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"Can I Sell This Sunrise- In Return For a Sunset?"- Starting Line, "Left Coast Envy"

"You've got to look before you leap. Take a good look at your so-called 'friends'. Yeah, that's the company you keep. You've got the words coming at you from all directions. They keep flying their flags but they're never gonna understand."- The Suicide Machines, "Give"

"When Did Punk Rock Become So Tame?
These Fucking Bands All Sound the Same!"
-NoFx,"Separation of Church and Skate"

"Standing with everyone you do what they all do. You talk and agree but you still have no clue. Your smile is like a mask just for us to see. But it's getting hotter inside and it's getting hard to breath. Yesterday you're something. You're something that you're not. Today you're something. You're something that you're not. You're hard to figure out. You're hard to figure out!"- Big D and The Kids Table

Name: Danny- that'll suffice...

Age: "Going to stay 18 forever- so we can stay like this forever..."

Location: Glendale, Queens, NYC

Marital Status: Goose Goose Gozzle 1-19-02

"Perfect days rarely come my way
But I've had a few and they've been with you
I'll hang around because I want some more
I want you to have these days, too

Yesterday was a perfect day
It's times like these that you never forget
I hope you're feeling the same way too
'Cause I know I don't have any regrets..."
-The Suicide Machines, "Perfect Day"

Occupation: Summer intern at GHI until I leave for school.

Wish List: I really wish the Knicks didn't suck...

Some Links to Other Parts of My Page

Friends and All the Fun Stuff that Goes w/ Them...

Danielle: "Hey Danielle, I accomplished your life goal before you could...3x" *Scoreboard: Danny 3 Daniele 0*You're a bad sister but love ya anyway! Next time can we get chinese food instead of ice cream? *L* I'm 16 now? Hey why not? (Look at that. I'm really 16 now!)Thought you could beat me at handball? Hahaha! The day is mine! You are my best friend in this world. You've been there for me during the hard times(well, all but one) and through all the good times. There's so much that i could type here, but i won't- you know what you mean to me."It's funny- because YOU don't get it!" "You cut your hair! What's wrong?""My car is nicer""I'm a better driver""I get..."

Sammi: I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Thanks for always taking care of me. Even when i'm a shithead..."I had sex there"*Grins Very Proud Of Himself* Cookie! Baby Cookie Doll! It's weird the connection we've found. I remember the day i met you and that's amazing...Frothy? Bowling? LOL You, Mich, and I kicked their collective ass. "What scares you the most?""Doing things for the first time..."Hot Tools! Beach, Roller Coasters, Chinese Food, Don't like Tom Green...*Smiles* Perv! The window's right there. "You're so submissive. You always say okay." "What were you doing?""Math...""My head hurts..." OMG You dyed your hair blue. LOL Tangents are a good thing. I love you more;-) Overcoming fears...Fletcher? "What are you thinking about?""Geometry"Our 'List' LOL That drumstick better be on your wall...Overcomin fears since 2k2. You're a P.I.T.! Fucken Cleve! Mint? Fast Learner? 1-12-02:) 1-19-02;-) 3-12-02;-)<~~~Few scenes from my life or moments mean more to me than those three dates...To the world you can be just someone, but to someone you can be the world...You are my world...

"Best friends means friends forever"
-Brand New

Tim: Timmmmmmeeeeeeyyy! "With revenge sex, there's never a victim!""I want pointers""I'm a good guessor?!?!""I have to live my life through you...""Under the circumstances- the circumstances being...""Leather pants""I'm sooo eenvious...""Your girlfriend can't form coherent sentences""That's one of..."<~~So was j/k! I could still get you that horse if you want! WOAH! That girl has no shirt on...**Watches Tim Fall Asleep** NO SISTERS, MOTHERS, OR COUSINS DAMNIT! "She's not coming out today? What is she sober?" Kidding man! "I don't either." Ya bought her a fricken turtle..."These break-up songs make sense again.(Ataris) Can we break-up with her yet?"She lost her virginity at 13." "Did she find it yet?" "I Don't Even Like ORANGE JUICE!!!" You got a summons for jay-walking? WTF is wrong with you? *Watches Tim Walk To Corner to Cross the Street* Heeeeeyyy Sucock eh? *Smile and Nod* "Don't go to the movies on Fridays!" BETH IS REAL!!! OMG! Ya know what man? You get a song quote...
"Do you remember when the days gone by
Or is there no point for us to even try?
Back when we didn't have a care in the world,
Just getting drunk and chasing girls"-
The Bouncing Souls,"87"

Marc: Double Penetration, Viagra-Man, and the Sexually Frustrated Chipmunk! The Sex-Men! DUN DUN DUN! I fell! Squaggin'! Bagels? The Garden Gnome! "'Sup ladies? *Looks her up and down* "Sup Slut?" "You're one rude motherfucker Silent Bob. Cute as hell though..." "Yummy"<~~See Bronx Crew Page for list"I can't sleep...I can't eat...I can't have sex" "What else is there in life?" "I only do one of those things..."PUNK CONCERTS RULE!

