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U.S. War and Conflicts Statistics


19 Aril 1775 - 20 September 1783
Participants: 250,000
POWs: 18,152
MIAs: 1,426
Deaths In Service: 6,824


12 April 1861 - 26 May 1865
Union Participants: 2,213,365
Union POWs: 194,743
Union Deaths In Service: 364,511

Confederate Participants: 1,082,119
Confederate POWs: 214,865
Confederate Deaths In Service: 134,563


2 September 1945 - 21 August 1991
Participants: Classified
POWs: Classified
MIAs: 343
Deaths In Service: Classified


25 October 1983 - 2 November 1983
Participants: 2,700
POWs: Unknown
MIAs: 4
Deaths In Service: 20

WAR OF 1812

18 June 1812 - 24 December 1814
Participants: 286,730
POWs: 20,000
MIAs: 695
Deaths In Service: 2,260


21 April 1898 - 12 August 1898
Participants: 260,000
POWs: 8
MIAs: 72
Deaths In Service: 2,446


25 June 1950 - 27 July 1953
Participants: 5,764,143
POWs: 7,140
MIAs: 8,177
Deaths In Service: 54,246


17 May 1987
Participants: Unknown
MIAs: 1
Deaths In Service: 36


24 April 1846 - 2 February 1848
Participants: 78,718
POWs: 20,000
MIAs: 695
Deaths In Service: 2,260


6 April 1917 - 11 November 1918
Participants: 4,743,826
POWs: 7,470
MIAs: 116,708
Deaths In Service: 116,708


08 July 1959 - 27 January 1973
Active Duty: 9,087,000
In-Country: 2,594,000
POWs: 2,583
MIAs: 3000-6000
Deaths In Service: 58,486


16 January 1991 - 27 February 1991
Participants: 650,000
POWs - MIAs: 52
Deaths In Service: 255


US Date 1815 - December1890
Participants: 106,000
POWs: Many, few survived
MIAs: Many
Deaths In Service: 1,000

Aboriginal American Date 1540 - 1999
Participants: Unknown, in the millions
POWs-MIAs: Unknown - Aboriginal Americans are the longest held
documented POWs, serving into the 20th Century in excess of 28 years
Deaths In Service: Millions


7 December 1941 - 2 September 1945
Participants: 16,353,659
POWs: 124,079
MIAs: 30,314
Deaths In Service: 407,316


23 January 1968 - 23 December 1968
Incident Personnel: 82
POWs: 82
POW Deaths In Incident: 1


02 December 1992 - 15 September 1994
Participants: Classified
POWs: 6
MIAs: 2
Deaths In Service: 44

U.S.Marine Corps Battles


The Revolution [1776-1783]

French Naval War [1798-1801]

War with Tripoli [1801-1805]

War of 1812

Florida Indian War [1835-1842]

Mexican War [1846-1847]

Civil War [1861-1865]

17 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Shimoneseki, Japan [1863]

USS Wyoming vs. 3 Japanese ships and shore batteries in the Straits of Shimoneseki.

Korean Campaign [1871]

Battle of the Salee River forts. 6 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

USS Plymouth (France) [1872]

1 Medal of Honor awarded to a Marine.

USS Lancaster (France) [1881]

1 Medal of Honor awarded to a Marine.

War with Spain (Spanish-American War) [21 April - 13 August 1898]

15 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Philippine Insurrection [30 June 1898 - 4 July 1902]

9 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Battle of Tagalii (Samoa) [1 April 1899]

3 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

China Relief Expedition (Boxer Rebellion) [June - August 1900]

33 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

USS Chicago (Montevideo, Uruguay) [1901]

1 Medal of Honor awarded to a Marine. <

USS Petrel (Pacific Ocean) [1901]

1 Medal of Honor awarded to a Marine.

Nicaraguan Campaign of 1912

Capture of Vera Cruz (Mexico) [21-22 April 1914]

9 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Occupation of Haiti [28 July 1915 - 31 August 1934]

8 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Occupation of Dominican Republic [1916-1917]

3 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

World War I [6 April 1917 - 11 November 1918]

13 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines. 5 Marines received both the Navy and Army Medals of Honor for the same act; separate medals still existed during this time.

Pensacola, Florida [1921]

1 Medal of Honor awarded to a Marine.

Occupation of Nicaragua [6 January 1927 - 3 January 1933]

2 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

World War II [7 December 1941 - 15 August 1945]

81 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Korea [27 June 1950 - 27 July 1953]

42 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Landing in Lebanon [15 July - 30 September 1958]

Thailand [15 May - 30 July 1962]

Cuba [21 October - 20 November 1962]

Dominican Republic [28 April - 6 June 1965]

Republic of Vietnam [1962-1975]

Vietnam Advisory Campaign from 15 March 1962 - 7 March 1965. 57 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines.

Lebanon (Beirut) [25 August 1982 - 15 February 1983]

Grenada [25 October - 2 November 1983]

Persian Gulf [1990 - 1991]


The first Medal of Honor given to a Marine was in 1863, the last was in 1973. During this time 293 Marines have received 300 Medals of Honor. 70 of the recipients were officers, 223 were enlisted. 120 of the Marines awarded were killed as a direct result of the action for which they are cited. Many Navy Corpsmen, Chaplains and other personnel serving with Marine Units have also earned the Medal. You can read the citations on the Official Marine Corps Web Site.

