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At twenty-two years old you think that you have learned so much. Yet now is the time that you start to realize how little you really have learned! 

Growing up I was mama's little girl with an older brother to blame everything on. It was great! 

Well let's start from the beginning. My mom married my father when they were both young. They had my brother Jeremy. Dad left before I was born and that was okay.   It's what made me who I am today. I recently got in contact with my father and I hope that we can build a new relationship! Fill that void ya know? Anyway, I was born on the morning of July 11th, 1978  in the little town of Bradford, Pennsylvania as Jaime Faye Dunn. Mom always told me what a good baby I was. Smiling was my forte! I grew up with mom working to support us and going to school to educate herself and provide a better career for not only her but to benefit us as well. I don't remember much of that.

My mom married again and I got a new dad. He adopted my brother and I and we were officially a family. At least on paper! Life was good as I remember it however mom and my new dad must of thought life wasn't that great. They divorced and mom was forced to support the family again! I do give all the props to Mom she's the best! She loved us so much and we knew that. Well mom married again and we got the evil stepfather. At least that's what my brother and I thought. I was still young and didn't understand anything. (He's really a great person) Mom had found the man, the one God had sent to spend her life with. Life was hard these years. I can honestly say our standard of living wasn't the best. However Mom and Walt gave us so much. As much as they possibly could. Now  I have the best thing that they could give me. A five year old brother named Zechariah and a two year old sister named Mikayla that are my little blessings

Now that I'm twenty-two I always find myself learning from my mistakes as well as my mom's. I'm still searching for my husband the one GOD has intended for me. I continue to work hard supporting myself and hope one day to do the same for my family.
(Although my dream is to stay home and raise the kids....We'll see!)