Carlo: "All the times I wonder, If this is what life's about. Am i doing the right thing having fun? Am i doing the wrong thing being dumb? Wasting all my time. Trying to see what is right for me!" You're my last one left buddy. I'll pick you up for school about 8...lazy bum:) Nice catch hoody. We go back a long way dude...Lets keep the streak going. Face nipple? "You were in the pool. *Laughs*"

Jennk: You're not allowed to go to spain or to california. You promised me! I took you off "The Bronx Crew" since you don't really belong there anymore.=( You're one of the people I never get sick of talking to. Don't leave me here without you- like by going to Spain or something. "A ladder?" "Red light!" You called him. Not once- TWICE. *Get some sleep* "No va a Espana!" "Ease away the problems and the pain. The girl chose the one guy that makes you wanna kick and scream...""So all you little ladies- make sure you choose the right guys." Thanks for everything- the rides home, just being there, and especially being you...

Meagan: "Don't jump Mike! It's not worth it!" **Twenty Minutes Pass** "I don't know Mr. Police Officer. He just jumped in front of the train!" **Sniffle** Friday night and you're home AGAIN? You're coming out next Friday! LoL "I'm an idiot with a capital 'E'!" Late night chats and trying to sort out the drama- you're always there when i need you to be...Thanks for everything

Chris Rahner: I'll hate her if you do. *Espionage* AP comp sucks. Teach me CALCULUS! We just keep finding weird similarities between us. You're a good kid...stay that way....fiesty lil chihuaha..Trips to NJ and Mosh Pits in Penalty Boxes...this is what high school is about!

Matt Murphy: Let's start a pool...Dude, i think i owe you my life right now. Thanks for taking care of me at ed's. You rock. I'll get that picture to you sometime in the future(it's so broad though:) "He said or relationship is based on sex, drugs, and alcohol.""It is!""EAT MY ASS" Fuck ping pong!

Merri: "If you clone yourself and then have sex with your clone...What is it?"*Pets Merri's hair* You're my new concert buddy, but no longer my navigator- "6 Trains!" So Ken has a big head..."danny...if it was a choice between you or an def pick you" and then you said "awww thanks merri...that was sweet"[Why Its Merri [11:19 PM]:this guy likes me and hes a nice kid but he kind of looks like a troll] I'm still laughing about that! We've taken up missing the bands we go to see:(HSFH & LoL*Throws a Shoe @ merri* *Throws a Banana at Merri* *Threatens to Rape Meri Like a Sheep*(You were angrier that i typed your name wrong than that i was gonna rape you like a sheep or that i knew how to rape a sheep..*Ponders*)

Regina: So I'm immature eh? Generalizations are't a good thing Reg;-) Riiiiight, and you are? Who's fucking Leppy? Ahhhh! "Hence my fear of carrots." *Regina proceeds to chase me around house with carrot in hand* I'm 5? *hangs head in shame* "My shoulder hurts when I laugh and cry at the same time...Guys- i think i broke my shoulder...""The proof's in the pudding.""Where's the pudding?""We've got brownies...""You're booger's gone.""I know- I ate it!""The conversations*Points to the VERY FAR left*""That's just a crack in the nads my friend."

Tricia: You are a freak, but thanks for listening to me. You've been that person I've gone to when I need to whine. Thanks. *Beats the 240sx w/ a Baseball Bat* It's all about the hunk of metal! You're always there when i need you- remember though, that i'm here for you too if you need me.(Hey Timmy was ahead of me *Looks down*)

Diana: "My house is green." "I hate dogs." Let the damn tree RIP! I'm still trying to figure out whose friends are stranger. Who were those two girls? Hio? That still annoys the hell outta me. *Smile and Nod* You live down the block from me, and i still never see you:(

Matt: OMG you stole me a monkey! You're crazy man. BBQ at your place tomorrow? "Who in this room do you admire most?""Well, Matt made it through 4 months in Jersy and lived to bitch about it. He has my utmost respect."

Shawn: *SIGH* I Miss Shawn! OMG! Someone ate the onion! That's just sick! Captain Spontaneous? Dubious? What's the word? "It's ironic cause the word is 'obvious'...get it? it's obvious!" Heyyy SuckAlottaCock ehhh? F'self! "Hey i know how to make him squeal...okay- so it didn't come out right!" Parachute men rule! I'm never going on another spinny ride in my life- they're worse than StoneyBrook experiences.

Raiza: I'm never going back to StoneyBrook again! The stupid evil cop tried to arrest me! I thought he was gonna rape me or stick a plunger where it shouldn't go or something like that. That's the last time i go out at 3 in the morning! Crazy fun at Warped Tour Ray! Thanks for moshing with me!

Dave: Jill kicked your ass...AGAIN! "Homophobic? Nah, i'm just afraid of Dave." Don't stalk me man! "You are no better than Hitler!" January 12, 2003- you're going to owe me money;-)

Joe: Rides home to Flushing. Gotta love it. Early morning handball practices and long trips to matches- always fun.