For all the "nitpickers" out there who just love their rewind button, theres quite a few cock - ups in the movie, if you look hard enough you`ll see `em!. If you know of any not here i`d appreciate a email.

  • After Fun Boy says "Oh god! Look what you`ve done to my sheets!, his RIGHT leg lifts from the bed and we see the pyrotechnics wire for a blood pack coming out of his trousers. He also at first grasps his right leg as he is shot then camera cuts and when it returns Fun Boy is holding his LEFT leg instead.

  • Tin Tin says "i`d like you to meet TWO buddies of mine. We never miss.." and throws THREE knives!. And then when Eric pins Tin \Tin to the walland says "Victims arn`t we all.." he sticks FOUR knives in his abdomen.

  • In the same scene, when Eric throws Tin Tin he lands on his right side. But when the camera shows Eric picking him back up, Tin Tin is on LEFT side.

  • In the fight between Eric and Top Dollar, when u see the lightning strikes, you can see Top Dollars blade go in the gap between Erics arm and chest.

  • When Erics in the back of T-Birds car, the first scene shows Eric with Fun Boys 44 to T-Birds head, in the next scene he has T-Birds Berretta put to his head.

  • Gideons glass contains irregular quantities of liquid in one particular scene.

  • When Sara goes into Erics appartment, she says "Hell with you, i thought you cared!". Eric appears from the dark and says "Yes Sara, i do care!". If you watch Eric`s shadow, it dosen`t meet up with the ones in the adjacent scenes.

  • When Eric is leaving Sara to return to the grave/ land of the dead, and she is captured by Top Dollar & his henchmen, just before she is grabbed she takes a deep breath before the hand is put over her face thus giving the game away as to whats about to transpire.

  • When Sara pulls up to the Maxi Dogs she pulls her hood down right before she sits down. The camera shoots her then from a side view and the hood is up. This is right before the arcade explosion.

  • The same Maxi Dogs scene, where Sara gets a soda, when she drinks it, it makes the sound normally given by an empty glass.

  • The white cat that Eric comes across in the appartment, is looking spankingly clean even though as far as we know, no one has been looking after it for a year!.

  • When Eric returns home for the first time after his ressurection, you see the crow waiting for him at the top of the stairs. When the camera moves and cuts the crow out of the scene we hear a flutter of wings but the shadow of the crow remains totally still.

  • After Eric has dealt with Fun Boy and Darla, you should notice black electrical tape around Erics body that was not there before. This is because there was a fight scene between Fun Boy and Eric that was left on the cutting room floor. Fun Boy used the razor taken from Darla by Eric. Later he patched his clothes up with the tape. They were of the opinion that the tape gave Eric that extra bit of look so left in in.

  • When Eric uses Officer Albrecht`s memory of what Shelly went through to kill Top Dollar, he first reaches out with his right hand. When the view changes to the side, he uses his left hand then the right one follows.

  • During Eric`s flashback we see a pumpkin in the appartment smash to the floor. Yet when the police are searching the bedroom in the beginning of the movie (after the murders), the pumpkin remains in perfect shape.( Maybe the Crow brought it`s soul back too?..)

  • During the shootout scene in the nightclub, Eric shoots two of Top Dollar`s henchmen, both smashing through glass windows and falling to the nightclub floor below. The second henchman is visibly suspended by a cable.

  • The second time Sara visits Maxi Dogs with Gabriel the cat, you can see the cat is trying to get up and is obviously being restrained.

  • And My Personal Fav`!!... At the very end of the movie when Sarah is in the cemetary, the Crow gives her the ring,and it makes a clanking metal sound!...Does Sarah have a metal hand i wonder?.

  • About tin tin and his knifes, he does say the 2 but after Eric blocks the 2 he pulls another one out then throws, eric catches that one throws it then pulls one out of the jacket. I cant tell you how the other two got there but sinse he takes the jacket and there are 2 more lying in the alley i am sure he got more knifes. just thought u would know.
    Many thanks for this one emailed to me by FORMENOTYO@**.com on 29 / 01 / 2003.
In creating this page of silver screen cock-ups, i must say that i personally did not sit and spot all these errors in continuity etc etc myself!.. And i do not know who did either, so many many thanks to all the Crow fans who did..