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Shaman's HoUsE of iLL-CoMpUte

Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life. After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us. I really don't talk like that, I'm straight.

My Background

I was born in Batimore Maryland, but my
family soon gave up and moved to Randallstown Maryland. I grew up in the midsts of civil rights protests and riots. My mother worked with the Social Security Administration from the mid 50's to mid 70's as a tape jockey supervisor. It's no wonder that I'm something of a computerphile.

And, before we go any further, just in case (not that I'm looking to get hired, but - just
in case you ARE my big break), here's my
resume. Sorry, it's in Word 7.0 format.
I guess I should HTML my res one of these days!

My Interests

I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know me
is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .
I love to boat, bike, hike, create and listen to music, drink lattes and beer and travel very fast in my modded 91' Mustang 5L. 5 speed.

My Personal Records

I am 32 years in appearence, have much longer hair that the 3 year old pic above and wear my beer gut well.

Links to My Favorite Sites

Another way to really get to know someone - especially someone who spends
as much time on the Internet as I do - is to learn their favorite sites:

Price Watch Search Engine

Tom's Hardware Guide

56K.COM - V.90, K56flex, and x2 Modem Page

My BroadBand Links

My Pictures

(I know, I know, but hey, come on - Greco/ancient mythos coupled with martial arts and a certain arch, modern sensibility?)

ICQ 7828073
Send me e-mail to: