Memoirs of Her Majesty


this web page is very very personal. things said on here are very close to my heart. they are my thoughts and opinions, and most of them were written months ago. they were written in the backs of notebooks, on scrap peices of paper, on reciepts i found in my purse,on napkins in restaurants. they are things i wrote just to write, whether i was in a state of confusion, a state of sadness, a state of sarcasm, or a state of despair and madness. i hope not to offend anyone. that wasn't the purpose i had when designing this page. please keep in mind that if you think i am talking about you in any of these inscriptions, you may be completly and totally wrong. you don't know what goes on in my mind...

wow. 15 years old. that's when this started. The begining of my sophomore year of highschool. I started this thing called a 'web-page' and aaaall my friends came to it. i went to all of theirs. We each had one. We ranted, we raved, we explored, we communicated. All through these pages. Here i am, finishing up my freshmen year of college.... and i as i reread some of these 'memoirs' tonight, I smiled. I smiled at who i was, and at who i've bcome. I smile at each memory, and each person that the memory involves. I smile at my naivety. and then i smile once more, as i realize my naivety right now. There is so much i have yet to understand... there is so much i have to learn. I have so many more people to meet, and memories to make. I'm so excited for each one! But looking back through these many entries, it reminds of all the trials and tributes i have gone through during my late adolescence. honestly- i have just been one big bundle of horomones. Heh. And it's been great. The intensity of what i've felt for everything and anything has been unforgetable. thanks yall for helping me become who i am. thanks to the boys who crawled through my window... girls that slept in my heated bed during sleepovers... girls i absoluetly hated and then remember how much i actually loved them... the very next day..... thanks for the guys that were 'more than friends' .... and even more for the guys that weren't. Thanks for all the truth-or-dare, all the drunken nights of fun, and even better... all the sober nights of fun.... thanks for nights in parks... for nights in basements.... for nights in motor-homes....for nights in hotels... for nights at summerfest... and mostly, for teaching me what it means to be a friend. Cuz i've certainly made my share of mistakes. But they each taught me something different. I guess I'm just in a thanking mood. so... thanks for reading. thanks for caring. thanks for the love we've shared.

now... to those of you who are new... don't be scared off. these memoirs were mostly written ages ago. but hey- they are still written by me. My past is my past. it's still a huge part of me. so.... keep in mind the context that these were written in... and i think you'll be all good. so read on, and enjoy.

As i sit here,as i, as i i what? I become less and less as the minutes go on. and also, i become more and more...? I crave them. or do i? as i sat with them, i felt out of place. i felt unwanted the moment i stood up. and hours later, i couldn't sleep because i felt shameful(whats new?). did i waste their time? and then i remember......he grabbed my leg! GOD!!!!!!! why won't it leave me alone? the temptation. as i inhaled, i choked. why? why the hell did i choke? i never choke.

Red hair. we were going to do it together. is that a sign? isi it a sign that shes seperating from me?. or is it about her longing for me. longing for the friendship that we tasted...that sweet tast of friendship that dissapeared too fast....?i can't tell. I AM SO WEIRD...i'm so numb...and yet so feeling. is there something wrong?

you've corrupted my innocense...did you know? but i asked for it. i wanted answers...and i got them. meg...and arthur....tom and sarah...matt and tina...doug and molly...joe and sarah...maybe dawn and audric...sarah and paul...could they? would they? i know i will look back at this and be able to add to the list. i keep thinking 'who will be first?' but i think that title has allready been taken from us. someones taken the title 'first'. how can it be so casual....isn't it about love? i have this feeling, that i will never experience sex. i think i will die before i am able to have sex...i won't get a chance. maybe thats why its so hard to picture. because its not in my master plan. will i die so young?

ahhh, and sarah. that brings me to a whole new subject. "so, hows kristi?" she says. shall i say..."worshipping?" worshipping her beauty and her strength. her insecurities. her experience. and yet, so many awful things have happened to her. it is terrible to think about. but now she has this unimaginable streangth that i see shining through. ... or does she? i just had this thought that swept through my body...what if she isn't as strong as i see her? hmmmmmm what discontentment has brought me.

She sits over there. i wonder what she is thinking. not doing anything. maybe not even thinking. ... maybe shes fearing...fearing, i don't know, failure? nah. fearing rejection. but then again, isn't rejection a big part in failing?whether it means failing to impress them at your first impression, or failing to keep them interested...failing to keep them to stay. either way, its failing.

God, make this feeling of unworthiness go away. let my insecurites just float away...SOMEONE, RESCUE ME! its not about suicide. i don't want to die...not yet. i have to much to learn, too many things i have to figure out so many more things before i go. who's reading this? what are you thinking? are you thinking...damn this whore needs help. are you thinking, hmmmm, i never knew she could be so psycotic. or are you thinking, wow she knows what shes talking about. kristi is so deep...well, will you take it beyond that pont? that point of thinking? HELL NO. noone will. well, thats not okay. be there for me. i need you. i need help to get through this. wait. stop. what am i saying? let me suffer. then, i will get out of this by myself. without any help. and i will be stronger than any of you. i will be more secure, and more capable. watch out world, get ready to become one of my puppets.

dear i hate you. why make me this way? why make me at all? so much hate. i wish i wasn't here. "i can smell the insecurities as i walk down the halls", i say. maybe i am smelling myself. GOD...I WANT TO SCREAM! right here, right now, in the middle of the hallway. ... i wish i had a tallent, a tallent to fall back on.maybe be an artist, maybe a poet, a great gymnast, a singer. who cares. as long as i love it madly. something that i could go do when i am feeling like shit (like right now...)and be able to do it, and then have me tell myself, "wow, youre great at this. just look at yourself. you are incomprehendable"....

