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How to Argue with a Non-KJV Reader

So you have your booklets and you've already studied "to shew thyself approved" (II Timothy 2:15). What do you do now? This guide will take you through all the steps in dealing with a heretical non-believer:

Step #1 - Introduce verse comparison literature.

Step #2 - Call into question the salvation of the person you are talking to, and warn them about dangerous people in his family and church.

Step #3 - Raise your voice.

Step #4 - If you get no response, raise your voice higher, and keep sending the person creepy-looking booklets, so they can understand the danger they are in.

The Two Failsafe Arguments

The above steps will work in most cases. However, there are two situations that might cause you trouble, for which we have developed what we call the "failsafe arguments," which are as follows:

Special Situation #1 - In some instances, a person might note that the Alexandrian Cult has no members and never meets, that the differences between the KJV and New Versions are so slight that they don't make a difference, or that NIV reading churches are not satanist. In this case, you should use the Subtlety Argument. Simply counter by saying, "Well that's just because the Devil is so subtle and deceptive." In other words, it's such a good conspiracy that it can't be proven.

Special Situation #2 - There might be other times in which you start losing an argument. For example, the KJV-reading apostate might use better logic than you are or show a better command of the facts. When this happens, don't try to outmaneuver your opponent! Simply use the "You Prideful Scholar" Argument. Claim that your opponent is relying on his own knowledge instead of trusting God, and accuse him of using intellectual tricks to confuse you.

By using the subtlety argument and flatly denying the validity of academic scholarship, you will make your claims completely untestable, and therefore impervious to scrutiny. You'll never lose an argument!

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