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Welcome to South Africa's "Concerned Public " Website!

Have your say!

Have you read something in the papers that has bothered you?  Have you heard something through reliable sources that you are angry about?  Do you want to do something about this?  We tend to think that if something bad is going down then someone else is doing something about it.  Wrong!  This is very often not the case.  A few of us on the Mail and Guardian forum have decided we want to pro-actively start taking a stand on issues instead of just reading the news in torment.  If you would like to join us in our actvisit escapades please jump right in, the more of us there are, the less they will be able to keep the bad quiet!  

submit more sites and contacts here


Looking for support?

I have listed organizations that provide support in regards to Abuse and Crime.


last updated 6/11/2000

Driving (a South African concern)
Other (misc) sites
Womens Organisastions
Human Rights Organisations
Radio Stations

Conservation/Environmental/Animal Welfare

Positive News (can this be??)
Foods & Vegetables

Please feel free to send me an email should you want something to be brought to others attention!

Click on the links below to get involved


Womens Organizations



Human Rights Organizations


Any form of Abuse, Rape or Assault




Radio Stations

Conservation and Animals


Positive News in South Africa

Food and Vegetables


Driving in South Africa (this is the site you have been waiting for South Africans!)


Other Sites



submit more sites and contacts here