i feel all theese one way connections. gaaah! that is so crazy. i must be the biggest fucking looser alive. i feel this intensity with certain people. but, theres this little thing inside me that knows they don't fell it back. note to self: the seven deadly sins- despair temptation gluttony nubris (pride) neglect envy hatred hmmmmm i should burn in hell. i have felt them all.

i want to remember everything about it. every single moment. it was much passion. i want to thank you, for giving me the best secret i have ever had. i want to hate you, for not faling in love with me, for not caring that i had a boyfriend. i want to love you for being great (even if everyone tells me to dislike you. even if everyone else dislikes you)

you ruined my day. you ruined my fucking day. you bitch.with a simple "oh well". you mother fucking whore.its okay ifI invited YOU. its okay if youre going WITHOUT ME. "OH WELL" YOU SAID. god, youre a whore. do you even realize that i introduced you to them? the peoepl that you spend every sexcond with. did you suddenly foregt? so, fine go ditch me. youre right i guess, i am UNIMPORTANT!

i hate that you know. you know i'm evil (or atleast you tell me i am). i guess you should feel proud. proud that youve gotten into that sicko head of mine. Wanna know what else i hate? i hate how you seem so confident. because i know youre not. i remember. i remember the word HATE on the night of the pops concert, do you remember? how could anyone with confidence do that to themselves? i love you. and i know i am speaking out of anger, but i feel it. i feel confused. why do you seem so confident? i don't understand....explain it to me....

i have this image in my mind, where this women, is down on her knees, i think i am on a throne, and i think were in a church of some kind. the women in weeping, i don't know why, but she is weeping and i think she is asking for my forgiveness, or maybe for my respect. shes begging me for something...what a weird thought. i don't know why that image is stuck in my mind......... AM I LOOSING IT?

i have to remember...remember to hold my head high, smile at her, frown at him, wave to her, and wink at him. i have to remember. remember to stride, not walk, stride. i have to remember. remember to be PERFECT ALL THE TIME. why? because, thats how i'm supposed to be. i can't let everyone down.....OH...MY...GOD...what did i just write? ......i can't believe myself....WHERE HAVE I GONE??? ? ??? ?????????

he makes me feel like such a little a good way though. i mean,I just want to be with him. every second. i want to hold him.. kiss him. LOVE HIM. love...the word has sounded so far away from me, my entire life. it sounds so forign. so....absurd. because i hav never experienced it romantiaclly. i have never had the chance......but i feel so close to it righ now. and i know it seems too soon, but its true. Every move he makes, every akward, self-concious move he makes, make me want him more. i want to squeeze him. and every moment i am not with him him, i feel empty. i ache for him. i feel so girlish because i want to write his name 500 times. i daydream about him...i get all the buterflies...he makes me so happy. but how can i even say that honestly? i have gone through so much pain to be with him. oh...god...the pain. the pain inside me...inside him...inside **** pain....i truely hope we are beyond that....but i still feel as though it may be just the beginging.....

dON'T LEAVE ME. don't leave me here, without your arms...without your eyes, don't leave me without your words. i know i shouldn't say that. youre not mine to take. not mine to have. i wish you were here. right now. i wish so many things about you. but wishes only come true in fairy tails. i keep hoping, to see you walk through that door. coming to take me away. and coming to reasure me, ressure that youre not leaving me. not for awhile anyways...thats all i want...awhile...i want just a little time. let us get to know eachother. let us spend some time together before you leave.... .. .. i am doing exactly what i am supposed to. but if i keep this up, i will never have you. if we want eachother, why can't we be together? its just too complicated... ... ... i feel you in my shoulders. i ffeel you in my my toes...but mostly in my my heart. i feel your presence...but where are you really?.. ... ...i have read, and seen,a dn heard all about it. about the infamous ...yearning.... but it is only now, when i have actually experienced it.

isn't it you do something you know youre not supposed to, because you tell yourself,"its gonna be worth it. It will be worth the consiquences".. ... and then, its not worth it? you still get the consiquences, but you don't get the good part of the deal. take last night for example....i thought it was all worth it, until this morning, when she asked me where i was last night. well, she can't expect me to tell her, can she? i mean...i can't. i can't explain it to her. .... ... i had so much fun, so in that sense, it was worth it. but i never accmplished what i'd set out to do. ... she wouldn't understand. she never does. none of them ever do. but you know, i'm completly fine with that. i don't care as much as i thought i would....

i wish he was thinking of me right now. at this very moment. but instead, he is off, somewhere, talking with relavant people with relavant things (maybe the weather.....just kidding), just as i am. or atleast as i am trying to do....i am trying to ask questions. questions so that they can answer, and with their answer, quench my thirst. quench the thirst that i have thirsted for, for so long. for something to be breathtakingly beautiful. breathtakingly perfect... ...and so here i am, having this conversation with these 2 people i care very much about, but i want more out of it. i want to go to bed with a smile on my face tonight....i don't want to have to pretend someone is there for me. wow. it just hit me. 2 days. 2 days until i am is so amzing...16, is so old. i mean, 16 means more respect, 16 means full-fledged moody teenager, ready to pounce at any given moment...hmmm....i wonder......i wonder what it is i want out of life. i mean, just read i what i wrote. read what i write...i change my mind so fast. i think i want something, but then i don't.once i get it, i realize, it was all wrong for seems as though i have that in common with someone...hmmm....DAMN IT!!! WHY CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM??? everything i say, think, write, has to do with him....grrrr...i wish he would leave my brainwaves completly. but then, as i say that, i feel bad. because i don't want him to think iwish he weren't in my life...because, right now, he is the only person that can make me feel complete...

