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Winning The Tag Titles...

***What you are about to see was taped at several different occasions between the days of December 29th, 2004 and January 3rd, 2005.***

***Well, it looks like after all that had gone down, Marsley and Mage were granted another tag team title shot. Over the course of the week, Bad Attitude had run their mouths about how they didn't deserve the title shot. They had been beaten before, why would this time be any different? But there was something different in their hearts. The became afraid of the darkness within the soul of Alexander Marsley. It clouded their thoughts, and made them fear. It made them fear what they did not understand, because they tried to put a face on the fear. They began to doubt themselves, and knew the only way to win was to convince John Mage to desert his partner, and leave him hanging in the midst of the battle. However, the New Faith pulled a quick one over Bad Attitude, and walked out of that match as the new NEWF Tag Team Champions. This loss was enough to chase out the cowards, and Bad Attitude has taken an extended leave of absence from the NEWF. Fools they were to think that they could dissolve the partnership tied together by God Himself. Fear not...the New Faith powers on...***

***Our scene opens up inside of the New Faith lockerroom. We are alone in the room for the time being, and we pan around. We see the gear bags of Mage and Marsley on the floor, near the bench. The door is pushed open and we quickly pan around to see Alexander walk into the lockerroom. His hair is wet and pushed back and he has the NEWF Intercontinental title and one of the NEWF Tag Team titles draped across either of his shoulders. The smile on his face is the easiest way to tell his mood. He is quite happy that they were able to pull the shade over the eyes of Jackson Herod and David Giles, and win the tag team titles away from them. They did what many people doubted, due to their loss in their last match. The series tied, The New Faith is on top of the world right now, having captured to gold. Alexander walks over to his locker and drapes the titles over one of the lockers, so that they hang down vertically. He leans his forehead against one of the lockers and lets out a chuckle. He then begins praying***

"Lord, I thank You for this day and it's many, many blessings. I am glad that You have chosen myself and Jonathan to walk the path that You have beset for us. We are grateful for our win tonight, and the fact that You have been watching over us from day one. We know that You have a grand plan for all of this, and we are honored to prevail as Your hands, vengeful as they may be. Thank You for allowing us to escape serious injury tonight, so that every day we may continue as Your missionaries. Please continue to guide us on our path, so that we may continue to serve You, and one day arrive in Your Kingdom. This is my prayer in Christ's name, amen..."

***Alexander takes his forehead off of the lockers that he had been leaning against. He runs his right hand through his wet hair and we see a few beads of either water or sweat bead off of it. He reaches into the locker and grabs a small, blue towel and wipes off his wet hand. He throws it over his left shoulder and grabs his gym bag. He heads back toward the showers and our scene fades to black***

***When our scene pulls back from the black screen, we see Alexander walking back from the shower area. He has on a new pair of shorts and his ring clothes are in his gym bag. He walks back over to his locker and sets the bag down on the ground. He sits down on the bench and runs the towel over his wet hair. He looks up at the two title belts that are hanging from the top of the locker. He smiles as he looks up at them, proud of his accomplishment. He breaths in heavily and then begins speaking***

"Well, after all that was said and done over the last week, we were able to pull it off. so many people doubted if the new generation of tag team wrestling could take on the old...old...OLD generation of tag team wrestling. You see, Mage and myself had heard it all, mainly from Bad Attitude themselves. They doubted the ability of two singles wrestlers to work as a cohesive unit in taking the tag team division by storm. Bad Attitude said that while we had experience 'some success' in the singles wrestling world, we would be unable to work out as a tag team. But, we smacked that all back in their faces. We went out there and did what nobody thought we could do. Singles wrestlers winning the tag team titles, listen to that in your head, and look at past NEWF tag champs, and you will see that it is not uncommon..."

"For Bad Attitude to possibly think that they could've torn apart the New Faith is laughable. You see, we had this all mapped out from the very beginning. We figured, if we could get the guard of Bad Attitude down, then we would be able to take advantage of their slip up, and then reach out and rip the titles away from them. Jackson Herod and David Giles fell for our plan so easily. Had then been paying attention, then they would've seen that Mage's fist came nowhere near me. A phantom punch, but everyone fell for it, even the fans. I heard them all gasp when they thought that Mage laid me out, but then I heard their souls sing out joyously as I stood up, and we dropped David Giles to the mat and took another step towards our destiny. Fate, and the guiding hand of the lord brought us to these tag team titles, and regardless of what any team thinks, they will not be able to take these belts away from us."

***Alexander stands up from the bench where he was previously sitting. He looks at his belts hanging before him, and he breathes heavily, with a sense of accomplishment. Contrary to what people have said since his return to the NEWF, he has done what nobody thought that he could. He is now holding two title belts, when most people thought he could never get off of his feet to win another. He rests his hands on the two belts and continues***

"People never thought that they would see me in a ring again after I left the NEWF the last time. They had no idea where I was. Herod said that I fell into drugs again, but he is a very ignorant man who never has any idea what he is talking about. The fans...the entire world knows how much of a delusional liar that Jackson Herod is. And now that I have taken away what was so precious to him, rumor has it that he is taking a leave of absence. Herod...does it bother you to lose to someone who is better than you? All you do is complain about me defeating you. The world is right and just when you win, but the second it doesn't go your way, you call shenanigans on us. Herod, it is all over now, and you're just looking like more and more of a fool..."

***Alexander grabs a hold of the two title belts that are attached to the top of the lockers. He then lays them in his gym bad and picks it up and heads out the door as our scene fades to black***
