life for women and their families."

Chairman McAuliffe founded the organization in March 2001 as an additional resource to reach out to women voters. Specifically, the Women's Vote Center will :

For more information on the Democratic National Committee's Women's Vote Center,
please call 202 - 863 - 7179 or
send an email to womensvote@dnc.democrats.org

Chairman Terry McAuliffe Announces Ida L. Castro
as Director of the DNC Women's Vote Center


August 15, 2001

CONTACT : Jennifer Palmieri - 202 - 863 - 8148

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe announced today that former Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chairwoman Ida L. Castro has joined the DNC as Senior Advisor and Director of the DNC Women's Vote Center, the Party's major new initiative, announced in June, to educate, engage, and mobilize women voters across the nation.

"I am proud to welcome a woman of Ms. Castro's caliber to lead this incredibly important initiative. Her strategic vision, proven leadership, impressive record of accomplishments and strong commitment to women's issues make her the perfect choice to direct the Women's Vote Center.

"Ms. Castro's groundbreaking work on behalf of women and minorities will be a tremendous asset to the Democratic Party, where our commitment of engaging women of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds is stronger than ever," Chairman McAuliffe said. "Our work on the issues that matter most to women and their families is a full-time, year-round focus of the DNC, and we are proud to have Ida Castro leading that effort."

As Chairwoman of the EEOC from 1998 -2001, Ms. Castro oversaw the Agency's enforcement of Federal law mandating equal pay and prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin. The first Latina Chairwoman in Agency history, Ms. Castro implemented an innovative agenda to increase the fairness, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the Agency, and achieved record success in streamlining Agency operations, increasing litigation of egregious discrimination and harassment cases, and expanding agency outreach and assistance to underserved communities.

Prior to joining EEOC, Ms. Castro headed the Women's Bureau at the U.S. Department of Labor from 1996 to 1998. She also served at the Department of Labor as Deputy Assistant Secretary and Director of the Office of Workers Compensation Programs from 1994 to 1996. Prior to joining the Department, she served as a labor and employment lawyer and a labor education professor at Rutgers University.

Ms. Castro's career also includes extensive work in politics. In 1989, she served as Deputy Campaign Manager for David Dinkins' successful New York City mayoral campaign and in 1992 she served as Deputy Campaign Manager for Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez (NY) in her first successful bid for Congress.

"I am thrilled with the opportunity to assist in the Party's long-term effort to activate, mobilize, and incorporate women into the Democratic Party's everyday life," Ms. Castro said. "Women need information and resources to cut through the rhetoric on issues such as education, the environment, and health care - and the Women's Vote Center will be an important vehicle to encourage the full participation of women in the electoral process, working to promote policies that will improve the lives of all Americans."

The DNC Women's Vote Center was founded in June 2001 under the leadership of Chairman Terry McAuliffe as a permanent structure within the Democratic Party. The Center is dedicated to increasing women's electoral participation across the nation, and illustrates the DNC's continued commitment to increasing awareness about the issues that matter most to women and their families and actively promoting women's leadership within the Democratic Party.

Women's Equality Day

August 24, 2001

CONTACT : Jenny Backus ---- 202 - 863 - 8148

Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe Recognizes Women's Equality Day

Sunday, August 26 Marks 81st Anniversary of a Woman's Right to Vote Washington DC - Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe issued the following statement today in honor of Women's Equality Day.

"I am proud to join with Americans everywhere to celebrate one of the most important events in our country's history -- the day women earned the right to vote," Chairman McAuliffe said. "I pay tribute to the brave and committed suffragists who fought tirelessly to make this right a reality, and in doing so forever changed the face of democracy in America.

"Women are the face of the Democratic Party, and we are committed to empowering women of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds and ensuring their strong and valuable presence in the electoral process as voters, activists, candidates, and elected leaders.

"On Women's Equality Day and everyday, the Democratic Party is proud to honor women's political participation, promote the values important to women and their families, and fight to protect and expand the civil rights and liberties of all Americans," Chairman McAuliffe said.

Recognized annually on August 26, Women's Equality Day 2001 commemorates the 81st anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote.

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