I don't even want to see my own writing. I want to think that what I say will disappear…will disappear into empty empty space. There I made a mistake, and I didn't fix it. I fought the impulse. The impulse to be perfect, perfect, which I'm not. No one has to worry about me being competition. Wow, what a sad thought. Me, not being competition for anyone. Me, just being that 'easy lose' me: the girl who everyone picks to run against so that they can win. Huh, I am so so so so sad. If that was true, life would be meaningless. Even though, I feel it right now. I feel the thing called 'depression'. I and 'depression' is supposed to be such a bad thing, I kind of like it. It keeps me down to earth. Keeps me from getting cocky. because having arrogance would ruin everything. It really would. I would lose everything dear to my heart. The 'depression' makes me more aware. It makes me see things in a different angle.

God, I have so much to say, and so little time to say it. I am doing it again. I am supposed to be having the time of my life. Everything is so right for me. but all I feel is despair. Tonight, something is supposed to be grand. Grand and glorious. But what if it is not. I mean, I know that something will happen tonight. I feel it. But will it be a good thing? I was so excited, but now, all I can feel is fear, and despair. Despair. I should just type that word. Over and over. Because that is what I feel. You know how sometimes you can hear a word, and even if you don't know what it means, it sounds, just right. It sounds perfect. It sounds like what you're feeling. That's me. right now. With: despair. I wish ___ wasn't mad at m____. I mean, if she wasn't so upset, if he hadn't said anything about paul, I would still be thrilled about tonight. There I go again. Blaming others for my unhappiness.

Before I even talk to anyone, I want a chance to sit down and organize my thoughts. I am so, so sick to my stomache. And I don't even know why. Maybe because I saw her and I saw how everything she did scared me to death. She was so hurt inside. So cold. I liked how she described it as "your hurt has turned cold". It was so true. She is on the verge of being evil. She had no boundries. She just kept saying things, not stopping. There are certain things that should be left unsaid, but that didn't stop her. I think the scarrist part of her was how much of me I saw in her. The incessant need for control, the unhappiness at the blink of an eye, the lashing out at others, as the only way to let out pain and anger. I am so scared, what if she was just like me at my age, what if her sickness progressed, and this is where she ended up? This is where I will end up.

go go GO! that's what my minds doing what did I do? What was it this time? That pulled me out… I was slipping, slipping, slipping Slipping into that hole of emptiness No not emptiness….pain. The pain was almost there But I must have somehow found that switch Or maybe it wasn't me at all…it was them But that's never a good thing Cuz, what happens when theyre gone?

Fuck you.
Fuck everything about you. Fuck the memories. The stupid stupid memories that tear me apart Every fucking time I think of you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Can I say it enough? No I can't because its all that creeps into my vocabulary. I see you, with the hurt in your eyes, as you question whether I truly believe that you will forget me. I see myself look to the ground and almost feel shameful for thinking such a thing. How could you forget me? Wait… Actually, lover boy, its not so hard And don't worry your little heart away, you will, soon enough. Forget. Youll forget me. And I remember I remember another time you looked at me with hurt in your eyes. I could hear the hurt in your voice as you asked me if I truly thought that you would have it easier. Of course you have it easier. Don't forget, I am the one that sees… All the familiar faces All the familiar places That we once shared together. I am the one that has to walk through the streets we used to walk through together. I am the one that has to answer to all the questions…. "were you guys in love?" "do you miss him?" "are you going to date anyone else?" "what was the best thing about your relationship?" god, how the fuck do I answer any of those questions? I can't I don't even know the fucking answers. You, you are away. A way from it all. With new people and nothing to remind you of me. every fucking day my heart pangs for you. Every fucking day, my heart tears apart slightly further because I know you don't yearn for me the way I yearn for you. "I may have loved before…but I have never ached before. I have never ached for someone as though I ache for you" I sometimes wish it never happened. If I had only known then, what I know now…would I still go through with it?and the answer- Yes. Not for you Hell no not for you But because of him. Because you and me, brought me and him closer And he is probably one of my best friends I will ever have. "youre so beautiful, a beautiful fucked up man". God. Why cant I stop thinking about you. Fuck you. Fuck us Fuck everything about us. Damn it. I can write it over and over and over… But I still miss you. Miss what? Nothing. There is nothing to miss. But I still do…miss you. I remember playing with my rings, as something to do with my hands. Don't you know that's why I wear rings? I would play with them to avoid you. Avoid you grabbing for my hand. As you would drive. In remember clasping my hands together. Trying to show you. Trying to show you my hands were busy, So I busy I didn't need for you to hold them. But it never worked Never. Not once, but I kept doing it. You would allways put your hand on my leg. It was like, you wanted me so badly, you couldn't be so close to me without touching me. AHHHHHHHHHH Why do I think these things?

