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The Obscure Works of Jon C. Egan

All works included in these pages were conceived and written entirely by the author. The stories are totally fictional and no offense or insult to any party is intended. Anything within these stories that seems to be taken from real life would be entirely autobiographical, and therefore I don't see the problem. Besides, you'd have to know me really well to notice, and if you knew me that well you probably wouldn't care. None of that matters, of course, because as I've said, it's all entirely fictional.

Some of these works include mature language or situations, and thusly should not be viewed by children without supervision, nor by anyone without an open mind or a sense of humor.

Also, in accessing these documents, you agree to never ever use them for anything besides your own reading pleasure

Thank you and enjoy.


The Grille Blues is protected by copyright.


About the Author
The Grille Blues (Short Story)
Deleted Scenes from The Grille Blues