First Name :   andrea d
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   buster
Anything you would like to see added? :   more kewl stuff
Are you writing in for my help page? :   no
Comments :   
First Name :   Josh
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   The Webmaster
Anything you would like to see added? :   all good
Are you writing in for my help page? :   maybe...
Comments :   the quote is da
First Name :   Spoon
URL :   
Email Address :   inbetween - i THINK
How did you find this site? :   i heard about it from ~the D to the U to the S to the T to the I to the N~ DUSTIN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   flaming people
Are you writing in for my help page? :   HELL NO!!!!!!!
Comments :   DUDE the sight ROCKS but u need chicks and flaming things +prefferably people+
First Name :   Vic
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   ICQ msg from Dustin
Anything you would like to see added? :   Pictures
Are you writing in for my help page? :   Nope
Comments :   Just sayin' whats up bro. =P
First Name :   Bonnie
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   you
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Are you writing in for my help page? :   
Comments :   Hey~ What up?? N2M here..Nice Page.. Well I guess I'll talk to ya later! ~ Bonnie
First Name :   The Madness
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   dustin
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope
Are you writing in for my help page? :   if you like, we all need help
Comments :   vote madness! hmmmmmm does K read this?
First Name :   Jennie Fairchild
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   Buster Welch
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Are you writing in for my help page? :   No
Comments :   Buster- This is awesome! You are a computer wiz. How the hell did you do this?
First Name :   Molly
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   i was looking for porn - how the HELL did i get here?
Anything you would like to see added? :   Ummm - naked girls. (not wearing pants like you know they are prone to do)
Are you writing in for my help page? :   no but i need help
Comments :   Hey busty - i was a little concerned that there was no journal. However i will live although i might need an ametuer psychologist but where do you find one of those? P.S. thanks for quoting me
First Name :   "the hulkster" puck
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   dust buster
Anything you would like to see added? :   gallery of girls
Comments :   and plotos of the hulkster him self!!!
First Name :   amanda
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   dustin
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope
Comments :   hey!!! awesome site!!!
First Name :   Kasey
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   you
Anything you would like to see added? :   No not really
Comments :   Its really cool! I liked it! Its fun! I'll be back to take the polls! Love Kasey
First Name :   nicholas schrunk
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   friend told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   not really looks nice
Comments :   
First Name :   Lord Of Darkness
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   fire...
Anything you would like to see added? :   Some burning people, mainly jenny and teresa and jemmy
Comments :   thE maTriX hAS yoU¿¿
First Name :   Molly
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   Cleo told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   more people needing help
Comments :   Hey busty just wanted to give you your props for working so hard on your site. You give good advice but the question in the help column was very confusing. oh well just like people's lives i guess.
First Name :   Sarah
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   From buster!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   HmMmMmMmMm........
Comments :   Buster your a stud don't ever change and uh, I like your web page its awesome.........I'm out!
First Name :   Val
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   :-)
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   Great site! Can anyone write to your help column?
First Name :   val again
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   :-)
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   One more comment, this is truly an awesome website! I love the rants page and the artwork is particularly cool. Keep adding stuff, it really is worth it! I'm passing the word!
First Name :   ty
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   penguins told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   a virtual jacuzzi filled to the brim with taco meat and pogo sticks
Comments :   cool site... SOFAR!! whats this about a rants page!?!? im gonna have to check that out. keep up the good work and if you need any pics taken or scanned ask me.
First Name :   Jen
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   it was on our comp--marked already!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope
Comments :   looks good, bus!! way to go! (i think i signed the wrong comment thing before--sorry!) yeah, anyway--good job on the site--i'm a huge fan--keep it up!
First Name :   Marta
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   Dustin, baby, yeah!!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   pictures of me!!!!!, j/k
Comments :   it's awesome dude, even though i haven't read all the way through, but it's cool from what i've seen. hey, "how would you know?", that' right, YOU DON'T!!! j/k, keep it real, home boy!!!
First Name :   marta... again
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   dude, i'm so sorry, i think i fell into your negative part of your rants page... i'm sorry for answering w/ k and whatever else. but hey, i do agree w/ the library 5 person rule thing, it does suck! and thanks for letting me go last week, you rock!!! rock
First Name :   Henning
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   AWESOME
Anything you would like to see added? :   Aehhh i must first have a look at it
Comments :   I hope it will work out with cs and cu later
First Name :   ty
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   the brave little toaster told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   stuff, and maybe some things
Comments :   i just wanted to prove that im not one of those people who goto your site and dont sign the guest book. there, i feel much better now. wait... NO I DONT!!!! JOIN THE FIGHT ON SANITY @
First Name :   M (it's code, you know)
URL :   i choose not to say
Email Address :   .....................................
How did you find this site? :   B told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   what else is there?!?!
Comments :   This site rocks. Great job buster, this is way better than my site. I finally got over my self-concinous and signed the guestbook!! Oh, and it is fun to invade peoples privacy, especially when they're making out in a public park!!!!!