And although I bet every other chick thinks this exact same thought as me: I think I would be your dream women- if you gave me a chance. Weve both done some fucked up shit. And the reasons? Oh wait, were there any reasons? I mean, we both say, "to have fun". Sure, I bet. To have fun…that nihgt. To make our problems go away…that night. For 1 night This night. And whether or not it works, whether or not it rids us of the pain. Whether or not we succeed in forgetting for just one night. We do it again. Even if it didn't qute do it for us the first time. It was probably just a fluke. Its gotta work this time. That's what we tell ourselves. Except- Really, it just leaves us feeling more empty. More abused, than the night before.
And then, we say 'harder shit. That's all I need…is harder shit'. Yes, I think we have things in common. Like the incessant need to be loved. To love back. That need that is never satisfied. Never fulfilled. I think we could drink eachother. And finally quench the thirst. I know I desire you enough To knock you over with passion. And I see it in your eyes. Hear it in your voice. You crave something. Something you don't quite know of yet. Well, let me tell you something. Its me. I ~ am what you have been craving. Drink me up… Quench your thirst.

I had this dream. This dream about kissing you. We were drunk. Drunk on what…I don't know. Love maybe? And how I shudder to think I love you. Do you know what that means? If I love you…god the consiquences. Don't you understand? How I wish I could love you… With nothing behind it. But there is And there always will be. A conflict.

God, what do you think , do you think I am not here? Do you think just because I haven't said anything that I am not listening? What the fuck do you want me to say? Do you want me to be all peachy keen…well sorry bastards…I am not peachy keen. Deal with it. But I can't even say that. Cuz you don't know how to deal with things. Fuck you That's all I want to say I feel it. I feel hate I feel it so much There can't possibly be another word for it. Hate has to be the word. "Don't wait for me" Fine you asshole I wont. God damnit God damn it God damn it I feel like slitting my wrists. I feel like screaming Hmmm…the options…which shall I commit? It seems as though…. Hmmm……I can't scream. I am inside. Its late. I guess that only leaves one option…. … No. Please. Don't take me seriously. The thought of dying consoles me enough. I don't need to actually commit it. I wont Don't take me seriously.

Damn it…why are we having this conversation? Online? For gods sakes. But how could I forget…this is the way we do things. We avoid confrontation. Hmmm, that sure as hell sounds like good way of doing things. Lets just sweep them under the rug. Maybe if we don't see them everyday, they will…disappear. HAHAHAHAHA Sorry, that's not the way life works.

And why is it? why is it that i miss him so? is it because of the way he loves me? because the way i can see it in his eyes? the way he tells me? the way i read his mind? the way he knows how to deal with me (when he wants to). the way we feel the same, without saying anything. the way he reads me. from the begining...he could read me so well....he just knew. and i know. how loveable he was. the way he never gave up. the way he hurt me...only because he loved me so much, and i had hurt him so badly....or, was it the way i forgve him, or more like, he forgave me? or is it the opposite? is it just because i want to love, and be loved back? maybe i am doing it to hurt ****. to show him, show him i found someone new- his best friend. the one i started with. the one he took me away from...or maybe i miss him because i know I'm loosing him. i am loosing him to the other people that love him. hes not 'under my control' any more. he doesn't think of me every minute. he doesn't dream of me. because he didn't want to deal with me when i was hurting.. because it isn't as important to remember every detail, as it used to be....

i remember, i remember what it used to feel like to have something feel good. i remember what it was like to be satisfied. i remember what it felt like to go to bed at night, and smiling to myself as i drifted off to sleep. i remember, because it wasn't so long ago. i find myself asking...what happened to me? what happened to the past few months? Its almost as though my life is passing before me my eyes. except- my eyes were tired, so i shut them to give them a rest, and now i have missed everything.

I want to know about her. about what it was like to touch her...did it bring you as much pleasure as it brought you to touch me? is her skin as smooth? and as sweet tasting as mine? and now.... how does it feel to be beautiful? you have waited your turn in line. you deserve this precious moment. so, why then, am i not happy for you? it's's jealousy that blocks the walls of happiness. its jealousy that puts up the steel walls, that let no forgiveness or reasonability in. instead...i sit numb, not know what to feel towords her, but knowing exactly how i feel towards him...hurt. hurt that he's ready to move on. even if he says he isn't. thats what hurts the that he knows me so well, he knows i need reassurance. so he tells me things, and now, i don't know if what he says is out of pity, or out of truth...out of love. and how will i ever be able to tell? when he says it in the same tone of voice? ...and the adjustment was so big. it was like quitting something cold turkey. as i described it to him...'a slap in the face'. hopefully it will get easier. it will have to get easier, i don't think it could get much harder...but then again - look at how many times we've said that in the past. and look how many times we go through such difficult times, times we never thought we could handle...and yet, we came out stronger? hmmmmm.....

its time. the time has come. for me to come to my senses. for me to realize you are just another one of them. you are just another one of the male species. you are just another one of those guys who leads girls on. you are another one of those guys who knows how to get me where it hurts. you know my weaknesses. and its as though you thrive off, using them against me. how could i ever have thought you were, "perfect". now, i know no one's perfect, but you were the closest thing i had found. i shouldn't have trusted you. i shouldn't have trusted you with the one thing that is most important to heart.

as i looked around, it hit me. this was not my safe place anymore. it had become invaded. with people i didn't look forward to seeing everyday. it was full of curious eyes, and fastly-beating hearts. it was full of....freshmen. here i was, looking for some oh-so-treasured peace, and what i found were childeren, scrambling around, wondering if they were even in the right place. not only had IT been invaded, I had been invaded. how could anyone do this to me? this was mine...this was M I N E . couldn't they just go somewhere else, and worry what the upperclassmen thought of them, couldn't they go somewhere else, to giggle and smile with their other freshmen friends? couldn't they go somewhere else to show off their new abercrombie and fitch clothes? why, oh why did they have to be here? making me nausious. in my haven...making me more miserable than i already was.

