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Welcome to my piece of the web. Why did you come here? Probably because you were curious as to who I am. Maybe you found me from a search, or most likely I spammed you with my url. Enjoy.

My page is was designed with notepad & frontpage2k. It's also made to fit in res 800x600 decently, as that's the res I use :P. In addition, please use IE 4+. A computer also helps.

New site! HERE

All i can say is LOL --> http://packetstormsecurity.org/unix-humor/cybersex.html

I got a new forum for my site setup already. Thanks to the good people at www.fiendz.net for hosting it! Click here for the new Forum

BIG NEWS!!.. well okay not big at all. im gonna redesign my site again, yey. check back soon and crap. or just crap, then check. either or.

Hi. No updates of importance. Cept a dhtml thing. Bah!.

As promised , here be my wesley willis pics! im toobusy atm to make thumbnails so just click here

Hrm. seems my domain name might not work soon, as its been almost a year since i got it. If that does happen ill probably renew it, but not for like 2 weeks hehe. You can access my page still. Either

Woohoo! finally got my wesley willis pics scanned and stuff. Took what, 3 months? hehe but who cares. Im bout to goto sleep and am downloading something, but later tonight when i wake up ill post em, i promise. in the meantime, check this out. SEA LAND!. its its own country, pretty cool if you ask me. i wanna move there and be a crazy machine gun guy guarding it. Heheh later.

Hrm.. been messing around with winamp3 alpha tonight. pretty cool. If anyone wants it go here ***********. Has a ton of cool new stuff, try it. Also, i got my wesley willis pics scanned tonight (from when i saw him live) expect em up soon :D. Who's wesley willis you ask? Go here and quit asking me stupid questions.

Bah! Bah i say. Nothing new to put on here really. Hmm. Well, for anyone who cares, you can view my old website here. (i dont update that anymore for you schollars out there)

Old site

K, heres the third one. Its the best of the new 3 hehe.

Owens bender - HMV2

Yey! i made 3 more prank calls. 1 is good ol Arnold, other 2 are Bender from Futreama. What sucks is when i formatted and reinstalled windows and stuff, now when i use my mic to port the recordings to computer, it has a little feedback. I dunno why. If anyone knows how to fix the feedback gimmie some help! use the comments/feedback form. Thanks. Its now uh.. 4:47 pm and i gotta go soon, so ill upload 2 of the mp3's now. Third one later.
Bender - HMV -- Arnold - HMV3

**quick update** I realise those text links look shitty <-------, but i havent installed flash or photoshop yet to i cant do much better for now. Soon ill have em done up real nice. You watch!

DO NOT EVER DOWNLOAD WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER 8. I had to reformat my computer lastnight because i downloaded and installed that hunk of shit. Aside from that.. hi. I heard one of my prank calls made it on the radio in Edmonton. According to my sources its the second biggest station in edmonton. Heh, thats cool. I hope it brings more people to my site. Thanks other me (faceless) for the feedback :D i get so little :((. Also, if you see some popup on my site, its from the domain website i registerd drull.com with, those bastards. Hmm. I think im gonna add more to my site soon, like hidden stuff and whatnot :). Check back soon! (p.s, i updated the link to the "threats" mp3 prank call, sorry to anyone who kept checking back to get it.. i forgot to change the url lol.)

Arr. Been downloading bigwrecks new album from the ultimate leet person of all time (phil). Its cool. Today is.. uhh may 22nd. Its not to be released till june 5th heh. If anyone wants something cool to download, get it.

Big Wreck
The Pleasure And The Greed

Hrm. My news section is so upto date it makes my hair hurt. Check this out. Softamp . its this really cool winamp plugin, makes winamp do all kinds of cool things. Im usin it now, i have 2 normal computer speakers, and it makes it sound like i have 4 all around me. Its playin tricks on my head. Help! .. oh , all i gotta do is turn it off. HAH. the day is mine!

I made a useless facts flash thing. yey. only 30 useless facts at the moment, ill add more later. Im tired damnit.

Lol,. well that was fun while it lasted huh? Links are dead. (i had the new tool album links from some stupid site) Yeah. So how you doing (insert name here). Yeah? Really? Hhahaha, no shit? ok im pathetic.

Hi. Well brad came over and we made some calls. Only 2 were good so only those you'll hear. I'll add the other one tomorrow, so i now have a reason for you to come back to my site!
To recap all my pride and glory:

    Mr Grandpa Man - (2.15mb)
    Chris's Sister - (344k)
    Rogers Video - (476k)
    Threats - (3.67mb)

Okay this one is better, It's my friend alex's granpda. Click HERE (2.15mb)to download.

Here's another, not that good though. CLICK HERE(344k)

lol. You gotta check this out, i made a prank call using Arnold S/ wavs, click here(476k) to download it. Now that i can record these sorta decently, i plan on making a whole set. Check back in like a couple days hehe. Cya.

God. I've been updating slow huh? Sorry :( Anywho, i added a search field, use it. Google rules

Did the art page now, its the same as last time, but it's a cool design so why change it?

I added a guestbook. Sign it and/or die!

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