This page will be dedicated to all those little things that just frustrate me and don't seem to go away, and then the things that I really appreciate. 


Here are the positive things I notice:

When people, even the ones you don't know that well, do their best to make you feel good. Thank you guys!

Spanish, and the new words we learn that help us make fun new sentences.

A largely improved GPA for this quarter.

A whole night of not really anything that is still fun.

Web cams, it's fun to watch yourself and take pictures!

The people that DON'T tan and still look good. I think that is much more beautiful than all those people that tan.

The period 5B teacher who always lets me into the PC lab during my study hall, so I can get this page worked on!

Our lazy computer administrator for getting us all our own login names to the network at school. Now I can save my own personal settings, yay!

The friends, old and new, that still smile at you when your walking down the hallway during school and say hi, that always makes it nice to walk between classes.

Inside jokes with people: Dark Archon Cats, Diet Coke, Sex Machine, RJ's Salad, The Khala, good old NES, Hit me here!, and many more that I haven't mentioned.

Tennis! I'm not out for the team but it sure is fun to play!

Mr. Schmidt, he is the only teacher who makes me actually look forward to a class.

Frozen pizzas, diet coke, and subway. They make up more than 65% of my meals.

A certain something I received 6th period on Tuesday the 3rd. I would like that person to know that meant an extremely lot to me. =)

The people who took me on a trip over spring break, if it wasn't for you guys, I would have probably not done anything all break. You guys were great trip companions!

Applying for summer jobs. It's exciting to me!

How, well, I actually have two regular readers! Thank you, my regular readers, if it wasn't for you guys my page may have died already. 

I hit over 100 hits within about 3 days of inserting my counter. If my rate of hits stayed the same, that's like almost 3,000 hits a month, or 36,000 hits in a year!

I've got two pictures so far for my visitor art gallery! Now, only if i could get some help from some people with web cams for my user photo gallery...

The other guy that sits at the lunch table with me. You are hilarious, I probably wouldn't sit there anymore if you weren't there, your awesome!

We are already into the 4th quarter, which means summer is getting closer!

Ultra Pr0n Creator 3000! It is truly the best pr0n creator out there. I suggest it to all of you.

All you people who give me rides home from school sometimes when I don't have one! Brandon, Richard, Kara, Jenny are who come to mind.

 Just another one to those people who say hello and smile in the halls, especially a few of you, you can really improve a bad day.

Team Fortress Classic, a game over the internet. It feels good when you go insane and win.

The Fight Club DVD. It's an awesome movie, with an awesome disc for extra features, and even the case is awesome!

The many people who visit and reply on my message board often. We are going to have a party sometime guys, just us losers, the ones who post in the early hours of the morning.

Here are the negative things I notice :

When you are chatting with someone on ICQ, and they reply with yeah, k, or anything else that consists of one word. It makes it so hard to reply, and it makes me not even want to talk anymore. 

When certain people... you know are... say things that hurt me without realizing it. Oh wait, you don't know who you are.

Here's the last one backwards. When you do a nice thing for someone, going to lots of work, and they either don't even acknowledge it, or dismiss it.

Only allowing 5 people to go to the library during study halls.

Eating! Maybe no one else gets this, but it's so boring, and I don't enjoy it.

All these new observe people in their environment shows. Especially Temptation island, what's the deal about trying to split relationships?

When a song you like comes on the radio, and then someone turns it, or even if it's a song you don't like, but they turn it halfway through!

Waiting all day for something that doesn't happen.

Worrying about a certain average homework assignment that decides your letter grade for the quarter.

Exploding sub-generator power thingy's that cause the power to go out throughout the city.

Drivers ed! 3 hours straight with only a 5 minute break? And watching videos the whole time, and taking tests?

When people are wrong, but they are blinded by they are so good at other things that they don't think they could possibly be wrong. I used to be like that.

When people come here to my site but then don't sign the guestbook. Are you that self conscious that you don't want anyone to know you visited my page?

When I am with people and they want to go barge in on other people who deserve privacy. How rude! 

When people who are in much better positions than you still complain about things.

Signing my "Poll" instead of my guestbook. To sign the guestbook, click "sign guestbook" on my front page. The poll is for suggestions for other poll answers.

Whoever it is sending my cousin anonymous emails, well, watch your back, your mine!

Competing with a very close friend about something that is important to your both, that only one of you may get.

Our head librarian at the high school for kicking Jennie off computers for two weeks! She kicked Jennie off for going to my website in the library. How frustrating.

Religion on Thursday nights! I'll either fall asleep there, or be bored out of my mind.

Whoever it was that stole money from Josh, Jon, and I during P.E. class April 19th, 4th period.

Not having a ride home from school, and having to sit at my cousins for a few hours.

The grand march. I get the shivers from just thinking about it.

Bad days, especially the ones where you get a headache, and have a lot of thinking to do.

People who assume things about other people before they get to know them.