i hate your fucking poitics. its like a system. and even though i despise it, i feel so involved. my boyfriend for gods sake...he is one of the god damn 'leaders'....leaders?????? its only a class....what are they thinking? how can they have leaders? this isn't right. peoepl are feeling like shit because of your goddamn politics.people are getting hurt. I AM GETTING HURT BY IT. and i AM INVOLVED IN IT. this should not be happening. it has stop.

my finger nails are gross, and i love it. you know the feeling, the one runners get after they get all sweaty, and they run through the door with a smile on their face, because they just did something that made them feel wonderful. well i love MY gross fingernails because i look at them, and i think to myself 'where did this come from?' and then i remember. that fabulous night i had. (i could say we had, but i don't know how much you actually enjoyed it). how we laid in the grass for hours,we waited for the sun to rise. and you gave me your shirt because my teeth were chattering and i was shivvering. and you held me. and told me how it all 'just felt right'. so now, i sit here on this computer, wishing you would just wake up, so i can talk to you. and see what your feeling. i keep telling myself to be sorry for expecting some sort of response, an e-mail, a message, a phone call, a look. but i'm not sorry. because i can't possibly be sorry about anything having to do with that glorious night. and i love the excitment running through my blood. and besides, some things are best left unsaid.

so what. so friggen what. i may be confused, but i am happy. i am happy as i look at the gurgling, smiling faces that surround me, the voices that wake me up, the loving looks that i catch, the soft touches. and maybe i don't want anything certain right now, maybe i am undecided, but afterall, i am 17. i have every right to not know exactly what i want right now. let me just have my fun. i won't harm anyone. not even myself. i'm beyond that. right now, i just want to live. to breath the air, to feel the feelings, to laugh at something funny, to stay out late, to come home early, to spend time with my mom, to sleep in, to not sleep at all, to cry, to dance, to sing, to talk, to observe, to learn, to write, to eat, to taste, to love, to lose, to win. TO LIVE. just let me live.

it sucks when they're too nice. when you can't tell if they're being sincere, and truthful, or simply polite. it sucks when you find out they say the same thing to every other person they encounter. it sucks when you let them break your heart. yeah, it sure does suck.

how come i always get the strong ones? or maybe, it's not that they're strong when i find them, but more that they're strong when i leave them (heh... or they leave me). they all successfully go with the, "no looking back" approach. hmmm.... i know i don't vanish from their mind space, i know i don't dissappear in their eyes. but still, they're so god at putting their foot down, and not letting me back into their lives. siiiiigh. ahhh, oh well. it's as though i am some loathed sickness, that the only medicine is complete isolation. as if the only cure is completly turning their backs on every aspect of me.

my heart, split in 3:

scenerio 1- "i do love it, long for it" ~Midsummer. wow, you're such a superstar. "you're a superstar, that is what you are. coming from afar, reaching for a star. run away with me. to another place. we can rely on eachother". With brightening up my day when everything seems terrible, making me lauugh everytime w're together, making me a better person, because YOU are such a great person. you know you're a lifesaver, right? you know i thank god as often as i can for you, for your existence, for your being, for the fact that i am blessed to have you in my life. are you aware of all that? because i am afraid i sometimes forget to remind you.

scenerio 2- "that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" ... "god only gives you what he knows you can handle" i am so glad we're talking now. i am so glad all the madness is behind us. (well, it's behind me). no matter what you're involved with, who you're involved with, no matter what you're doing with your life, i'm sitting on the sidelines smiling for you. i won't lie and say "you're gonna be great some day". cuz i don't know that. i just know that you can be a fun person to talk to, and i know we had a lot of good times together. and i know that whatever we had, whatever we lost, is behind us. and being a fond,simple aqaintance is so ideal right now. it just makes me smile.

scenario 3- "and so it goes, and so it goes, and so will you soon, i suppose.... so you can have this heart to break". well i guess the quote should read, "take my heart and run, or wait... you already did." atleast i got it back now. (i just sometimes have some trouble remembering that...tee-hee). close your eyes, turn your back, ignore my voice. be that way. i don't know why you have to be that way. but i guess you just do. i wish i did. i wish i knew why. because although i tell myself i miss you, i think that may not be it at all. (i could be wrong, i mean were my love at one point) but i think i just hate the cold shoulder for no apparent reason. i mean come on, i'm being civil. and i'm the one with the broken heart. i wish you would tell me why this is the way it is. but then again, i thank God for not having me know. because by leaving me high and dry, it makes it easier to not put you in my head. it makes it easier to not picture your face when i hear certain songs. it makes it easier to remeber what a cowardice ass you're being. atleast i have that.

I keep thinking about last night, and how you were laying on my floor, when you should have been laying in my bed. (Ahhh… how scandalous) And I keep thinking about the hug at the end of our night. And how I wanted to kiss your neck so badly. I could almost taste the salt of your skin on my tongue. You asked what I wanted. I wanted only one thing. I wanted you. I wanted that moment to never end. I wanted to take your 16 years of innocence and throw it out the window. My window. The one you snuck into.

yeah. go into the next room, so you don't have to deal with hearing my voice. Don't have to deal with my movemnet under these blankets. A sweet sigh escaping my lips.My powerful scent that draws you in everytime- floating across the room in your direction. Leave. And make it easier for yourself. cuz God knows it's your turn to have a break.

why did you have to go and tell me that. "no. i don't like you. you're fucking ugly. and it's funny you thought that i could ever like you that way". wow. be more of an ass, okay? really. please do. cuz i want you to know you just made my fucking day.

what's the point in all this screaming? no ones listening anyway.

