Lynnerz's site

Lynnerz site

Mountains of Memories

Information Palace

River of Friendship

Forgotten Maps

Garden of Galleries

Book of Travellers

My RPG characters


My Forum!

World of wonders, art of the utmost beauty, opinions of all kind...

The magnificent world of Lynn Carpenter

There was a fire
Within their hearts
And all they desired
Was knowledge.

Greetings, my friends and thank you for visiting my humble site. I am Lynn, Lynnerz, Lynnie, Liina, Ceri, Ceriene, Lylli, or however you choose to call me. It seemed to me to be unnecessary to make a homepage. BUT, now that I have collected so much artwork, have so good friends, I believe I have the right to share it with all of you. Welcome and enjoy!

Surely, your opinion of my site is highly appriciated. For that, I have Book of Travellers. I will take this oppurtunity here and now, to announce that a lot of information is kind of old on this page. So, I will begin to update it soon. And will find a better room in the cyberspace(where there are no ads). Be patient and hope for the best! I'm much better now. ;) Once again- Welcome and enjoy yourselves!

20th of January, 2002. I have made a new poll and set up the old ones in the "Archives", check it out. Also, the "Friends" page is re-newed. Enjoy! :)

14th of May, 2002. Added a few cool links into the Links Page, am going to re-construct this page very soon. As soon as I have the time and a computer. ;)

22nd of May, 2002. Changed the index page a bit, to explain why this webpage is so sucky(yet).

22nd of May, 2002. Moved the index to Topcities, where I will be changing it and such. Getting ad-less space. :)

This page is made by Lynn Carpenter aka Liina Puusepp, she has all the rights to the information on the webpage, except the contents displayed under the Galleries.
Email me