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Fear Factory - Obsolete

Vocals | Burton C. Bell
Guitar | Dina Cazares
Bass | Christian Olde Wolers
Drums | Raymond Herrera
Keyboards & Programming | Rhys Fulber
Guest(s) | Gary Numan, DJ Zodak, Pat Hoed, El Feroce, Susie Hodge, Walter
Creery, Falstaff Fallen, Monty Washington, Coco Collingwood, Narcisso, Pepe
Lamoco, Clea Ledinghame, Chelsea Devon, Madchild.
Produced By | Rhys Fulber and Fear Factory
Mixed By | Greg Reely, Rhys Fulber, and Dino Cazares
Record Label | Roadrunner Records
Website |
Singles (as of March 16, 2001) | Descent, Cars

After listening to the album Obsolete, all I can say is.. wow. I know I
complain about a band being annoying if it's just heavy metal and nothing
else, but Fear Factory doesn't bother me at all, and they're very heavy.
Burton C. Bell changes his voice quickly and often which is a plus, but
there's something much more compelling going on here. The lyrics are actually
all part of a story which is written in the booklet, the songs are the words
of various characters in the story. Except for the 5 bonus track, one of
which is a remake of the Gary Numan classic, Cars. The album goes from
head-banging style metal like Shock to a desperate sounding song called
Descent. The guitars are well done, especially those in Hi-Tech Hate. The
song opens with a very muffled guitar and slowly becomes louder and moer
clearer, then some fast drumming kicks in and everying picks up.. very nice.
Something else that I find very cool that Fear Factory does is the sound
effects, like those in Edgecrusher. They sound like some effects you'd hear
on TV. One song even opens with police men communicating with each other,
every song puts a image in your head of what's happening.
The story is really good and I think this was a great idea, I'd like to see
it done more often.

Obsolete Track Listing -
01 Shock
02 Edgecrusher
03 Smasher/Devourer
04 Securitron {Police State 2000}
05 Descent
06 Hi-Tech Hate
07 Freedom Or Fire
08 Obsolete
09 Resurrection
10 Timelessness
11 Cars
12 0 - 0 {Where Evil Dwells}
13 Soulwound
14 Messiah
15 Concreto
Total Length | 68:44

Best Songs on Obsolete -
Hi-Tech Hate

If You Like Fear Factory Check Out -

Past Works By Fear Factory -
(2001) Digimortal (out April 24)
(1999) Obsolete
(1997) Remanufacture
(1995) Demanufacture
(1993) Fear Is The Mindkiller
(1992) Soul Of A New Machine

How Obsolete Rates -
Vocals | Awesome
Lyrics | Godly
Music | Damn
Overall | Time for the good ol' Ass-O-Meter! *drum roll*
The ass has just fled the scene and dove out of a window because he was
afraid of being kicked by Fear Factory again. The music is just awesome with
the guitar and all the extra sound effects, Burton not only screams well, but
has other good singing voices which he uses as well, and the lyrics are very
very good. All of the songs are part of a story which is told in the booklet,
something I've never seen done before. 9.

Did You Know?

*No asses were harmed in the making of this review