"GUESS WHAT?!" i screamed for the 3756392 time that night. "uh-oh... not again," you smiled and held my hand. "What?" you aksed (as if you didn't knwo the answer). "I'M HELENA!" i yelled happily. Later that night, as we sat under the rain listening only to the raindrops and the sound of eachothers hearts beating for one another, you leaned in and whispered in my ear, "guess what?" "what?" i whispered back. "you're helena."

i refuse to forget. i refuse to forget how you always had water in the tall glasses at my house. i refuse to forget the feel of my fingers running through your hair,the hair that you wanted me to cut so badly. i refuse to forget the saying "we're just like twins. except not married. cuz that would be gross." i refuse to forget the great things you showed me. i now know how to drive in madison. i now know how to race at red lights. i now know about the great tenecious-D. i will never forget listening to 'beep beep' with you. there are so many songs that remind me of you. so so many. i refuse to forget the way you tickled my arm every time you would touch me. you were so gentle. i refuse to forget summerfest, and "you like cardboard millie?". how could i forget all the beautiful boquets you brought me. how could i forget your dirty shoes. your laugh. your knowledge (to this day it baffles me how you knwo the words to so many old-school rap songs). i will never ever ever forget moulin rouge. i will never forget the way you made me feel. you were the only person i could trust with so many things. you're the only person i would talk to every single day- for 6 months. and the list goes on. and on... and on... and on... "and so it goes, and so it goes, and you're the only one who knows." how could i forget someone as magnificent as you? i can't. i won't. i refuse to forget.

friends..... atleast he doesn't have a pride issue..... atleast she knows when it's time to really "talk," atleast i still crave her, atleast he still looks at me with love in his eyes, atleast she reminded me of what a hypocrit she is and always will be, and reminded me to never ever get close to her again, atleast he still follows the crowd, atleast she still thinks i'm the happiest person alive, atleast he still thinks i'm least i still have them in my life.


you could be my hero baby...

you could be her hero baby....

...and his

and theirs...

you could be THE hero baby.

-play superman.

save the world.

make yourself feel good(baby).

build up your self esteem.

-go fuck yourself-

(You're no

I can't do this. i can't be here. i can't talk to him. I'll fall. straight down. i'l fall so hard. they say atleast when you're on rock bottom you're on solid ground. that couldn't be more true. i need to leave this room. i think i'm starting to know what a panic attack is. how could this be love? there's no such thing.

everybody needs sombody sometimes. everybody needs someone, can't you see? i just need that feeling of being held. but not just by anyone. by that perfect someone. that someone who is nowhere to be found. no one in my like could even start to fill the shoes of the man i need in my life. i should make a list- 21 things i need a man to be for me. (i stole it from dear alanis).

1. funny

2. strong/stable

3. new (not someone who i can say.. been there, done that)

4. hard to get (i need a challange or else it gets old).

5. somone who is responsible. it makes me so irritated when a man can't even manage to hold a job, or grades, or money.

6. someone who is cute. (note: i can find something cute about anybody)

7. someone who is inventive and creative. (no more Mr.Dull for me!)

8. someone who's clean (i need someone to keep me on track. i can't stand a dirtball)

9. someone with goals. someone with a sparkle in their eye when they talk about the future.

10. somone who loves me, or atleast has the capability to love. i won't settle for less. *note- but not someone who isn't clingy. ick.

11. someone who know's and loves God.

12. someone who has 10 other qualities that are so wonderful they will fill the rest of the blanks for the '21 necesities of kristi's man,' and while doing so will also fill my heart.

its good to know you know my weaknesses. i mean, hey, isn't that what friends are for? to look out for one another, and to know what hurts them, and what doesn't? It's a handy thing to know what to say to someone so that you won't upset them. But i guess you and i are on different wave lengths. i mean, it's obvious you still find it important to know my weaknesses. but you seem to use them in a different way then i see fit. you take them, and *SPLAT!* throw in my face. you use my weaknesses against me. you use every trick up your sleeve that you know of, to hurt my feelings. and then- then you expect me to be okay with it. expect me to say, "fine. just fine. really, everythings great. like they always say, forgive and forget. wanna go out for ice cream?" but i'm here to say... ummmm- no. friends don't do that. well, atleast not in my book. so keep on writing your own novel or your 'how to be a good friend' handbook (because you are such an expertiese), but please don't include me in any more pages. just write me out of the plot, like they do in soap operas. have me die or something. cuz really- that's what you're doing. you're killing me.

