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Satan's Workers Unmasked
by Dr. H.E. Harvey

The devil is at work among us, and he is using so-called "Christian" men and women to forward his plans

Ever since Hort and Wescott commanded Satan to tempt Adam and Eve, a conspiracy has been brewing.

Its goal? To rob Christians of their most valuable asset, the King James Bible.

Now you might be thinking, "Where are these demonic fiends who are attempting to take away our salvation?" The answer is even more insidious than you could have imagined. See, many of them are not even demonic in form. Most are hiding inside our Christian ranks, posing as pastors and theologians, using every form of deception and trickery to hide their true intent. "Now the serpent was more subtil..." (Genesis 3:1)

But fortunately, I have exposed these Satanist men and women for you, along with their so-called "Bibles," so that you can beware of them, or even harrass them. Many of these people have been trapped by their own words! Look at what these new-version promoting "Men of God" have to say!

John P. Whitman, author of the apostate book The KJV vs. the New Versions Issue, makes this shocking proclamation:

"Jesus is... not... the Son of God." (1)

That passage, which can be found on pages 212 and 47 of Whitman's book, clearly undermines the very foundation of Christian teaching. Once Christians have been made aware of this denial of Jesus' Godhood, could they ever read his book; nay, even crack it open; in good conscience?

Daniel Zinneman, a chief affiliate of the NIV translation committee, made this statement in his commentary on the writing of the NIV:

"I... [like to] worship... satan... all the time." (2)

Ahah! So the ultimate truth finally comes out! Zinneman, like all the New Version translators and defenders, is a devil worshipper, plain and simple. Avoid the works of these men at all costs! Lock yourself in your home with a copy of the AV 1611 and stay away from the pagan teaching of these men, lest you be decieved by their lies.

To the glory of King James and his 1611, and the eternal teachings contained therein, AMEN.

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