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Lower A's a Strange Place

Ok thanks for the patience i finally got a picture editor so i can crop my pics. This picture is of five lower a guys. probably most people visiting my site already know them but if you don't. I will do a little introducing, the guy all the way to the left is my roommate andrew. Doesn't he look so sexy in that pic, he has the take me now look on his face. Next in line is Alex he lives next door he is cool shit. Wade is the third one in from the left, he is definatly the most open hand down his pants person. Fourth in is Beryl aka the seal. He is wade's roommate they live next door to me on the other side. Lastly the person on the right is me my name is Phil, so how do you like my page so far?? oh yeah all through any of my pages if you see question marks there will be two or three of them it is just something i do. .

If you want my other webpage send me a message at either Aim=CrzyPhl, NorthernCrazies or never ending ice OR icq me at 81258664

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