this site is about:
My Horny and Druggie Acquaintances

First and foremost, I use the term "acquaintance" loosely, for I do not know who are my friends and who are not. But the featured people on this website happen to have been at my place of residence, thus giving me responsibility of any pictures I may have taken of them with my properly owned camera while they were here. Those that were not taken at my home were given to me in a formal manner which had transferred ownership to me. Keep this in mind that the pictures are MINE, thus I make decisions of what happens to them... OK, almost done being a dick.

Another thing. If you are even slightly offended by the word "dick", then leave NOW. It only gets worse. If you are offended by sexually explicit actions, pictures, or words, vulgarity of any means, then leave now. ALSO, this site is intended for those with extremely large mature/immature senses of humor. Be warned, I have a sick sense of humor, and if you cannot appreciate it, please leave. I'm warning you ahead of time.

OKAY, now to the actual OFFICIAL stuff about my site...

You must agree to these following terms:
I will not redistribute this material to anyone nor will I permit any minor to see this material, or any other person who might find such material personally offensive.
I am not a law enforcement officer, nor a postal inspector, nor operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, state, or local obscenity laws.
I live in a place where drugs are legal.
All of the content listed under this site is not to be downloaded, viewed, or used under any circumstances. If you do choose to ignore these rules, the webmaster and hosting organization are not responsible for your actions pertaining to the information on this site. If you are affiliated with any government, or ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group or were formally a worker of one, you can't enter this web site, can't access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. Everything on this site is for private and educational purposes only. If you do enter this site and ignore any of these terms of agreement, you can not provide any treatment of our hosting organisation(s), or anyone choosing to store information on this site because your actions will be a violation of code no. 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act from 1995.
This site, it's webmaster(s) and hosting organisation(s) cannot be held responsible for any content or files linked by this website.

To enter this site, you must be at least 150 years of age, NOT live on Earth, NOT taking any Honors classes in High School, NOT diabetic, NOT male, NOT female, and NOT by the name of
Nicki Beckett. If you fit into any of these categories LEAVE NOW.

One last thing. This is totally utterly completely KIDDING AROUND. Please don't be offended, cuz I'm KIDDING. K, moving on.

Okay, I got that all out of the way. If your SURE you can take it... here ya go... you've been warned repeatedly... introooooooo......