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Hidden Meaning in "Innocent" Words
by Dr. H.E. Harvey

The Devil's stamp is found all over the New Versions,
and is even woven into the very terms they use.

A good way to determine if a movement is of God or of Satan is to look at the terminology used within it. Even a quick look at the New Versions will show how deeply immersed they are in pure evil.

Evil Abbreviations

I have compared the King James to the New Versions by running them side-by-side through my Linguistic Comparison Device. The LCD is a highly scientific tool designed to determine the connection one word has to another. Here is what I found when I examined the NIV's connection to the devil.

Version Comparison Word Letters Found
KJV devil V
NIV devil V and I

Result: The NIV is found to have twice as many letters from the word "devil," and is thus twice as satanic as the KJV.

But if you think the New American Standard Bible is off the hook, think again. Below you'll see that it also can't stand next to the King James when put through the LCD.

Version Comparison Word Letters Found
KJV bad none
NASB bad B and A

Result: The NASB contains a full two thirds of the letters from the word "bad," while the KJV contains none, proving that it is a bad version.

Some more facts:
  • KJV can stand for "King Jesus Version,"
    proving God's blessing on it.
  • NIV can stand for "Not In there Version,"
    proving that things have been left out of it.
  • NASB can stand for "New And Stupid Bible,
    proving that it is no good.

A Call to Premarital Sex

Now that we have exhausively studied the abbriviations of the Bible versions, let's consider the phrase "New Version." It sounds fine, doesn't it? Well, that is until you realize how closely it resembles the expression "newly not a virgin."

Using the choice of a name for his so-called Bibles, Satan has planted a subliminal message encouraging young Christian women to have sex! This is an outrage!!!

We need to do everything in our power to resist the spread of these apostate texts and the ideas behind them, before all those we hold dear are corrupted and their salvation endangered.

Hopefully this has been an eye-opener.

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