Out of all the people to call me, to check up on me, it was her. I hardly even consider her a friend of mine, but she had the careful concern, of calling me up and seeing if I was okay. Why weren’t my “friends” there to do that job. Huh? Where did they all go? ...wait....What am I even saying? One of my biggest blessings, are the friends that God gave me. There’s always someone beside me to hold my hand. There’s always someone to pick me up and carry me, when my wings forget how to fly. I’m sorry for being who I am. I’m sorry for not appreciating you as much as I should. “I know I could love you much better than this… full of grace… full of grace, my love…”

i sit here and it pounds into me. the power of music. it was truely one of the greatest gifts given to us. it's that moment, the moment that comes every once in awhile, to remind you of why you fell in love with it in the first place. this isn't one of those cheesy... 'music makes me happy' bullshit stories. i'm describing that moment. the moment where it hits you and surrounds you. and loves you. and... becomes you. it's so powerful that the word 'powerful' hardly begins to describe it. listening to the harmonies envelope me, and the sound of his genious takes me over. this, this makes me remember why i once wanted to become great at this. he sounds like he's hardly trying, and yet.... it's amazing. he is amazing. this group is amazing. this music is amazing. and somehow, it makes me amazing, for loving it so much. it is so good, it hurts. and i could go on forever about this incredible moment, that i hope everyone experiences 10,000 times in their lifetime because it is that wonderful, and yet i can't. because words simply don't justify it.

i can't write anything, cuz i have nothing left to say. it's not that i've already said it all, it's that i haven't said anything. i miss. i can't say i miss you, i can't say i miss it. I just... hurt. and i know that nothing can make feel better. i feel as though i should feel justified. i mean, i HAVE a reason for this. i don't have to explain it to you. i don't want to explain it to you...i don't want anything with you. because, "i want your warmth, but it would only leave me colder when it ended." i can't/ don't want to handle that. "yesterday seems like a year ago... because the one i loved today, i hardly know..."

It’s not that I mind what happened here. It’s that I mind that it happened… without me. It’s that I was at home, missing you. And you… weren’t. you were off drinking. And making new great friends. And the feeling inside me is weird… because I’m so happy for you. You deserved to have a fab night! But I just … feel sad too. I guess part of me wanted you to sit home and say, “man, all I want is for Kristi to be here.” and… you didn’t. but come, on, I know how selfish that is. I just missed out I guess. You are really great. I have so much fun with you. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you. I love you much. I just wish I could know that you felt the same way about me… You know what I mean? I love being this tight-knit group of people, but I guess I’m afraid of you guys staying tight-knit… without me.

“I am no superman… I have no answers for you, but I do know one thing… where you are, is where I wanna be.” I can’t do anything about it. I know that. In fact I don’t even want to. I want the opposite. I don’t want to do anything about it. But… I fear myself. Because every time I’m with you, I want to hold you, and have you do the same. But you and I are.. Fragile. Not just as ourselves, but we have such a good friendship, that a relationship, a touch, a kiss… might ruin that. It would ruin the beautiful thing that we are busily building. And every once in awhile I get the idea that you feel the same. But I can’t seem to know for sure. I vaguely remember touching you. It wasn’t even anything sexual. But just casually putting my hand on your knee. And leaning over you. And… you didn’t flinch, or push me away. But that’s the polite thing to do. And you’re… polite. Always worrying about being a good host. So I hate to fall for you. I wish we could be just friends. But don’t worry. We will be. I have to learn the separation. Just because you’re male, doesn’t mean we have to have a relationship that involves being physically intimate. I realize that your feelings for me may not be as strong as mine were for you. But hey- I’m a girl. girls are notorious for falling for boys. But that’s the past… I have a feeling this is going to be a very beautiful friendship...

I really could get used to this feeling. I feel so at peace here. I feel smarter. I feel genuine. I feel intruiged. I could definitly get used to coming here. But i get so lost. I get so fascinated by all the books, that i forget why i came here in the first place. I love this library. I love all the old books here. And they're all so purposeful. They're all tools for learning. It intruigues me as to what these books are meant to teach. ...Just a thought.

it's a different kind of sadness than i've ever felt. Because it's soo... permament. There's nothing like a sadness that has to do with a family. A family that's so far away. A family that's so sad, all the time. A family that i love so much. I don't feel like i have anyone to talk to. it's not stupid boy problems, it's something so real and so hard, i don't even knwo how to bring it up. The only way i know how, ends in tears before the first sentence gets out. I started crying to my room mate tonight.. Seeing my dad get in his car and leave.... knowing he was leaving sadder than he was when he got here. And i was supposed to cheer him up. That was my job. to be his relief... for one day. It feels like it's so terrible that i'm doing good here... because then they just have somethign to compare him to, and see how opposite we are. They have someone to say, "wow why can't you be like her?" I can't let them down. I hated walking in tonight, cuz i couldn't stop the tears on the stair case, and i knew he was busy crying too, he just didn't want me to see. wow, this is probably the most personal thing i've ever put on here.

and it's not him. it's me. i wish i could wash my hands of this. i want to cleanse myself from it. from the dirtiness. from the sin of it all. so i'll smoke my cigarette... drive to the unknown and try to rid myself of it. They call it regression. when something happens that triggers one to act out in ways that they used to. they say it's a defense mechanism. well, this past event triggered the resolutions. of what i should and shouldn't do. and maybe... i'm acting all wrong because i feel too guilty to ask for forgiveness. sometimes i feel so far gone that i can't come to you and beg for your holy love. I feel that this time- this time- i'll handle it alone. I tell myself that my way might be better. but my way only seems better. it only seems easier. I know your way is better. more long term. but gahhhh. it seems so darn far away. heh. i find peace when i'm confused. i find hope when i'm let down. and it's funny- cuz i can't say 'it's all i know'. cuz you and i both know... i know better. i know your love. i know your forgiveness. i know your serenity. ...i know your peace. i just can't seem to find it right now. but i know that in all reality- i just fight it. right now, i'm fighting it. and i can't let go of whatever it is i'm holding onto. the pain, the fear, the judgement, the denial, the resentment, the jealousy, the whirlwind that i'm going through. "there's always something in the way... but there's always something getting through. it's not me... it's you." thank you for getting through. keep trying. don't give up on me. i know you won't.

