My Own Little Web Page

I've had this site for about 5 years now, and for the last 3 I really haven't changed it... at all (if you don't believe me, ask Galen, he used to complain about it all the time.
Now, although I certainly am not promising any frequent updates, I actually have a reason to use it since I have people all over the county (and even the world, since Galen is in Hong Kong) that might actually have a reason to visit my site!
Yay for new stuff! The about me page will now be my own self-programed blog because live-journal and dead-journal and all the rest just bother me. I will try, when I actually have time (haha)to put up lots of pictures of things like me new home (Home Sweet Dorm) and my roomate and so on.
Also, I desperately need to update my Poetry Page. Now, although I'm too lazy too change the pretty javascript icon below, it will be a "poetry etc. page where I will show all kind of pretty art and writing that you guys send me. I also want to add more fun links, so send me those too. Yay! Send me stuff!

The moral of the story: Email Me!

Here's some actually intersting stuff (I hope)

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