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Kat's cool web page!!!!

Hi everyone, yes I know it has been a very long time since I updated my web page, but a lot has been going on. My pookie and I have split up, we have always had our problems and I am hoping that he can find his way back to me. I will still be posting pictures of him on here for now, its just too hard to let go just yet. Also he doesn't want me to give up hope quit yet so I will sit and hold on. I know most of you who know the situation aren't happy with my choice but please just stand by me for now and pray for the best. I have to also say I miss you all that can't be here right now and hope you can find a way home soon.(James hint hint) And Kellie I really am happy for you and I hope that things work out for the best even if we cant see much of each other. Windy I am so very very proud of you , you will never realize how much of a role model for me that you are. And last but not lease Rob, you know I will always love you and hope you don't forget that Now my promise to you all, those I haven't mentioned and those I have. I will update the pics and the rest of my page in the upcoming weeks so hang in there and keep checking back and please please sign my guest book even if you already have DO IT AGAIN!!!!


Love you guys Kat


By the way Happy Holidays


P.S. Sorry Paul, Rob is making me take off the pics of the mullet, if you want one though let me know!! :)



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Super cool free sites to have fun!!! Oh and my photo's.

Links to my photo pages
A place to find anything you are looking for
The Center for the easily amused
Blue mountain arts- Really cool free greeting cards, hey send me one!
Uproar- a fun place to play bingo and much more