sad that i'm away from my loved ones. sad some of them have changed into people i didn't think they'd become. sad that i'm changing. sad that i'm sad that i'm changing. all i want to say is, "so this is what it feels like to grow up." but that's crap. i'm not grown up. nowhere near it. but i feel so. disconnected from everything i used to be all about. It's that time again, that i go through every few months... where i get sick of living in my own skin. You know? But for some reason it gets to be more and more calm as time goes on. i feel as though life has lost the intensity that it used to hold. great things happen, sad things happen, bad things happen, hard things happen, peaceful things happen. but sometimes... they just seem to blend together. there's no more sooooooo in love with something. or sooooooo upset at something. It just all seems to work out. heh. last summer aaaall i wanted was 'no more drama in my life.' now i wouldn't mind for a little somethin fact, i pretty much have the good drama, it's just the hard drama i haven't experienced in over a year that i wouldn't mind tast testing again... and here i am just writing, just writing. and honestly, i couldn't even tell you what is at the top of this page, cuz i don't even know where i started. i certainly don't know where i'm going to end up with all this. it just feels weird i guess... to have it easy for once. to have it good... for a long period of time. i think i feel that somethings wrong- because i'm so unused to it. it's funny to think back on love. on who loved me and who i loved, and what it all really meant, and what it means to any of us today. were they friendships? were they more? were they healthy? were they destined for failure? were they even real? will i ever get them back? were they simply to be used as lessons further on in life? why are the good memories the most painful? why is it that i still come back every once in awhile to thinking about the people that meant so much to me at certain points, but obviously don't anymore? is it that i'm immune to getting over it? why do i refuse to use names on this web page, when the people know full well that i'm talking to them? what's the mystery? what's the point? who am i hiding from? who am i protecting? i guess i just look at the counter and see that people come to this page. and i don't know if it's the same 3 people that just visit over and over. i don't know if it's people that i thought had walked out of my life long ago, and they secretly come to see what i'm thinking, see if i updated, see if i truely have failed at life yet, or if it's just random people that visit from my profile that hardly even know me (if that's the case, wow- this whole thing prolly doesn't make ANY sense to you.) hmmm.... well, kelsey, brent and weston. i guess i'm writing to 'yall. cuz i'm guessing that's where the numbers come from. but who know, if not, that's fine, if so, that's fine.
isn't it strange to think where we were at this time last summer? everything was so fresh... the air of life just tasted good. it's true that while we were losing some things, the things that we were gaining seemed far better, and far more worth it. and now look where we're at. wherever it is, cuz i honestly don't know with a couple of you where your life stands right now. sure, we talk every once in a while, but i don't know the important stuff. i don't knwo if you're happy, i mean really truely happy. i doubt i ever will. and that's okay for me. most of the time. sometimes, i'll admit i'm not content with not knowing. but those times are few and far between. back to what i was getting at.... think back to last summer. highschool ended, freshmen year ended (college and hs), relationships changed in a major way, and just soooo much was going on. and seriously- so much is going on right now. yesterday and tomorrow. but doesn't it feel like we've been where we're at.... forever? it feels crazy to think that so much was different just one short year ago. because even though it feels like my life has been like this as long as i can remember, it also feels like last summer was just yesterday. think about this.... for real- where will we all be at- in one more short year? will the people that we love still be the people we love? wow. God changes us in major ways. i can't wait to see what he has in store. i guess that's it. that's point and the purpose of growing up. but sometimes i just wish that life really was a book, and we could turn back the pages, to relive, and to memorize the fabulous parts, and then be able to skip ahead, past the parts that aren't really important, and the parts that bring pain to our hearts. But that's not how God had life designed. i guess i'll just do what i'm forced to by nature- to live life as each day comes. carpe diem.


Where am i going? Who matters most to me? What is going to become permanent, what is simply short term? what does it take, to realize that people change, and that that's okay? those are just a few of the questions that have been floating around my busy muddled mind. Confused about who i should spend time with, when i get back to the real world. cuz really.... this place isn't what i would consider the real world. I think of it more like, a small piece of heaven. Of course it was too unreal for me to deal with at first. I couldn't imagine ever being sucked in. Now i fear that i'm in and might not be able to get out. and i love it. They say there must be somethign in the water at Riverside.... because it is life changing. So of course- i only drank pop and juice the first couple weeks. But after being dehydrated day after day, i took a sip.I don't quite know how to explain it. bEcause although i'm sucked in, i know full well that in a month- it's over. ONly God knows if its over for me (at Riverside) or if i will be returning.... but i know that he has simply used this place as a tool.... but the gifts he has given me this summer are certainly not any kind of gifts that could easily be left behind. I will simply take them with me on my travels. So that's refreshing. The whole 'growing up' thing still freaks me out a bit at times.... here i am, the youngest person on site, everyone is talking marriage and proposals, and i feel way out of their league! but i have started looking at people not only for who they are, but who they seem to be becoming, and what kind of person they will be in 30 years.... and here i am.... not even having lived out an entire 30 year period. For the first time in my like, i'm watching actions as to how good of a husband guys will be, and i am looking at older people saying.... is that who i'll end up like? where am i going? what kind of house does God have destined for me to live in? It's crazy. It;s so crazy, that i can't even believe i, myself am thinking about it. it seems so far off. so unrealistic. i almost want to laugh at myself for it. heh. i love being able to laugh at myself. praise be to the Lord of laugher. Peace out.

more to come...
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theatre freaks