First Name :   charles
URL :   working on it
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   the allmighty power of.....SAM's ASSSSSSS
Anything you would like to see added? :   well....lemme think.....some background pix!!!!
Comments :   nice!!!! this site rules!!! u gotta let me in on the rants page!!!
First Name :   Tara Avery
URL :, dont go it sux!! nothing there!
Email Address : me!
How did you find this site? :   you silly!!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   more cute pics of you and you sis!!
Comments :   Well buster! I saw the photo gallery!!..Looks like u do some modeling of your own!! are soo cute! Haha I love talking to you!! You are the coolest shit!
First Name :   brandon
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   the man himself
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   Hey man, nice work... can i have a hug?
First Name :   posh spice
URL :   Http://
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   bustier ha ha ha
Anything you would like to see added? :   pics of that dorky kid with no friends that doesnt even watch mtv. Oh god what a loser!!!!1
Comments :   Yeah I like all these fights on your message board! Keep up the good work Mr. charlie. I hate the T.V! I hate spirit lake if I wanted to see a bunch of rich kids go get drunk and wear abercrombie clothes i would friggin waste my time watching dawsons cree
First Name :   Danny Welch
URL :   none
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   you made me come here
Anything you would like to see added? :'s dumb enough as it is.. j/'s good
Comments :   good job buster keep it up...but don't be on the computer so much updating this page because i'm sure other people might want to get on.. hint hint
First Name :   Beau
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   buster told me
Anything you would like to see added? :   a nude picture of buster
Comments :   this is a sweet sight and ill sit with u a lunch tomorrow stud
First Name :   Heath Goetsch
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   Dustin
Anything you would like to see added? :   not really
Comments :   nice site, plenty of stuff, keep it coming.
First Name :   Rene
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   ummm.. tu
Anything you would like to see added? :   naked peoples... definetly
Comments :   awesome site, i don't even know how to make a websight, so i guess i suck. heh
face=times>Comments :   You're awesome!
First Name :   Henning
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   you
Anything you would like to see added? :   A better picture of still sucks and i will try to find a new one
Comments :   i look every once in a while in here and see whatzzz up. Nice that you up date it so often!!!!
First Name :   Kevin
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   buster
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope
Comments :   buster's hot
First Name :   Josh
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   um....buster....
Anything you would like to see added? :   movies!!!!!
Comments :   awesome site,like the rants page,and THE QUOTES!!!cant beat those.. CTHD is coming......
First Name :   g0d
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   "i know all" -hah! what a lie
Anything you would like to see added? :   "more love to me"
Comments :   i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist... i dont exist...
First Name :   Marta
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   buster baby, yeah!!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   me!, do i have to say it one more time????
Comments :   I just have to say that it's hilarious that rene said something about nakie peoples right above mr. d's entry. Allright buster, keep it real!
First Name :   cale
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   u told me bout it
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope its great!
Comments :   hey i finally looked at it!! i like the religion thing its really interesting and there are a lot of good points!
First Name :   amy
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   word of mouth
Anything you would like to see added? :   nope
Comments :   youre a computer genius! keep updating your page
First Name :   clare
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   richard....bad news....kirby died...i'm gonna go cry now.....this fuckin sucks!!!!!!
First Name :   emily grieves
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   guest pages
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   hey buster! i haven't talked to you in forever! i like your web page- keep up the good work! well see ya in high school
First Name :   Miss Peanutty
URL :   
Email Address :   
How did you find this site? :   My brother was on it and he left, so I got on it.
Anything you would like to see added? :   I thaink it is great!!!!!!!
Comments :   
First Name :   chase
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   the subway
Anything you would like to see added? :   
Comments :   snow is white rain is wet and food is food and thats why my protractor is purple
First Name :   Robert Jordan
URL :   he's hot :)pink pantys
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   in my moms panty drawer
Anything you would like to see added? :   ya my dad naked
Comments :   I sometimes ware my mom and sisters pantys, and i like to do my dog duuuuuuuuuukkkkeeeeeeeee. O ya we should be together too.
First Name :   gaylord focker
URL :   geench the peench
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   your mom
Anything you would like to see added? :   your two cats doing it
Comments :   I am the lizard king, i can do anything. I'm sick of doubt, dog men and there mean women. dour faces with there blankets over our sailors. standing and watching from our tv towers.
First Name :   Liz
URL :   
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   You!!
Anything you would like to see added? :   Everythings great!!
Comments :   Awesome site!! I couldn't get into the message board?!?!? maybe later.Stay cool!!See ya in Bio~
First Name :   ???
URL :   ???
Email Address :   ???
How did you find this site? :   friend
Anything you would like to see added? :   no
Comments :   was the comment about people tanning a bad thing?
First Name :   Devon
URL :   It used to be PosseNet, but....:)
Email Address :
How did you find this site? :   Buster
Anything you would like to see added? :   more color - it's a little drab, sorry. And maybe you could vary the type of stuff you include, like movies and music. I had a horoscope on my old website. It was pretty cool. *sigh*
Comments :   This is pretty funny, Buster. I'll definitely post a piece of my mind on your message boards. Overall, nice job!