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UpDaTe sEcTiOn <font face="Orbus Multiserif"> gUiLd UpDaTeS

+ gUiLd UpDaTeS
uPdAtEs FoR mEmBeRs Of ThE cHiLdReN oF tHe KoRn

+ 7/5/01

Finally allowed to use the internet again! Sorry for the lack of updates but I got restricted from going online because of school grades. =\ But now the allies section is updated, and members section removed because of sheer size of guild.

+ 3/16/01

Lyrics for the 1st cd "KoRn" are up the others will b comin up later (it takes at least an hour and a half for each album).

+ 3/11/01

Bios section up 2day thanx 2 this website

+ 3/8/01

Lyrics will be added over the weekend and all next week. The bios will get up whenever i feel like puttin em there and the pics are up but more are comin.