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Work to Live...
              Live to work!

    At the robust age of fifteen I started working at McDonald's. Surprisingly enough this was one of the best jobs I had! I started at the register and by the time I was ready to go off and start the life of Jaime I knew how to do everything. Drive through, registers, cooking, and even breaking down machines. The whole reason I liked working there was because of the people. My manager was the best, and the people I worked with were great! They're really the ones who made my job special. I even remember the little old man that came in on Sunday's to get his coffee. Such a sweetheart! Anyway it was a good place to start my working career!

  The summer ending my 10th grade year I went to work as a "councilor" (at least that's what we were called. But really we were nannies!).  I worked at Glendorne which was a little resort in my tiny town of Bradford. The Zippo family owned and operated it. The family and guests would come and I would watch the kids. It was pretty cool. We lived in what they called cabins however they were really condos. These cabins were bigger than my house. I had the children 24 hours a day. We had a pool to swim in, built in the ground trampolines to jump on and even our own little fire truck to drive around in. This wasn't work really it was a summer retreat!  This job helped me save for my summer trip that was planned for the following year to Germany!

The summer of 1996 I moved to Pittsburgh, where I got a job at the big bird as a bakery clerk. What a job! I look back now and see the paychecks I received and wondered how I survived! This job was okay. But the cookies and cakes finally got to me and I had to move on to a bigger and brighter world.

I went on and started working at a rash of telemarketing companies around the area. Jumping from selling magazines, to raising money for charities, to even setting up appointments for insurance companies. That got old quickly though. 

I started working at In Pittsburgh Newsweekly, a alternative paper in the area. I did classified sales there. Called companies and tried to get advertisements and also took calls from advertisers wanting to run in the paper. It was a cool job. I even had to think up ads for the adult classifieds. What a trip that was!  I would of liked to stay there but unfortunately I took way to much advantage of there leniency towards being late and eventually ended up getting fired. Oh well! That was the end of my newspaper career!

I got hired at Verizon on October 26th, 1999. I'm what they call a telephone canvasser. Which initially was a glorified name for a telemarketer but now it also means a customer service rep. This was definitely the job for me. There is a lot of room for advancement here and I aspire to become management one day! Anyway I've been here for a year and half on April 26th, 2001 and now plan to eventually retire with the company!